
《The Last Lecture》经典读后感有感

《The Last Lecture》经典读后感有感

《The Last Lecture》是一本由Randy Pausch著作,Hyperion Books (Adult Trd Pap)出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:GBP 9.15,页数:176,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Last Lecture》读后感(一):Someone's life ends,Yours starts




感动之余,带着Randy 的话上路吧。

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《The Last Lecture》读后感(二):父爱

书中透露出来的父爱无时不在。父亲担心自己离开后, 3个儿女的成长。所以从各个方面为儿女留下些什么。 最后发现只有发生在身边最琐碎的事情才最有联系的亲切感。读到这里心中能感受到作者的无奈和心痛,依依不舍。那是一种怎样的折磨?我都不敢想象自己身处这样的情景的难受。 想着心里就有撕裂的感觉。 谈到自己的妻子可以再嫁或者自己生活的时候, 我想作者更多的是无奈的宽容。

《The Last Lecture》读后感(三):Reflection and Inspiration: Fashion in a World of Fashion

This is a world of fashion. Everyone wants to wear the most fashionable clothes; everyone wants to read the most popular books on the New York Times Best Seller list; everyone wants to know the latest thing happened in this packed little planet. There is one time that I was listening to an English ballad named “Season in the Sun”, one of my roommate shout up and said: “you are listening to this song? It was popular the year before you were born.” But I told myself that everything remains brand new to me if I have not experience that. Please recall your memory that the first time you kissed your beloved one, the first time you got your salary, the first time you could hold tide a litter new creature in your arms, since you became to bear the responsibilities as fathers or mothers. Dr. Randy Pausch (professor of Carnegie-Mellon University)’s last lecture to me is that kind of experience.

Today I came back from my job training, which was impressive. During the resting time of the training, I and other around twenty boys and girls were given the announcement that we were going to have our selecting exam for the Translation Service. So I came back with great wish and courage to take some practice of my English and translation ability. Listening is a big part in interpretation. Naturally I need to search some materials to listen to. The free video of Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture--Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams--was available. I downloaded the video and put on my earphone, preparing to listen to it, though I slept in the half way, because of the tiredness of a whole day’s work, I still covered to the whole speech for I have stopped the video player in the half way.

Like one year ago, someone has sent me the video, but I did not put enough attention to watch it. The day before yesterday, I went to the bookstore 20 minutes walk from where I live. I got a book recommended by grandpa last week about Kai-fu Lee’s Making a World of Difference. On the picture part of the book, I found one in which printed in Chinese that Dr. Randy Pausch (who have died in 2008). And there are some descriptions about Dr. Randy in this book. I suddenly realized that this name was so familiar to me that someone has shown me a video about his lecture. That is the very one I am watching now. I felt a little bit depressed that I did not pay attention to it the first time someone sent it to me. The lecture was touching—for a man facing the forthcoming death is trying to encourage young people to achieving their dreams by using himself as an example—I prefer to call it a role model. There are no difficulties in the world actually; the only thing that every time standing between ourselves and our dreams are exactly we—ourselves! WE are the BRICK WALL on our road to success and fulfilling our childhood dreams. Randy’s said “the wall is only used to stop people who do not want the thing badly.” It means that if someone wants the thing really so badly, or even desperately, the wall is not going to stop him from getting it at all. But making sure to be prepared. Those points of view could be another version of interpretation of the truth of life. Now it gives me another flavor of it. The way of storytelling in the lecture is always touching. Why? Go to read the Theories of Moral Sentiments.

Facing the incoming exam, I think I am doing the best to make it come true that I want to work with one the most talented and smartest translators and interpreters in this country. You know why I like to be a translator or interpreter? That is because in preparing for missions of translation, you are going to get touch of millions of thousands of things that you could never have the opportunity to get to know and understand. The video is a bonus to me as I am practicing my listening skills. I am very glad and feel gratitude that I am doing the thing I like the most and zealous to devote myself to it. And personally I believe that is the fashion in a world of fashion.

P.S. I got the book after watching the video and am chewing it.

