
《Waiting for Godot》读后感100字

《Waiting for Godot》读后感100字

《Waiting for Godot》是一本由Samuel Beckett著作,Faber and Faber出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:£8.99,页数:96,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Waiting for Godot》读后感(一):一些读后感


《Waiting for Godot》读后感(二):Waiting for Godot: What are you waiting for?



Act 1:

Estragon: What did we do yesterday?

Vladimir: Reading.

Vladimir: Reading?

Vladimir: Reading.


Vladimir: No, I think we’ve been waiting.

Estragon: Waiting?

Vladimir: Don’t you remember?

Estragon: Let’s go.

Vladimir: We can’t.

Estragon: Why?

Vladimir: We’re waiting for Godot!

Estragon:Let's go!

(They do not move. )

Mee: So this is it.

Aye: the end of the story.

Mee: The end of the play.

Aye: The end of history.

Mee: The end of human life.

Aye: The end of the story.

Mee: We are trapped. For ever.

Aye: We are waiting.

Mee: For someone who we don’t know.

Aye: Who we have never met.

Mee: Who we don’t know how he looks.

Aye: Who we will never meet.

Mee: We want to leave.

Aye: But we can’t.

Mee: Why?

Aye: Because we are here waiting.

Mee: Since yesterday.

Aye: Since every day.

Mee: How do you know?

Aye: I remembered.

Mee: Are you sure?

Aye: Yes!

Mee: Are you sure?

Aye: Yes.

Mee: Are you sure?

Aye: Yes…

Mee: Are you sure?

Aye: No. But yes!

Mee: We tried to cheat ourselves.

Aye: We tried to find some occupation for time.

Mee: By talking.

Aye: By sleeping.

Mee: By mocking.

Aye: By acting.

Mee: By torturing.

Aye: By trying to die.

Mee: By talking.

Aye: At the meantime, nothing happens.

Mee: Nothing to be done.

Aye: We could have left, better on our own.

Mee: No, we can’t go far alone.

Aye: Will Godot come?

Mee: We keep on hoping.

Aye and Mee: We are all humanity.

The End.

《Waiting for Godot》读后感(三):《等待戈多》中的象征意象

Symbolism in Waiting for Godot

Presentation Notes

Lux Bai


* Journey of literature *

➢ The coupling of Pozzo and Lucky as Oedipus

a. Lucky thinks intelligently: the Oedipus answered the Sphinx’s question

b. Pozzo navigates a road (leading to Thebes)

c. Blindness

d. Sands in the suitcase → sands of time → the travels of humanity throughout the ages

→ journey of arts from Ancient Greek drama to modern theatre

Many other literary allusions to Chaucer, the Bible, Shakespeare, etc.

* Death as the consolation *

➢ Night → Eternal rest is destined to come, unlike the appearance of Godot.

➢ “Waiting for Godot” or “the night to fall”, the latter is the certain consolation.

➢ Vladimir says: “At last,” → relieved.

➢ Pozzo: "Night is charging and will burst upon us pop! Like that!" → Pozzo’s reliance on time and fear for death, (he needs time to sell Lucky) → punished by blindness → forever night → death

* A Divided Self *

➢ The Metonyms of Estragon and Vladimir

G: Boots / Food choices / Body wounds/Stinky feet → labour →Physical struggle

D: Hat (exchange) / Word choices/ Memory/ Stinky breaths → thoughts →Mental anguish

G: Stone/ Heavy/ Oriented to the ground/ Sits → immobility → Earthly body

D: Tree/ Light/ Oriented to the sky/ Stands → mutability → Spirituality

G: Sleep and dream →The Unconscious

D: Reflection and memory → Self-conscious

Inseparable → Compensation of both → unified self

* Exchange of Sadomasochistic relationship *

Whip and Rope → sadomasochistic relationship between Pozzo and Lucky

➢ Abbreviated "S and M" → the converse of "M and S," or "master and slave" Pozzo is the master and Lucky is the slave → the reversion of letters → the actual reversed relationship (revealed in Act II).

Hegel: the role of master is a hollow concept without a subsequent slave that gives meaning to the former role. The latter's existence is the true position of power for it gives significance to both roles, that of the master as well as that of the slave → the oppressor & the oppressed in a capitalist society

➢ Lucky’s abilities: does the labour, dances and thinks → fills a vacant need of Pozzo → the true slave had always been Pozzo

Further Interpretation: Deity and its followers

➢ Misrecognition of Pozzo as Godot → serves as the temporary Godot → an image of god on earth (Nietzsche’s idea of Ubermensch) → give a sense of purpose in a person's life → Pozzo follows Lucky in Act II → Pozzo is (now literally) dependent upon Lucky's image of Pozzo as master → god serves as a role to fill the need of purposefulness of life

➢ The collapse of all four characters → the Nietzsche’s utterance "God is dead." →fall of all humanity, symbolized by all characters on stage

* Pacifiers of the tragic nature of life *

➢ Comedy →Freud “Comedy’s nature as to focus on topics that are otherwise too painful to approach. Our treatment of such issues in a less serious light, we are able to speak of them where we otherwise would be forced to deny the existence of such issues”.

