


《呼啸山庄》是一本由[英] 艾米莉•勃朗特著作,重庆出版社出版的平装图书,本书定价:13.00元,页数:353,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。
























《呼啸山庄》读后感(三):"Wuthering Heights": A Modern Classic

"Wuthering Heights": A Modern Classic

This essay aims to set out the details of my personal standpoint that "Wuthering Heights" is a piece of Modern Classics undoubtedly. I would like to premise my assertion that all of the discussions are established on the base of the given facts which may appear to be a result of diversified replaceable factors. As it is meaningless for me to pay attention to this kind of assuming questions: What if Emily were not the sister of Charlotte and Anne? What would happen if this book were published in contemporary literary environment? History is a collaboration of coincidences and interactive elements, so is Classic. All the seemingly replaceable factors cannot be replaced since they have worked on it historically.

Additionally, I would like to take the musical works of "Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush as a typical modern interpretation of the original works, which is supposed to be regarded as an edgy decoding of an edgy classic.

Based on various theories of literary study, I would like to divide the texts of W.H. and its external contents (dissemination and significance) into two independent level for analysis.

1.Writing: A matter of text

(1) Typicality of the texts. On literary classes in my country(China mainland), a classical masterpiece in narrative works firstly calls for an typicality within the text itself. That is : Typical characters, typical contradictions and typical solutions. Take the case of W.H., Heathcliff is an undeniable typical Byronic hero holding an ambiguous standpoint of class. Catherine Earnshaw acts as a surrendering female to love, family and society. And the relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine presents all the necessity in romantic narratives: exclusivity, idealization, intrusive thinking, emotional dependency, powerful empathy and desire of union (Jonathan Gottschall, 2006). As a romantic love story, it is undoubtedly successful in both characters and plots. What makes it cross beyond the limitations of romance is the essence of the works, which can also be called the central idea, as it raises up so many paralleled Typical themes with its typical contradictions: pursuit of self and responsibility of family, individual affection and social recognition, the rebellion between results and motivations, and so on. When a literary piece combine such multiple common contradictions within its plots, it is no wonder that readers would find great empathy in the book. With a positive first-handed reading experience as principal condition, the story inclines to be popular at a very basic stage.

When it comes the solutions of the contradictions, the final proposition of "Love and Death" emerges. Since Floyd put "the desire of sexuality" and "the desire of attacking" as the primitive instincts of human nature, literary works is supposes to be motivated by these two instincts according to this certain theory. That is why people get so involved when Juliet died in Romeo and Juliet, Jack died in Titanic, etc.. It is similar, even further, in the case of W.H. when Catherine dies and Cathy is given birth just at the same time. Love falls into an irreversible paradox as generation goes by. The narrative structure closes and cycles inside itself, proposing a settlement that actually knits it into a dilemma. That knocks right to the point of reader's "desire".

(2) The permanence of themes. Just as Horace put it: Who lasts a century can have no flaw, I hold that Wit a Classic, good in law. Typical contradictions constitute eternal themes of a novel. With aids of different genres of literature criticism, we can get different conclusions of W.H.'s themes reflecting in level of human nature (Love), philosophy (Alterity), political constitution (race and class) and culture study (theory of hospitality). These analysis are magical themselves. However, the object of the analysis seems to be enchanted when criticism cracks in. That draws forth our next topic: how reading makes a literary work a classic.

2.Reading: A matter of sense

We talks about reading in different meaning based on diverse concrete context. Here I just propose three kind of "reading" and "decoding" in three levels according to my individual understanding. They are: Public Recognition, Academic Criticism and Media Reappearance.

(1)Public recognition

As an "old" book, three elements should be discussed within the relationship between W.H. And average public: access, effect and comment.

Access: How people start reading W.H.? And why people choose to read it? That may involve the established culture constitution of a Classic. People first know W.H. mostly for its reputation and notability. As it is on the reading list in fundamental education and classical literature, people would turn to it due to conscientious motivations, which can be regarded as a self-conscious pursuit of common cultural features within a certain community: Everyone reads it, so you should read it.