《The Last Lecture》读后感(四):2007,那一年最后的演讲

最近读完了一本很值得分享的书《The Last Lecture》(《最后的演讲》)。这是美国卡内基·梅隆大学计算机科学、人机交互及设计教授Randy Pausch(兰迪·鲍旭) 于2007年以其演讲为基础撰写的书。

2006年,兰迪教授被诊断为胰腺癌晚期,经手术后被告知仅剩不到6个月的寿命。在生命最后的时间里,他做了一个重要决定:接受其任教大学的邀请,为“Last Lecture Series”作演讲。虽说“最后演讲”是美国大学的学术传统,对兰迪教授来说,却是真真确确的“人生最后一场演讲”。结果,他的最后演讲引发全球的广泛关注,演讲视频在互联网上轰动一时,在短时间里相继被发布到各大社交网站上,点击率超过百万。




(1)The Elephant in the Room

兰迪爸爸经常对他说,“When there's an elephanthe in the room, introduce it.”(当有头大象在房子中,把它介绍给大家。)因此,即使疾病和死亡不是兰迪最后演讲的主题,在开场白时,他却大方地向在座的学生和同事展示他的CT片子,用箭头清楚标示出正攻击他身体的数颗肿瘤。他说,那些肿瘤就是那么一回事,我们无法改变这个事实,但我们可以考虑如何作出回应。就像那句,我们无法改变上天发给我们的牌,但可以决定怎么打好这手牌。("We can't change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.")

(2)The Elevator in the Ranch House

作为虚拟现实领域的一流学者和迪斯尼乐园云霄飞车的设计师,兰迪成长中少不了各种奇思妙想的诉求,而且从来都得到父母的应许。读高中时,他想在自己房间的墙上画些对他来说重要的东西,十分鼓励创造的爸爸欣然同意。兰迪在书中这样写道:"He (Dad) loved to watch the spark of enthusiasm turn into fireworks"。那他到底画了什么?在房门右方,画了一个一元二次求根公式,在房门上画了一扇大大的银色电梯门,在房门左方画了“▲”“▼”按钮,在房门上方画了第3层的标示。最后在房间天花板上,用字母反写着“我被囚禁在阁楼中!”让看起来觉得真有人被囚禁着的样子。多有想象力的孩子,多鼓励创造性行为的父母!

(3)If you can find an opening, you can probably find a way to float through it.



(4)This kind of head-fake learning is absolutely vital.兰迪喜欢踢足球,小时候在足球联盟俱乐部,从教练那里他学到了比足球技术更重要的东西,这就是他在书中反复提到的"head-fake"。"head-fake"即足球场上的“假动作”,足球比赛中球员以虚假动作掩饰自己的真正意图实现目的。教练告诉他们,"head-fake"除了是球场上的重要技能,也是一项人生技能,即带着目的的学习过程中掌握了比原先想学到的更重要的东西,而幕后策划者多数是你的导师、教练、父母,长辈,朋友……假如你想教别人什么时,这会给你很大的启发。

(5)Romancing the Brick Wall兰迪刚追求妻子时遇到很大的障碍,示爱后由于分隔两地的原因遭到妻子的拒绝。在他灰心失意准备放弃时,父母给了他很大鼓励,建议他给对方更多的支持。其后,兰迪坚持在女方所在的城市进行了几周的教学活动,并且告诉对方自己一直在她身边。最后当然是俘获了芳心,因为女方感觉到自己对他的重要性,并决定追随到他工作的城市。

"Brick walls are there for a reason. They give us a chance to show how badly we want something." (砖墙并不是为了挡住我们。它在那里,只是为了测试,我们的决心到底有多迫切。)

“Remember brick walls let us show our dedication.They are there to separate us from the people who don't really want to achieve their childhood dreams.” (记住,砖墙的存在是为了显示我们自己付出的决心。它使得我们,同那些并不真的想实现梦想的人得以区分。)

(6)Be the First Penguin人人都有失败的经历,失败后的感觉不太好受,我相信没人愿意主动体验失败,但不能否定它的价值。兰迪说,失败只是一个结果,整个过程包含着各式各样的经验,而且很有价值。

"Experience is that what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer."(经验是当你没有得到你想要的东西时得到的东西。经验往往是你必须提供的最有价值的东西。)





《The Last Lecture》读后感(五):幸福会来敲门

readingnote for future review:

★(it's my favourite)

1.An injured lion wants to know if he can still roar. It's about dignity and self-esteem,which isn't quite the same as vanity.

