
《Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda》的读后感大全

《Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda》的读后感大全

《Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda》是一本由Becky Albertalli著作,Balzer + Bray出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 17.99,页数:320,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda》读后感(一):温柔的喜欢



《Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda》读后感(二):做我的奥利奥

印象很深的一句“He talked about the ocean between people.And how the whole point of everything is to find a shore worth swimming to.”我的翻译:人与人之间,相隔重洋,我们穷尽一生,游向叫做“知己”的彼岸。Simon游向了Bram,Nike抱得了Abby。

看coming of age题材的书,被甜到相信一切,相信blackmail Simon的Martin道歉时是诚恳可爱的,相信做作忸怩的Taylor帮Simon出头时是勇敢义气的,相信家长接纳gay/les孩子时是包容理性的。

小说结尾,Simon和Bram躺在床上,支着两顶小帐篷,Simon枕着Bram的肩膀,说:“我们每天都这样好不好,kiss,hug,no school,no meals,no homework."那一刻我不再猜测怀疑网恋到底靠谱不靠谱,就算是幻想的bubble,也是晶莹剔透。好啊好啊,两个小可爱,你们就躺着,什么都不做。

The stakes are high,the water is rough.But this love is ours. ——《ours》


《Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda》读后感(三):The Homo Sapiens Agenda

最近读完的一本书是《Simon V.S. the Homo Sapiens Agenda》,非常好看。

这本书不是讲漫长人类进化史中偶尔出现的同志火花,读起来远没有那么多big words以至于让人不断停下来去查字典。也不是讲悠悠夏日地中海小岛上不可抑制的爱意涌动,那种一句话都可以让你反复咀嚼一百遍的强烈认同感。这是一本,我可以一天不吃不喝不理男朋友而一口气看完的青春小毒物。

情窦初开的高中小男生遇到了心中的白马王子于是穿上铠甲勇敢变身的戏码,who doesn’t love that? 身边一群忠诚善良的朋友互相扶持互相原谅,会不会让你想起谁是你的Nick,谁是你的Leah?一个把Oreos和cheese一起干炸的心理医生妈,和一个“儿子你是怀孕了吗”式冷幽默的爸,两个知心的姐妹,这真的不是Monica和Chandler走出老友记后的生活吗?



《Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda》读后感(四):先看了电影才读的小说,稍微和电影版做一点点对比

先看的电影《Love, Simon》,然后来看的这部原著。

毕竟Young Adult青春小说,不应该有这么高期待度,绝对清水,但最后几章甜得不要不要的。




一句话概括:还没出柜的小gay Simon猜测谁是他的网恋对象最后甜甜蜜蜜出柜的故事。








其实电影里把很多桥段改编得更合理更戏剧化……比如Martin在Waffle House里拉着Abby大声喊话让Abby觉得可爱,Martin的公共告白被拒也让后面他气到怒发帖曝光Simon是gay……小说里就很莫名其妙。觉得电影里的Martin很可爱,小说里就写的能看出作者想给他洗白又不想给他洗白那种纠结的感情,给他加了一堆理由和借口最后还是没原谅他……








p.s. 写完才发现三联中译版12月要上市了……

《Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda》读后感(五):只剩下紅色的青春

#書# 2015《Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda》7/10


作者打開的是一個青春的大門,“people really are like houses with vast rooms and tiny windows. And maybe it’s a good thing, the way we never stop surprising each other.”讀著讀著,就有點說不清道不明在書裡看到的到底是室內窗外的風景,還是照著自己回憶中的鏡子……


“middle school is like this endless horror show. Well, maybe not endless, because it ended, but it really burns into your psyche. I don’t care who you are. Puberty is merciless.”很多傷痕在內心最脆弱的地方,即使被再多的自我欺騙和呵護小心翼翼包裹著,長大後依然會隱隱作痛。““Kid, he’s a one-man Pride Parade. An eternal flame.” My whole body tenses. Leah once said that she’d rather have people call her fat directly than have to sit there and listen to them talking shit about some other girl’s weight. I actually think I agree with that. Nothing is worse than the secret humiliation of being insulted by proxy.”所以我們都要學會合群“probably once she saw everyone else doing it. She’s a perfect chameleon.”但又要保持自身的酷“she was kind of cool in middle school. Under-the-radar cool.”在青春的叢林里,每一天活著都不是一件容易的事情。


