


《休谟》是一本由[英] A.J.艾耶尔(A.J.Ayer)著作,译林出版社出版的平装图书,本书定价:32.00,页数:256,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。









《休谟》(Hume: A Very Short Introduction),英国现代著名哲学家、逻辑实证主义的代表A.J. 艾耶尔(A. J. Ayer)著,一本大家写大家的小书。在艾耶尔看来,尽管这些说法不无道理,但作为一名有着独到见解的休谟,其实在建构自己的哲学体系,而非充当所谓的先驱或指引,他的因果论观点,知觉理论,以及他的政治观,都具有启发意义。


在休谟的哲学体系中,因果关系是一个重要论题。拉丁语中有句话说,“后发者因之而发”(post hoc, ergo propter hoc),但问题显然没这么简单,时间上的先后并不能保证因果关系。对因果关系的理解焦点在于,世界或者事件究竟是偶然的,还是必然的——如果是必然的,最终是否将回归到上帝创世这一主张呢?尽管休谟曾对因果关系如何可能进行了细致论证,但他的观点并非毫无缺陷。






大卫·休谟(David Hume,公元1711年4月26日—公元1776年8月25日),男,苏格兰哲学家、经济学家、历史学家,被视为是苏格兰启蒙运动以及西方哲学历史中最重要的人物之一。 休谟生于苏格兰爱丁堡的一座公寓里,根据《休谟自传》,休谟的家世不论在父系方面或母系方面都是名门。休谟父亲的家属是何谟伯爵,或休谟伯爵家属的一支;至于他的祖先们,则历代以来曾经领有过我兄弟所领有的那些产业。休谟的母亲是发尔康诺爵士的女儿(发尔康诺是民事最高法院的院长),她的兄弟曾世袭了赫尔克顿勋爵的名号。不过休谟的家属并不是富裕的;而且休谟在兄弟行中既是最小的,所以按照乡土的习俗,休谟的遗产自然是微乎其微的。休谟父亲算是一个有天才的人,当休谟还是婴孩时就死了,留下休谟和一个长兄,一个姐姐,由休谟母亲来照管。休谟母亲是一位特别有德行的人,虽然年轻而且美丽,可是仍能尽全力于教养子女。


《休谟》读后感(五):David Hume

David Hume

“The rules of morality are not conclusions of our reason.”


“Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them.”

Empiricism: Men can have no knowledge of this world except what they derive from experience. Experience consists of both impressions(immediate and direct engagement of our senses with the objects) and ideas (mediated reflection of our minds about the materials, garnered by our senses).

Counter-argument: Hume seems to suggest that ideas are derived from impressions, which are derived from our perceptual engagements with the external objects. But he himself offers a counter example: what about the case of a person who gets empirically familiarized with all shades of colors but misses out one. He forms an idea of the color that he misses by imagining it being between two other colors in hue.

Ayer’s response: even for impressions (direct and immediate engagement with the objects), there are still elements of inference. What we perceive in front of us is only a visual pattern and it is only through some inferences that we derive a conclusion about what the object is.

Causality is a myth. There is no necessary connection between two distinct events. There is no logical connection nor necessity between two separate matters of fact ( the so-called “cause” and “effect). We can make descriptions about one matter of fact, but that tells us nothing about what the first instance will necessarily or logically lead to. The so-called causality is only a matter of our mental habit or custom-when we frequently experience the conjunction of two distinct matters of fact(e.g., one is followed by another), that gives rise to our expectation that such regularity will persist in the future. Such mental habit or custom leads us to believe in the logical connection or causality between the two matters of fact.

Hume’s conclusion: reason ( reasoning inference from one matter of fact to another matter of fact) is ruled out of court: “ that all our reasonings concerning matters of fact are derived from nothing but custom.” Hume’s naturalist belief: the association of two matters of facts cannot be proved, but nature is thus constituted that we cannot avoid accepting them.

Solution: adding the Principle of Uniformity: whatever pattern has been observed in the past will persist into the future.

Ayer’s response: this principle is circular: it itself obtains support from the generalizations to which it seeks to prove.

Scepticism: something has no existence, independent of the perceptual situation in which it is captured by human senses.

People do not normally reject the continuous existence of external objects. But “this universal and primary opinion does not withstand critical examination.”

Hume: the objects that are immediately present to the senses are distinct from the senses, and yet only have a momentary existence, because of their causal dependence on our perceptual faculty.

Ayer’s response to Hume: what’s the point of thinking about such issue? It would be harmful for society if men do not have continuous existence.

Hume throughout his life remains skeptical over religious belief and the existence of God. Because of the social-political pressure, Hume is reluctant to say more about religious issue-he simply states that the existence of Deity in view of suffering is beyond philosophical study.

What if our perception of the qualities of external objects is inaccurate or mischaracterize the real qualities of the objects?

Russell: we could sometimes make verbal mistakes when we describe our preceptual experience. But such mistake remains verbal error.

Relation of ideas: 1+1=2 is true at all time. That means, whenever 1+1 will always lead to 2.

Matters of fact: anything pertinent to the empirical world e.g. the death of Socrates is not always and necessarily true.
