
A Movable Feast的读后感大全

A Movable Feast的读后感大全

《A Movable Feast》是一本由Ernest Hemingway著作,出版的图书,本书定价:,页数:,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《A Movable Feast》读后感(一):平凡之于艺术,总是曙光











Un giorno,

Io sono qui.




我会在这里。 )


《A Movable Feast》读后感(二):When the summer ends,could u keep me from the biting winds tuck me in and kiss me goodnight


我在北京 在工作



反而像是天意难违 帕金森(你特么才帕金森呢)患者人生应有此事一般



收拾百年不会收拾的屋子 收拾到一半看见什么东西思索良久 然后找借口偷懒放弃收拾


听室友唠叨 认真回话 以往都是玩手机 别人说话根本没仔细听 回复也是嗯啊哈啊敷衍 保不齐天天看屏幕并不知道室友长什么样 如今可以带上眼镜认真听她说话 什么已经用完了一桶油啦什么我又把地扫了一遍啦什么嘻嘻哈哈(get不到娱乐节目的笑点)也听到要求我早点下班按时回家 给我做好吃的 遂欣然答应

看胖子的书 感受字里行间与世界或斗争或屈服的力量 也再次认定 同龄人里让我叹服者有三 梁老师 发哥和胖子

然唯独拉屎的速度并没有因为没有手机而有显著提升 证明你们认为我躲在厕所聊天或者看完了才肯出来的论断不成立


专注 这词挺有意思的 可能因为是能发现一些平时不太在意的事儿吧

比如昨天白天有手机的时候右眼疼 我觉得是手机看多了但是手机不坏就是停不下 晚上专注于自己的右眼时发现并不是看屏幕的原因 疼的部位很可能是外伤 于是想了一会最近都跟谁打架了是不是打到眼睛了

另外一件有手机恐怕发现不了的事情是 下午用的眼药水是过期了的

再比如穿运动鞋的时候 裤腿和袜子之间露一节脚脖子 在这样的天气里很冷很时尚 我认为是鞋的问题 穿高腰的靴子就好

穿上短靴之后发现裤子和靴子之间还是露了一节脚脖子 于是我只好认定这是老天对特定时尚人士的要求 用以和你们这些俗人区别开来

再比如专心致志的发呆 想以前没手机的时候都做什么 猛然想起以前有手机的时候也没这么像个抽大麻上瘾的人 那个时候并不焦虑也不脱发 为了装逼每天在网上说些似是而非的话可以理解为 为赋新诗强说愁 毕竟和那时候比起来 现在想问候你大爷的时候都不知道到底该问候谁大爷 所以反倒很久不写字不唠叨不骂街


结婚生孩子洗衣服做饭换尿布 老公下班回家脱下衣服洗干净 老公偶尔买个小礼物假装受宠若惊开心的不得了 嘴甜心狠会持家 麻痹老子装不好婊子演不来这出戏啊 不不 应该说 抱歉 臣妾暂时做不到啊

回到过去那样理想主义 意淫生活浪漫 酒加话梅拿壶一热 谈天说地吃菜吃肉 也坚持认为人和人之间的关系永远可以像最初般轻松欢快相聚三十年 没有渐行渐远的忧伤 也没有取舍的烦恼?人如果足够单纯足够傻 倒是可以像十八岁二十岁青春期那样活着 然中年就是中年 可怕的是你看过了聚散离合就不能再装的不知道一样



本来这篇文章想用轻松幽默的话语表达人生苦难多 难得糊涂的真理

写到一半我感觉着不是难得糊涂 是真的迷茫了

也就不拘着说了 最近过的的确像屎一样 屎到不仅是影响情绪而是影响到身体状况了

于是手机及时坏了到像是老天看我前世善良特意出此一招来救我一命 让我被整死之前跳出火坑跳出恶性循环当局者迷的戾气烂圈子烂状态


顺承天意不再买手机消失几天或者个把个月或者一年半载 看心情随便多久以证明内心的平静和坦然是人生不可多得之事

切莫浪费 用来先补完几篇文章背完2000个单词再说

谨以此篇喜迎冬眠和大风 自由与孤独



《A Movable Feast》读后感(三):A Chanson for Paris



Paris is no wonder not a strange city to everyone. Referred by millions of people at different tones, Paris has won extreme flatters as well as abuses. However, Paris ignores all the comments, but shapes a composed and elegant figure as she was and she always is.

What will appear when it comes to your mind? The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history …Among all the comments on Paris, the most proper one may be the words: ‘If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast’, which quoted from Ernest Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast. For him, Paris was just that, a moveable feast that he took with him every place he went. Like many other writers and artists, Paris became his adopted home.