和從小到大的好友在一起,就是天塌下來都心安的那種安全與溫暖。“I need the violence of video games and the smell of this basement and the familiarity of Nick and Leah. The rhythm of our speech and silences. The aimlessness of mid-October afternoons.”“I know Nick can tell something’s up with me, but he doesn’t ask questions or try to make me talk. It’s just one of those things about us. I know his voice and expressions and his weird little habits. His random existential monologues. The way he taps his fingertips along the pad of his thumb when he’s nervous. And I guess he probably knows the same kinds of things about me. I mean, we’ve known each other since we were four.”


“Wrinkled neck, gray hair Sorry to say this, Simon But you’re fucking old.”““Siiimon,” Abby says, except she actually sings it in this low, husky opera voice. “Hands out, eyes closed.” I feel something nearly weightless drop onto my palm. I open my eyes, and it’s a piece of paper folded into a bow tie and colored in with a gold crayon. A couple of people from other tables look at us, and I feel myself grinning and blushing. “Should I wear it?” “Uh, yeah,” she says. “You have to. Golden bow tie for your golden birthday.” “My what?” “Your golden birthday. Seventeen on the seventeenth,”...“So ready.” Leah slices it into perfect little squares, and seriously, it’s like waves of magical deliciousness have shot into the atmosphere. Guess which table of A.P. nerds have somehow become the most popular kids in school. “No hat, no cake.” Morgan and Anna lay down the law from the other end of the table. A couple of kids tape pieces of loose-leaf paper into cone hats, and one dude manages to wedge a brown paper lunch bag on his head like a chef’s hat. People are shameless when it comes to cake. It’s a beautiful thing to see. The cake itself is so perfect that I know Leah picked it out: half chocolate and half vanilla, because I can never commit to a favorite, and covered in that weirdly delicious Publix icing. And no red icing. Leah knows I think it tastes too red. Leah’s really amazing at birthdays.”


青春就是在一個所有事情都含含糊糊混混沌沌,有無限的可能性,但又有無限的不可行。對自我的探索,也是承認否定承認再否定。“I completely understand what you mean about feeling locked into yourself. For me, I don’t even think it has anything to do with other people thinking they know me. It’s more that I want to leap in and say certain things and do certain things, but I always seem to hold myself back. I think a big part of me is afraid. Even thinking about it makes me nauseated.”

在寫到認識新朋友而“背叛”舊好友的時候,那種不安、煩躁、懺悔,作者抓得精準漂亮。“The wipers arc back and forth, and there’s this kind of tightness in my chest. It shouldn’t bother me when Nick and Leah hang out without me. It just feels like I’m on the outside somehow. Not all the time. Just sometimes. But yeah. I feel irrelevant. I hate that.”“She shakes her head slightly, and her lips are pulled in, and she’s blinking and blinking. “I mean, it’s cool. But next time you guys decide to all hang out without me,” she says, “text me some pictures or something. Just so I can pretend I still have friends.””


這世上沒有比第一次愛情萌芽更折磨人的甜蜜了,而一個完美的初吻,更是可以溫暖一輩子的甜蜜。“He pauses for a moment, and my eyes flutter open, and he smiles, so I smile back. And then he leans in to kiss me again, sweet and feather-soft. And it’s almost too perfect. Almost too Disney.”“for someone whose kissing career began yesterday, he has seriously magical lips. Soft and sweet and lingering. He kisses like Elliott Smith sings.”

寫著寫著, 嘴角又不知不覺上翹了。青春啊,一個說出來就有五顏六色湧上心頭的名詞,但苦思細想,一切都只剩下紅色的剪影。當時那些可愛可恨的人啊,你們都在哪裡啊。如果上天再給一次機會,你們還願意再過一次這個回憶中只剩下紅色的青春嗎?
