
《An Education》读后感100字

《An Education》读后感100字

《An Education》是一本由Lynn Barber著作,Atlas出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 13.00,页数:192,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《An Education》读后感(一):一般

冲电影看了这书,电影的情节只占书的三分之一,另外的三分之二讲了作者在大学和男生各种约会最后遇见自己的男神顺利结婚,还有事业:很少去上课,喜欢在图书馆写作,进了一家三俗杂志社写文字顺利踏入时尚圈,然后出了跟sex有关的书声名大噪,后进入新闻界成为一位靠谱的记者,找不出太多亮点,可能是我读的断断续续读了好几个月,对里面情节没啥概念了,私认为还是和老男人date那一段金句颇多,十几岁少女可以冷静地说,“我成功地让他求婚了,但我怎么可能放弃去牛津念书的机会。” 作者做人做事的眼光很犀利很成功啊。

《An Education》读后感(二):far beyond a memoir

I considered the book to be a memoir at first. Then I realized that, it is a retrospection of someone's growing-up and her deep calling of love. I have to admit that the most impressive part of this book is its endings. When she said, " Since when he (her father) began caring me?... I felt like being a 15 year old girl again." Maybe one day, I would have the same feeling. Maybe I already have this feeling. I remembered the day I left my father. He was standing by the door. I picked up the bag and left without seeing him another time. I received his msg when sitting in the car. He said, papa forgot to remind you to take care. I thought that's the only thing he could say, always like this. Then I red the book some days ago. I ended reading it with a desire to call my dad. A dad never says more, but his short good-bye consists everything.

《An Education》读后感(三):很喜欢

我不擅长挑选“最”系列,比如自己最难忘的事,最喜欢的歌手,可是如果一定要我选一部最喜欢的电影,那大概就是an education/成长教育了。



书中按时间分为这样几章,childhood, an education, oxford, David, penthouse, fleet, street, success, disaster, postscript.

而电影真正拍的只是第二章,也就是an education这样一部分,隐约也提到了childhood and oxford两个部分。


书中看来,barber(电影里是janny)并没有热烈的爱上Simon(电影里是David),甚至并不那么想和他结婚,而且后期主动想和simon分手,simon之所以求婚是为了挽救这一段关系。simon对janny而言就是一个给他展示了一个新的世界,成人世界,复杂的世界。就像barber在书里写的“ I badly wanted to be sophisticated。"


她始终坚持着真我,不那么注重他人的看法,为自己而活。她在提到她和老公david之间的感情的时候写到“ I think people who try to run their marriages according to other people's expectations are insane...A good marriage is whatever suits the participants, and our marriage suited us fine"

她一直敢想敢做,敢爱敢恨。虽然在牛津的四年,她的私生活可能比较轻浮,她耶完全不避讳,她说她在努力的学习男人。她在自己的一张内页中的照片,也就是书的封面上这张的注解是: studying hard to be a femme fatale. 毕业后她又几乎是自荐找到工作,所在出版社是做情色杂志的,她还阴差阳错的写了性爱指南。最终坐上了自己最喜欢的记者,获了若干大奖。职业上大概就是这样的经历,生活上最大的挫折则是david患癌症和白血病最终离去。


What did I get from Simon? An Education- the thing my parents always wanted me to have. I learned a lot in my two years with Simon. I learned about expensive restaurants and luxury hotels and foreign travel, I learned about antiques and Bergman films and classical music. All this was useful when I went to Oxford - I could read a menu, I could recognise a finger bowl, I could follow an opera, I was not a complete hick. But actually there was a much bigger bonus than that. My experience with Simon entirely cured my craving for sophistication. By the time I got to Oxford I wanted nothing more than to meet kind, decent, conventional boys my own age, no matter if they were gauche or virgins. I would marry one eventually and stay married all my life and for that, I suppose, I have Simon to thank.

But there were other lessons Simon taught me that I regret learning. I learned not to trust people; I learned not to believe what they say but to watch what they do; I learned to suspect that anyone and everyone is capable of 'living a lie'. I came to believe that other people - even when you think you know them well - are ultimately unknowable. Learning all this was a good basis for my subsequent career as a interviewer, but not, I think, for life. It made me too wary, too cautious, too ungiving. I was damaged by my education.