A Moveable Feast account of Hemingway's early years as a struggling writer in Paris in the 1920s may well have undergone further revision had Hemingway not taken his own life. Yet it was the best and most heartfelt work he had done for years, a return to the form of the early stories and the first novels. It tells the story of the sweet innocence of his first years in the Rue Moufftard with his wife, the literary friendships, the cafes and the delight which he enjoyed: both in the city and in discovering his own voice.

“I can write Paris only when I leave her, as I wrote Michigan while I was in Paris.” Ernest Hemingway finally decided to record his youth life in Paris when he was in Cuba. In the end of 1921, young writer Ernest Hemingway came to Paris with a overseas reporter identity together with his newlywed wife, and spent more than five years in the city mingled with elegant and noise, youth and hunger, struggle and inferiority, passion and the art of writing. Thirty years later when he started writing about their past, some memories had become fuzzy and distorted, but that keen to Paris affection has been deeply sculpted into words, shining everywhere.

To some degree, A Moveable Feast is a memoirs, but is much more vivid than a simple record. It is like a collection of short essays and documentary fictions with pleasant words and funny stories which provide an unbeknown real world of the “sweet-bitter Paris youth” of the greatest American writers as well as a unique city show to readers. The cafes, bookstores, long and narrow roads, wet and simple apartments, old and shabby wooden stairs, grand and spacious salons----they all have been labeled with stories and historical and literary meanings. Yes, they might be the most ordinary facilities at that time. But they witnessed the infancy of the 20th century France art and American literature. Hemingway mentioned many friends, peers and works at different tones, such as Scott Fitzgerald, the writer of The Great Gatsby, and James Joyce, the writer of Ulysses. Now they are all big names with distinguished achievements, but who can receive a big fame without any struggling and frustration? Hemingway recorded many details of their gatherings and talks that demonstrated the real beings when the masters were young. The scenes were incredible----when they were drunk, when they faced the lure of drug, when they envied others, maybe the figures are not that honorable, but they contributed a lot to the birth of classics.

As an unknown journalist, Hemingway kept observing and asking towards every corner of his surrounding, and then wrote down what he saw and heard in his aspect and made every effort to abstract comfort and nutrient from art. However, besides art and writing, besides insistence and self-honor, there were so many other emotions and existences that were beyond words, just like the ubiquity of hunger and the plain and even poor life. However, everything reflected in memories are always followed by a happy shadow, even the hunger and bitterness.

The sincerity of the book came from the sense of safety of an old man who has achieved success and richness. So he could recall his Paris life at such a natural tone. When he was a dead-end kid, he was just one of the millions of young men who rushed to Paris to pursue dreams and passion, love and wealth. He is extremely self-discipline that he wouldn’t allow himself with meal or rest unless he finished his tasks on hand. He understood how to treasure and manage his genius that he never exhausted his inspiration, but reserved a bit to be watered by time and life to every another tomorrow. He experienced and observed life at peak efficiency but never burdened with them. Drinking, racing, or social intercourse, all of them must happen on condition that his work would not be bothered. Just owing to his clear idea of life and future as well as adherence to pursuit of ambitious targets, Hemingway successfully protected himself from the dust and pitfalls of wide but confused communities in such a bewildering Paris, and finally achieved his primary dream, even having achieved much more than he had expected before.

Hemingway is arrogant and self-contained. That is one of the reasons why we always feel a gust of sarcasm while reading A Moveable Feast. Maybe it is because of his strict world outlook so that he easily recognized the flaws of people and world. Of course we can’t regard it as a merit, but we can’t deny that it was just the character led him to judge the surroundings in an objective----maybe extreme sometimes---- angle, and his thorough scan and profound deliberation pooled in classic works, which guide us to some significant issues and help us strengthen them out.

Hemingway is a writer in whose spirit intend temperament overweighed realistic skills. In the cold late autumn when he was in Paris, the figures of deadwoods could be a hinge which gently opened his memory, inspiring him to write about his faraway hometown with sweet recollection. And for this time, memory launched again. He was in the familiar seashore where he was born and bred, eating the delicious sturgeon and hearing the typical sounds of American tides. Only when a person is away from the place can he return to the original state appropriately. Therefore, the best record of Ernest Hemingway is A Moveable Feast, which was written in an small island in Cuba.

"Paris is a very old city, and we are very young, nothing here is simple, even poverty, accidents from the money, moonlight, and that with non-sleep in the moonlight the people around you breathe in, are not simple ." It is the most impressive paragraph for me which described Paris life. Hemingway wrote it to his youth, to the city, and also to the whole world which could be lessened and seen in Paris. After Hemingway, it is of no meaning to definite Paris, because we all know, Paris is a moveable feast.