2.Whatever my accomplishment, all of the things i loved were rooted in the dreams and goals i had as a child.

3.Her casual remark was a reminder about the accidental elements that play into both our arrival into life and our departure into death.

★4.We can't change it.We just have to decide how we'll respond.We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand..

★5.I quote my father to people almost everyday. Part of that is because if you dispense your own wisdom, others often dismiss it:If you offer wisdom from a third party, it seems less arrogant and more acceptable.

6.He love to watch the spark of ehthusiasm turn into fireworks.

7.Maybe it was a symbol of the balence in my life between aspiration and pragmatism.

★8.There is a lot of talk about giving children self-esteem. It's not something you can give, it's something they have to build. You give them something they can't do, they work hard until they find they can do it, and you just keep repeating the process.

9.About leadership: He never professed to have skills greater than his subordinates, He acknowledged they knew what they were doing in their domains. But he established the vison, the tone. He was in charge of morale.

★★10.I also didn't want anyone to know just how long it took me to be successful. Tenacity is a virtue,but it's not always crucial for everyone to observe how hard you work at something.

★★11.The brick walls are there for a reason. They are not there to keep us out. The brick wall are there to give us a chance to show how badly you want something.

12.That remind me of my mine at Disney. Ask Disney World workers:"what time does the park close?" They are supposed to answer:"The park is open until 8.pm.

13.I quickly felt a magnetic sense that i really wanted to be with this woman.

★14.No matter how bad things are, you can always make things worse. At the same time, it is often within your power to make them better.

15.And so there i was , weeks after his death, getting another lesson from him about the meaning of sacrifice--and about the power of humility.

16. All my life , i have been very aware that time is finite. I admit i am over logical abou a lot of things, but i firmly believe that one of my most appropriate fixations has been to manage time well.


one: Time must be explictly managed, like money.

two:you can always change your plan, but only if you have one

three:ask yourself:Are you spending your time on the right things?

four:develop a good filing sysem

five: rethink the telephone

six: Delegate/take a time out

★ Time is all you have.And you may find one day that you have less than you think

★17.Luck is indeed where preparation meets opportunity.

18.Earnest i better than Hip. I knew there had to be an earnestness about him that outweighted any superficial urges toward hipness.

★19.Don't complain, just work harder. Complaining does not work as a strategy. We all have finite time and energy. Any time we spend whining is unlikely to help us achieve our goals. And it won;t make us happier.

20.treat disease, not symptom

★21.When you are frustrated with people, when they have made you angry, it just may be bacause you haven't given them enough time.

★22.Just ignore everything they say and only pay attention to what they do.

★★23. Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you want. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer. The person who failed often knows how to avoild future failures.The person who know only success can be more oblivious to all the pitfalls.

★★24. A lot of people want a shortcut. I find the best shortcut is the long way, which is basically two words: word hard.

As i see it, if you work more hours than somebody else, during those hours you learn more about your craft. That can make you more efficient, more able, even happier. Hard work is like compounded interest in the bank. The reward build faster.

25.When trying to make a decison, i often think of the worst scenario.

26.A good apology is like an antibiotic. A bad apology is like rubbing salt in the wound.

★27.No job should beneath us. And when you get there, here's what you do: Be really great at doing that.

28.Rights come with responsibilty.Everyone has to contribute to the common good. To not do so can be described in one word:Selfish.

29.i will do that. it's a kind of like a fish talking about the importance of water.

30.Put your own oxgen mask before assisting others.


the ultimate conclusion:

IF we lead our life the right way,

the karma will take care of itself.

The dreams will come to you

thanks Randy.

