
《Milk and Honey》读后感精选

《Milk and Honey》读后感精选

《Milk and Honey》是一本由Rupi Kaur著作,Andrews McMeel Publishing出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:GBP 9.99,页数:208,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Milk and Honey》读后感(一):她的灵魂和身体都不是空的容器,无需被谁填满。

『My heart aches for women helping women like flower ache for spring.』 如作者所言,这是关于爱、失去、创伤、虐待、治愈与女性主义的诗集。在网上冲浪时看到随意翻开的,激情的控诉、富有想象力的比喻与简单而写意的插画吸引了我读完。全书主要分为四个部分,the hurting,the loving,the breaking,the healing,次第向读者展现了一个女性世界。 幼时她看到性的暴力。父亲的失职与母亲的悲剧、被年长的亲人猥亵、被忽视、被斥责、被训诫、被失声、被扭曲,她向世界寻求安全感,但是那时她知道的爱只有吼叫与伤害。他们捂住她的嘴,『you were so afraid of my voice i decided to be afraid of it too』,当医生拿出洋娃娃说在这个娃娃身上指出他碰了你哪些部位,她也像洋娃娃一样沉默麻木。 后来她恋爱了。她爱得投入,认为自己张开的腿像蒙上帆布的画架,渴望着他,像渴望着艺术。她想象着那个男人抚弄她的头发时发出拨弄竖琴的声音。她阴阜的毛发如森林大火,周边是汩汩溪流。在这段关系中,她也将自己客体化,将自己比喻成他想要劈开的山——Split in half,这亦是前文她对rape的形容。 她爱着那个人,他曾经说我不是问你的职业而是问你的理想,但是他终于也开始让她闭嘴了:『you talk too much he whispers into my ear i can think of better ways to use that mouth』。但是她的灵魂和身体都不是空的容器,无需被谁填满。无意义的争吵、欺骗、背叛,她以为loving覆盖了曾经的hurting,直到她再一次在所谓爱的关系中受伤。 我想这不是关于男女之爱的书,即使她写过很美的情诗。这是女性主义和自我的书。失去他,是自己转向生成之在的开始,最好的疗愈是爱自己,成为自己的灵魂伴侣。她说,有色人种女性背上所书写的故事,没有任何一本书的书脊承载得住。但是比喻好像暗含着客体化的征兆,当她放弃她浪漫的比喻,平铺直叙、横冲直撞地说出爱自己、爱女性,我觉得她终于得到了healing:随心所欲地活下去。 奶与蜜之书。奶与蜜不止是阴 道分泌的情感,更是她对女性的祝福:『of course i want to be successful but i don't crave success for me i need to be successful to gain enough milk and honey to help those around me succeed』

《Milk and Honey》读后感(二):我们都,可以写诗

milk and honey. 为了实现2021年滋养和恢复我感性大脑的mission,读了一本几年前大火的诗集,总体来说我觉得这本书很一般,我觉得它受到的赞誉太过高了,因为作者的很多诗更像是日记里的随笔片段和短句。本书分为四个部分,the hurting, the loving, the breaking, the healing. 其中我最喜欢the healing的部分,有很多赞美女性力量和美丽的诗。


在这里分享一篇作者写的我最喜欢的诗之一吧: My issue with what they consider beautiful is their concept of beauty centers around excluding people i find hair beautiful when a woman wears it like a garden on her skin this is the definition of beauty big hooked noses pointing upward to the sky like they are rising to the occasion skin the color of earth my ancestors planted crops on to feed a lineage of women with thighs thick as tree trunks eyes like almonds deeply hooded with conviction the rivers of punjab flow through my bloodstream so don't tell me ant women aren't as beautiful as the ones in your country

ps 今天走了大概一万步,在家附近湖边的椅子上,在阳关的拥抱和温暖下,读完了这本诗集。图二是我们家附近的公园,完全无滤镜,夏天真的很美好。

《Milk and Honey》读后感(三):忽而立夏,我只想读诗和爱你。


夏天呢真是不适合忧伤啊。不如来一起晒晒太阳,再读首小诗吧。这本来自rupi kaur的小诗集Milk and Honey,是长达一年的#1 new york times bestseller,被翻译成30多种语言发行了150万册。


how is it so easy for you to be kind to people he asked

milk and honey dripped from my lips as i answered

cause people have not been kind to me

let it go let it leave let it happen nothing in this world was promised or belonged to you anyway

perhaps the saddest of all are those who live waiting for someone they're not even sure exists.

yes it is possible to hate and love someone at the same time i do it to myself everyday

the world gives you so much pain and here you are making gold out of it

there is nothing purer than that

you were a dragon long before he came around and said you could fly

you will remain a dragon long after he’s left

the universe took its time on you crafted you precisely so you could offer the world something distinct from everyone else so when you doubt how you were created you doubt an energy greater than us both

Losing you was the becoming of myself

If you were born with the weakness to fall you were born with the strength to rise

your name is the strongest positive and negative connotaion in any language it lights me up or leaves me aching for days

阳光正好 微风不燥 来时的路是否像糖 未来的日子都铺满 Honey and Milk 因为美好是自己暗下的承诺 且岁月不败美人
