
Daughter of Deceit读后感摘抄

Daughter of Deceit读后感摘抄

《Daughter of Deceit》是一本由Victoria Holt著作,Ivy Books出版的Mass Market Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 5.99,页数:1992-10-24,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Daughter of Deceit》读后感(一):【整合】入门级英文原著推荐



《Daughter of Deceit》读后感(二):我的透析记录第一本,Daughter of Deceit

花了两周多的时间终于读完了我人生中第一本英文原著,《Daughter of deceit》。在此记下心中所感。




最后给各位读英文原著的朋友一个建议吧,也是我个人的感悟,那就是,不要想着读完一本原著后你就能够把里面的生词全部记住,这是不可能的。To be honest,可能连四分之一都记不住。即使可以,也要以花费巨多的时间为代价。如果你想读更多的原著,那就不要把过多的时间花在一本原著上。我的想法是,可以利用每天的碎片时间背一下透析出来的生词,然后根据记忆曲线规律多复习。假以时日,再加上英文原著阅读量的不断增加,英语水平一定会有很大进步。


《Daughter of Deceit》读后感(三):绝佳的英文原版入门书

Daughter of deceit 的标签里有个“第一本英文书”,看来是奶爸和伍老师的功劳哇。








情节上一个悬念接另一个悬念,Victoria Holt算是英国的琼瑶,确实有小时候整天在电视机旁等着看《还珠格格》的感觉。


所以在这里我也不打算透露多少与情节相关的内容,只能说它讲了女主在经历丧母之痛后颠簸辗转的经历,最后是个happy ending,至于怎么就成了大团圆结局了,就请各位自己探究一二了。







《Daughter of Deceit》读后感(四):Being poor is your biggest sin

This is an easy-reading book . 2 points . 1. The words are not hard to recogniezed . 2.the story is really aatractive . I mean it is a normal chick-flick novel . maybe for men it is not attractive ,but for most women readers, it is good enough .

The auther is so called American qiong yao . qiong yao is good at writing a poor kind girl who fell in love with a boy whose family is rich .,or a student fell in love with a teacher .

Usually their love story was not blessed by the rich boy’s family . they tried their best to tear them apart . on the other side, the love birds barely did nothing but keep drowning in love . when they got together , they would talk about a lot of words but none of them were meaningful .

Well, back to this story . after read it ,I had some bad feelings . the moral of this story seemed to tell us :being poor is a sin , it pushes you to do bad things . on the other hand , if you are rich , your world is better, you could be a saint ,just like a white pure bunny. if that is what you want .

Even bad things will flow .

Besides ,the two who got married at last seemed had just seen each other for few times,then they fell in love . for god sake , beautiful people were so quick in love .

《Daughter of Deceit》读后感(五):透析日记001






concierge perceptive smirk roguish contemptuously

qualm extravagant pate鱼酱,肉酱 jeer mademoiselle reminiscent consolation moor garrulous tessellate trident surmise exultant hideous tantrum flighty grimace ailment affable aloof ambience animosity apprehensively benevolent besot brood butler consternation cupidity derelict desist despondent discomfiture dismal dismay distraught embellishment emblem eupgoria ewer exasperate feebly foliage gaiety governess haughty hoard impinge indisposition indulgent infatuation laudatory meekly melancholy manace peevish perilous plait premonition prostrate queasy remiss repulsice retaliate ruefully squire stain subdued uncanny venomous verve wanly

in awe of prance around grapple with mock marriage be fraught with with alacrity

scrutiny: "And all the people you have painted are subjected to this . . . scrutiny."

profusely.:Angele gave him the coffee, for which he thanked her profusely.

Mecca:So he packed his bags and came to Paris . . . the Mecca of artists.

cunning:She is somewhat cunning and is going to make sure she gets more than she gives."

eerie:The paint was luminous and it was most effective and inclined to be eerie.

misdemeanour:What a terrible punishment for such a small misdemeanour

appalling:And I have been talking about myself all this time, which is an appalling lack of social grace, I believe.


I have a dislike for the sanctimonious who enjoy taking away people's pleasures with the excuse that it is good for them to be without it while all the time they are indulging their pleasure in contemplating their own virtue.

But if a flattering picture gives pleasure, what harm is there?

We have circumstances to contend with. Who of us knows what tomorrow will bring? But I do believe we have the power in us to overcome adversity.

I venture to say an artist knows best.

What I want is a family . . . people to laugh with and quarrel with.

People you can say anything to ... and you feel they're there, however horrid you are to them . . . they can't get away because they are family.

Other people's troubles always seem to have a solution. It is only one's own that do not.

“Life isn't fair!"

"It never has been."

"Why do some have all the luck? Why do some of us have to stand aside and grab what we can get? Catching the crumbs which fall from the rich man's table!"
