
The Fountainhead经典读后感有感

The Fountainhead经典读后感有感

《The Fountainhead》是一本由Ayn Rand著作,Penguin Classics出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:GBP 7.99,页数:752,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Fountainhead》读后感(一):喘不过气

这是我读得最慢的一本书,按理说700多页的英文小说最多两周也读完了。半年多了,才看完400页。不是因为生词,不是因为语法,不是因为Ayn Rand的语言。 读完Ellsworth 觉得用完了我的生机, 他散发的黑压压的恐惧让我喘不过气。Ellsworth就像如今占据在中国社会最高层的那个团体,口中传授的都是仁义道德,却企图驯服每一个人,让我们失去自我的特点,最终这些思想都变得一模一样的个体在组成一个庞大的意识共同体。




Katie对着Ellsworth尖叫Im not afraid of you 的时候, 我哭了,一半是害怕,一半是解脱。

《The Fountainhead》读后感(二):Just live for myself


先来说说主角Howard Roark 的故事开始于20谁出头直到中年的故事。最经典的地方是Howard 的两次被起诉。不得不让人惊叹的是Howard的个人在精神层面上竟然在经历这么多事件后没有丝毫的变化依然是最初的那个Howard.这一点是不是理想化我不知道,或许到现在为止没有几个人做得到。依旧是最原汁原味的自己,没有恨任何人也没有恨这个世界。在他的世界里只有实现自己的价值坚持自己的创作。这就是这个人身上最大的魅力所在。只为自己而活,desire是所有行为的动力,和Dominique之间的爱情也是。

另一个不得不提的是Ellsworth,可以说是Howard 的反面,像许多武侠小说里,这两个人是两个不同的派别。两个人都是那么聪明那么天才。那么要有戏剧就要先有矛盾才行。两个人的矛盾来自于一个相信个人的智慧是大于集体智慧的,另一个则不然。一个相信天才一个相信大众。当然Rand 本人是一个相信天才的人。

Rand 很聪明的把Howard 设为是一个建筑师,还有Ellsworth是一位媒体人。这是与艺术相关的,建筑这个过程可以独立完成也可能是集思广益的。


《The Fountainhead》读后感(三):自私与建筑


Fountainhead吸引我的地方有两点:它的哲学态度和建筑。去年书入手时我正狂热的看着当时很火的哈佛公开课Justice;再加上看了一整年有关消费主义和全球化的书,我好像已经被人冠上了很“左”的帽子(如今想想自己还是真容易被别人影响哦);当我知道Rand女士那极端的政治态度时(书的序言里写道她眼中理想的社会制度就是laissez-faire capitalism),我发觉自己很期待两种对立的思想在我头脑里会怎样碰撞。当然,知道这本书还是因为它的主角与故事的主线是有关建筑师与建筑,而且是二十世纪初那个新旧对立十分激烈的年代;怕是不会再有第二本书小说回给建筑师戴这么大的高帽了吧。



在看这本书之前,我从未怀疑这是一个贬义词,一个应当让人感到羞愧激发耻感的“词”。可是在Fountainhead的世界里,自私是最高的美德。人为自己而生,人活着的目的在于自身,一切伟大的创造都源于自我实现的冲动;与之相对,“second-handers”活在人与人的关系中,像寄生虫一样依靠与其他人的关系为生。Howard其实是书中最不真实的角色,作者创造了一个她心目中的完人好让芸芸众生有所参照。他白手起家,对于自己的事业无限热爱与真诚,有一种“宗教般的”态度("YOu're a profoundly religious man,Mr Roark_in your own way I can see that in your buildings");不同于其他人从历史样式中寻找支撑点,他完全以自己为参照系造房子。他不会为客户其造房子,他不会为公众去造房子,他的房子只听从他自己的意见——虽然最终的结果被安排为“优秀的”,“更高级的”。甚至在他连续遭受打击的时候,他丝毫没有垮掉,因为一个完全自私的人眼里根本就没有其他人的意见。Gail Wynand是自私的。他最为接近Howard的完美。同样白手起家的他作为一个能力超凡的大资本家拥有庞大的媒体帝国,随心所欲做自己想做的事。但他是一个被权力迷住的人,小时候被别人说了太多“You don't run things around here”,以至于一辈子都要向别人证明他拥有的权利。他出卖自己的真实让报纸随着大众的意见随意飘摆,以至于在小说最后他唯一一次要表达自己观点去为Howard辩护却落得几乎破产。Dominique是自私的,她拥有超凡的天赋与对自己的真诚。但她太在意自己身边的世界,以至于当她发现这个世界不配她所拥有的一切时,她自暴自弃的与这个世界同流合污顺从它的一切卑劣,嫁给自己痛恨的人并处处与Howard为敌,到最后才摆脱困扰她的痛苦。Peter Keating是自私的,虽然作为书中Second-hander的代表他趋炎附势不择手段的想要成功,但他的动机仍是自私的;他都是为了自己的前途,但是自私在他心中是一种罪,而他又太过不自信而被别人左右着,以至于最后成全了彻底失败的人生。Ellsworth看似是无私的代表,但其心中真正的目的是通过出卖自己的灵魂换得权力。这也是一种自私,但是在Fountainhead的世界中那并不是美德。Ayn Rand活在美国人对社会主义最具同情感的三四十年代。欧洲的左翼运动与美国的经济危机,罗斯福的新政让很多人前所未有关注着社会的不公正和底层百姓的境遇,似乎某种集体式的美德与其能带来的前景是”进步“的必然方向;但作为一个流亡到美国的俄国难民,她时刻忘不了布尔什维克是如何让她原本富裕的家庭变为得破产;而纳粹在二战前叫嚣的集体主义精神使得她感到个人精神在时代面前的危机。书中处处透着对集体主义与无私美德的抵制与反感,以至于近乎说教。