Effects: The enchantment of the book is a progressive and irreversible process as only if it is listed as a classic, there always emerge thousands of people supporting the book who would speak highly of it even when they read no more than the first three chapters of the book. Herd mentality plays tricks in all culture group activities. Dissenting views can always be ignored or treated as a self-advertisement. In case of W.H., the charms of its plot we referred in the first section play an important role in public transmission. As most people around me are loving it, praising it for its struggling romantic narratives and remarkable characters. Indeed, the book has its corny elements which accelerates its propagation within certain level of readers.

Comments: However, other people would find it weird, awkward as well as "excessively" corny or no more than a "romantic story" due to the explosion of mass media. That is understandable for a girl having read thousands of romantic story to find W.H. so plain as the high intertexuality in contemporary romantic narratives are "using up" the resource of contradictions driven by human's instincts of sexuality, and most of these stories are more tactful in arousing and satisfying people's desire without any further meanings. For a primary reader, a profound themes in philosophy or culture study is unnecessary. Anyway, although people's views divides in modern times, the dominant rights of view is handled by Academic Criticism.

(2)Academic Criticism

I really appreciate the introduction in the second class of W.H.when nearly every view of literary criticism was presented to us. Hereby I would like just express some personal feeling towards this adorable viewpoints. As a student majored in Literature, I am absolutely not that naive to ignore the significance of criticism. However, I still keep my attitude towards the classical discourse of "Author is Dead" by Barthes. I don't think the analysis can really depart with the primitive motives of the original works. As I sometimes find that critics are stealing too much thunders of the authors. Admittedly, deliberate misinterpretation is inevitable in writing-reading relationship, but it shouldn't be an excuse for unrestrained distortion and excessive self-play. The real meaning of a critic is very limited for me, but the influence is massive. Academic criticism leads the major understanding of a certain piece of literary works as an Authority. Yet, the object of criticism is settled before. Criticism would find "classic" by itself. Then appears the final truth: not classical authors or classical themes of a book makes it a class, but classical critic DOES. Once a quintessential remark is made on a book, following academic discussion would heat it to be a hot spot. Then comes public attention. In the informations ages, attention is the most valuable resource. There must be something hiding under this dead cycle, which I haven't found it yet.

(3)Media Reappearance : Case - Music of Kate Bush

Actually, the attendance on media is somehow a reflection of the works's popularity in modern times. That is why we should treat W.H. as a modern classic on the basis of Kermode's theory. As media develops, we can have thousands of access to re-decode the texts of W.H.. The book shows its value more and more, little by little in this way as it has too many stories to tell, too much meaning to reveal, and too further sense to reach for recoders and readers.

Speaking of the works of Kate Bush, I must confess that as a Chinese girl I never hear of this artist before and I couldn't understand her at the very first time when I saw the MV. Nevertheless, I am totally amazed at her after viewing all of her works again and again. She is quite good at expressing all mood and underlying meaning with her unique language of body, voice, tunes, lyrics as well as visual designs. In her W.H., every posture is with a certain signifying in novel's world. The feature of narration and mucic is combined in a magical way.

I am so sorry that I have no enough words to make a much meticulous analysis of the fantastic MV. Anyway, this adaptation, with all the movies, dramas and fan-fictions of W.H., maintains the status of classis for the book in our modern times, which deserves respects in the so commercial and impetuous modern media world.

In a word, Wuthering Heights would preserve its status of "Classic" at least in our ages with its charming narration, plural themes and public attention. As classic goes on, people's reading pattern can be moulded by these thought-worthy masterpieces. We live in an established world, we love what we read just because we are what we read. Although it looks more or less weird, we can always encounter with these "weird" people and things around us. That is where classical literature's values lying in: we can find ourselves in the book itself.
