
Emotional Intelligence读后感精选

Emotional Intelligence读后感精选

《Emotional Intelligence》是一本由Daniel Goleman著作,Bantam出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 17.00,页数:352,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Emotional Intelligence》读后感(一):可能在出版的年代這本書好重要,但現在看沒什麼意思



心理學有句話我個人很喜歡但也很失望: It is easier to build a strong child than to repair a broken man. 所以這類的心理書看到最後就變成育兒書,這本書有很多的都是關於如果引導小孩子培養良好的負面情緒抵禦機制,但對成人如果改變就基本上沒有。

如果是想知道一些方法來控制自己負面的情緒,推薦Learned Optimism,那本書的後面有好多方法教你控制負面情緒。

《Emotional Intelligence》读后感(二):Review on Emotional Intelligence

This book is relatively "out of date", as it is first published in 1990's. The author has an "advanced" version called "Social Intelligence". Anyway, as a psycologist in Harvard, the author tried to explain the emotional functions of brain activity for human beings, as well as the implications of the research. He argues two emotions are crucial for human beings: self-constraint and empathy, and offers us a framework for emotional control - knowing emotions, managing emotions, motivating yourself, recognizing emotions of others, and handling relationships (based on emotions).

The author starts with an interesting (to me) discussion of the physical layout of human brain, stressing on the emotional part (the amygdala). He then talks about the research findings on emotions such as angry (rage), anxiety (worrry), depression and repression in great details. Following he gave us the applications of emotional intelligence in different settings: family, workplace and sickness. He wraped up by saying that childhood is a critical phase for emotional intelligence and that parents play a key role to develop emotions for the kids.

"Much psychotherapy is, in a sense, a remedial tutorial for what was skewed or missed completely earlier in life. But why not do what we can to prevent that need, by giving children the nurturing and guidance that cultivates the essential emotional skills in the first place?"

《Emotional Intelligence》读后感(三):Notes

you should be aware that the easier it is to go down a business road, the less effective this road will be in making you rich.

When our brain stores experiences, it doesn’t just collect facts. It also records our feelings and these feelings help us to learn from our experiences.

a brain surgery called a “lobotomy,” which separated two regions of the brain that are vital for emotional processing. The result of the surgery was that patients lost their initiative and drive to act, as well as much of their emotional capacity.

Our emotional mind reacts to situations in the present based on past experiences, even when the conditions have changed.

When information enters our brain, a fraction of it bypasses the region responsible for rational thought – the neocortex – and directly enters the emotional brain.

The way that we think and feel are intertwined. This is because the thinking brain, where we develop our rational thoughts, and the feeling brain – the birthplace of our emotions – are linked. They are connected by strong neuronal pathways.

Students who can control their impulses will also be more successful than their peers.

This success continues into the adult world. Managers who are more socially adept also tend to be more persuasive.

When we go through stressful periods, our hearts are put under immense strain because our blood pressure is raised. This leaves us at risk of cardiac arrest. Stress can also weaken your immune system, as demonstrated by a study that suggested that people under stress are significantly more likely to catch a cold.

heroin addicts have difficulty regulating anger even prior to their addiction.

Drug addicts also display emotional intelligence problems.

children of emotionally intelligent parents are better at regulating their own emotions,

children of emotionally intelligent parents are better at regulating their own emotions, show lower stress levels, are better liked by their peers and described as more socially adept by their teachers.

If you want to improve your empathy, you can try to mirror another person's body language.

those who attribute a setback to some permanent personal deficit are likely to give up soon. They are convinced that there is not much they can do about their success anyway. If you want to be successful, try to avoid this thought process.

Some marriage counselors even advise couples to monitor their pulses during a quarrel.

If you are very upset during a dispute, try to take a break to calm down.

Strong emotions tend to distort your thinking so you will likely say or do something you might regret. Fortunately, a cool-down period may help.

The final piece of advice is: if you have to criticize someone, be specific and offer a solution.