赖特——Fountainhead里面有大量关于建筑的描述,但我大多都没有仔细看——没有什么比用抽象的语言去描写实实在在的建筑物更让人沮丧的了;早就习惯了一眼看到一座建筑的全貌紧接着联想它的各个方面,如今让我像拼拼图一样通过文字想像一个实体实在是种痛苦。不过对于了解建筑史的人而言不难从时代的背影中寻找参照,因为这毕竟不是一个发生在科幻式未来的故事;书中的人物和建筑都是虚构的,但是他们所处的时代却再真实不过了。虽然作者本人极力否认,但是大家都不是傻子,Howard Roark的原型基本就是Frank Lloyd Wright,这位美国人的现代建筑大师(他的美国身份是十分重要的)。理由太多了:赖特早年在沙利文的事务所实习过,而Howard的第一份工作是在一个早年做”现代风格“成功但最后却沦落到没有活儿干的Henry Cameron那里画图,而这个Cameron和沙利文的经历实在太像了;Howard第一座独立的建筑是小住宅,而赖特就是靠做有钱人的独立住宅起家的;Howard拒绝历史样式而设计简化甚至没有装饰的现代建筑风格,这与赖特在当时所坚持的革新是一致的;而Rand在书中无数次提到Howard的建筑就好像“从地底生长出来”,建筑内外的一致性就像“一个正直的人一样表里如一”,这显然是赖特“有机建筑”的另一个翻版;最重要的是,Howard特立独行的性格是与赖特如出一辙的,他们都是世俗观念中的”钉子户“,但最终都因为自己的坚持而得到了别人无法企及的成功。

现代建筑——书中Howard所设计的建筑一直在被其他人所抵制着。在前半部分,重点是他激进的“现代风格”与传统样式(文艺复兴,新古典,哥特云云)的对抗,这与历史上那个年代的思潮演进是同步的;但不同在于虽然Howard在书中也想到过新建筑应体现新结构技术的特征(比如钢结构就没必要套上一层厚厚的石材遮掩起来),但他设计的动机并非相应时代的“进步”与必然性,而纯粹是自我的表达;而其他人对于历史风格的借用,要么是缺乏原创性没有自我,就是故意寻求一种集体意识让建筑在与前人的触碰下拥有合法性(书中到处是“成功“建筑师自我辩护的说辞)。Howard所设计的那些结构暴露,没有装饰的房子被人指为有“暴露癖”,是“贫乏的建筑语言”,“与大众品味作对”;虽然这些建筑同时拥有“高效率”的平面与低廉的造价。这些内容与第一代现代建筑在当时所遭遇的状况还是挺相似的。有趣的事,在故事的后半段里,随着时间的推移,欧洲的现代建筑流行风,以及与之相关的“社会主义”思想开始刮到了美国,公众媒体开始逐渐转变对于那些方盒子的态度;原来的那些建筑师要么顺势而动,要么在变化中变得迷茫;像Peter Keating那样怎么也想不明白之前还站在职业的最高点,然后突然就变成了过时的货。书最后引发一连串事情的巨大工程就是由政府推动的社会住宅项目,这正是现代主义建筑师们随推崇的意识形态;这时Howard对待这种项目本应如鱼得水才对,但他关心的只是把自己的房子造起来,至于那些穷人他根本不在乎。他让Peter出面协调,自己在背后负责了所有的设计。只可惜别人都想在这个项目上分杯羹,于是他的房子被人改了模样;作为精神上的洁癖患者,他炸掉了自己设计的房子——要么按我的来,要么你们什么也得不到。