➢ Amnesia → subconsciously blocked out the memory of his life up to the previous day's events → the mental pain associated with such recollections

* Self only exists in the projections of others *

➢ Doubleness →The pairing of Pozzo and Lucky (literally by rope), Estragon and Vladimir (by memory), the brother boys, two Acts, two thieves → dependent on each other and compensate each other → man’s existential dependence on another

* The existential crisis: the heavy responsibility of meaning bestowing *

➢ Waiting → Characters are burdened with meaninglessness in the process of “waiting”, having to find ways to pass time → bestow meanings to life

➢ Weight → “spirits” too light, “body” too heavy” → fails to commit suicide → the existential dilemma: the unbearable lightness of life

➢ “Lucky” is lucky → actions determined absolutely by Pozzo → no burden of finding preoccupations & role to fulfill as Pozzo’s servant → Pozzo is his own Godot → No more expectations

➢ Pozzo → all humanity → needs to pass his own time, also find activities for Lucky → overburdened human beings

* Art serves as the distraction and diversion of life *

➢ Speech: Neither character is speaking with the purpose of communication, but merely to be engaged in an activity that preoccupies the character's thoughts from himself. Neither character actually hears what the other is saying but rather waits his turn to speak. Many questions are asked. Only some of them are answered → to pass time

➢ Vision: Repeated appearances of Pozzo and Lucky → serve for Estragon and Vladimir to pass time “That passed time”

➢ The play Waiting for Godot → audience’s reluctance to confront reality, seeking for diversion and distraction at any given moment

➢ Canter → Estragon: "That wasn't such a bad little canter" meaning it succeeded in passing the time → Canterbury, a reference to Chaucer's tales, which depicts pilgrims telling tales in which to pass the time

Beckett “even though the play is about the aversion from thought, the audience member is taking a voluntary reprieve from similar activity in watching the play”

* Circularity *

Time: Waiting as synonymous of time as distillation of time.

The same dialogue uttered by the same character quoted from the previous act → the mundane, monotonous, existential nature of existence

➢ “A county road” in the middle of nowhere & Estragon’s boots → life's journey, waiting for further instructions as to where to go → Character disappear from one side of the stage and quickly reenter on the opposite side of the stage → literally "going around in circles."

➢ The Moon in perfect circle → life is perpetual circle without change

➢ The song "A Dog Come In" → A tale of a dog that stole a crust of bread from a kitchen and is beaten to death by the cook. At the thief's wake, other dogs inscribe as an epitaph on the deceased's tomb the opening line of the tale → to tell of the tombstone's inscription, one must repeatedly sing the tale endlessly → Vladimir always gets interrupted and has to starts over from the beginning → unable to make the first lap of this routine without having to backtrack → the futility of existence

➢ The Messenger → resolution in Greek drama→ ironically symbolizes continuation

* God plays dice: Randomness of everything *

➢ Two boy messengers sent by Godot

The goats keeper → a symbol of Satan → well treated

The sheep tender → resembling Jesus and God's followers → beaten.

➢ Two thieves → one being saved not the other

➢ Estragon is repeatedly beaten nightly and left in a ditch with unexplained reason

➢ The mysterious exchange of boots with another pair

➢ Carrot/ turnip

➢ The selection of Estragon and Vladimir being those who are to wait

⇒ Nonsensical unfair treatment of human beings and everything

Contradicts with the casual link that is a necessity in Greek drama where everything happens for a reason

* Biblically, Man as eternally condemned *

➢ The Rhone River Estragon fell into when fielding grapes fifty years ago: Baptism.

➢ Grapes: a Biblical symbol of fertility → the time of fertility and growth are past, only stagnation lies ahead.

➢ Nightmare of falling → From God's grace

➢ “The tree” (not “a tree”): Garden of Eden → Christ’s cross and Crucifixion → Lasting reminder of man’s condemnation → an empty cross → the absence of God → waiting in vain

➢ Suicidal attempt hanging on “The Tree”: Tree of Knowledge and Life that brought death to man → Knowledge brings man to his own demise → A single tree on the whole stage → A single tree as the center of the world → the world as an inherent instrument for suicide

➢ Name guessing of Pozzo → both Abel and Cain, “all humanity” → blind → forever lost