纽约——书中关于Howard经历的种种,其实也和赖特在他职业生涯中的晚年所经历的相似:他虽然被奉为现代建筑的先驱,但他对于欧洲的现代主义建筑并无好感;而且,在他的理想里,人们似乎应该活在他的“广亩城市”之中,而应该避开大城市的拥挤与罪恶。但是在书中Howard除了设计过少数几个小住宅,以及在败了官司后自我放逐了一段时间外,他的大多数作品都是纽约的摩天楼——公寓,酒店,办公楼,百货商场;他的业主都是和他意气相投的资本家,拥有独立而乖张的性格,允许他按照自己的意愿去设计。书中无数次出现过对于曼哈顿动情的描写:Ayn Rand无疑是爱纽约的;她在这里度过了大半生并死在了这座大都市。想必她第一次到纽约时,一定被把她包围住的摩天楼们震慑住了;也许她眼里的一栋栋建筑,其实是一座座个人意志的纪念碑——Fountainhead其实是她写给纽约的一部情诗。

《The Fountainhead》读后感(四):Stay amused

It took me a month to get through the book, at times it was exhausting, now that I have. I stood pacing every corner of the room, thinking what should be the proper immediate action taken afterwards: to drink myself to oblivion, to smoke a whole carton of cigarettes, or to take a deep drenching shower and scrub off every piece of dead skin that clinched onto my body for the past year or three or so, I don't feel anything uneasy towards the years before that, they were innocent.

I might make myself do a little bit of the second, the whole third, not the first because I want to stay conscious and be thinking. The only permanent thought till now, so far, is that I do not appreciate that you have been the reason I have approached The Fountainhead and Howard and Ayn Rand. I'm starting to realize that this sound just nerdy, but I need to continue. I don not appreciate to have known this through you, not even the slightest.

Somehow it made me understand you much more than I did for the past years, and it stopped, no, drenched the desire the affection the admiration of me to you. You are simply not.

I feel powerless upon the presentation of such explicate and violent honesty, the fact that it was written decades ago where woman dressed in corsets and drank tea in tiny pots and it is the year of 2015 now. I feel violated somehow, since the publication of such a thing and amongst the few whom actually understood, they felt a sense of justification of their own past, at ease yet frustrated in an uncanny manner, which somehow contradicts the arguments in the book. Upon the sense of familiarity and understand, there was a new added strength and the need of confronting and to stay truthful. The need to talk to someone yet shut the hell up at the same time.

In matters of life, you've lived vicariously, which is to be condemned, which has consumed my own arrogance. It's everything you've been trying to say but could not, and now I am not sure that you have ever deserved to say them. There is a slight difference between incompetence and indifference.

Now that I finally understand the intriguing qualities of the word - Self Indulgence. "What is your favorite quality of a man?"“Self indulgence”"For woman?" "The same".

I left to run away, then you were there preaching objectivism to me, somehow sounded like reasonable justification of your decision on adultery. Yes yes the moral standards of the world are as flooded and fluid as one's identity can be, one's identity is not to be equaled to one's I and ego, just as gender and sex, that's all so basic and dull. I cherished your sharing with me as I have always, since you were the person to have pushed me out of precisely drinking my self to oblivion and smoking everything approached to 3 inches to my face, precisely from the inability of savaging concrete believe system in the stinky pool of moral relativism and you, have tagged me intellectual, you who I have always assumed to indifferent towards people like me at the time.

There is a certain halo glow rises within unexpected recognition and affirmation, simply irritable.

You talked and I nodded for this sounded like my way out from the shithole that I have put my self in for the past year or so. A way out with no moral judgment, since social morality did not exist in this school of thought. I listen and remembered and knew that the books were so thick even after I have left I would be reading them for quit and while when I am suppose to be panicking and blaming everybody. It was a way of holding on to your talks and you company, which made me fell special. As you know we've moved on from nerdish to girlish.

You left and I continued the trip and someone else found me, there is a special kind of quality possessed by that man, that reminded me of what you have talked about, so I stayed to just witness what would happen. You know that the thoughts of Ayn Rand would cause such a horrific effect on man whom agrees but with no distinct ability to create anything concrete, I do not want to get into the discussion of nature or nurture, but the frustration of them comes from the gaps between their abilities and their ego, some where, hides a trigger of self esteem that can be so easily switched to an outburst of self pity through the act of violence. I left after the yelling, it was wrong of me to have expected anything different. I don't know if there were any forms of expectation during that short period of time, afterwards, the only feeling left was that the eventuality has happened, at the most straightforward manner, and it was fine.

I finished the trip soon afterwards and come back to the physical location that I was suppose to be at before the trip, and ended everything that held me there officially. It felt sad, there was a moment of emptiness that as a matter of fact soon swollen by the ego, it was not allowed after that two hours of graving for lost time.

I left again, to home at peace to finish the book with great expectation, and here we are. It is not just a book, yes as you said, but now the memory of your manner of talking about simply amuses me with a restless small pouch of retraceable anger. You treated me as a secondary character with secondary thoughts with the knowledge that I have lived an actual life and refuses to be fine with the world as it is and the only thing you did not do was to laugh at my face. It is not what you claim it is, never have been.

And now that I am sure again as I did before and have never been more frightened.
