
The Epic of Gilgamesh读后感100字

The Epic of Gilgamesh读后感100字

《The Epic of Gilgamesh》是一本由Anonymous著作,Penguin Classics出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 11.00,页数:128,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Epic of Gilgamesh》读后感(一):力量、爱与生命


《The Epic of Gilgamesh》读后感(二):美索不达米亚 实际存在

The epic of gilgamensh,吉尔伽美什史并非传说,是实际存在的,围绕乌鲁克国王吉尔伽美什和他的朋友半人半兽的恩奇都的之间友谊故事展开,大致分为了四个部分,最令我印象深刻的是第三部分。这一部分讲述了恩奇都梦见他因为杀死洪巴巴和天牛被众神惩罚,病重而死。吉尔伽美什受到触动而艰难爬涉,向乌特纳比西丁——大洪水唯一生还者和永生者探索生死奥秘。吉尔伽美什是一个真实存在的历史人物,他的英雄业绩在人们的长期传颂中,像所以其它的英雄史诗一样,被赋予了神奇浪漫的色彩。

《The Epic of Gilgamesh》读后感(三):苏美尔民族与吉尔伽美什










《The Epic of Gilgamesh》读后感(四):what did Enkidu bring to Gilgamesh

When we are reading the epic of Gilgamesh, we can’t help noticing this significant character, Enkidu. As the best friend of Gilgamesh and the second leading character of this masterwork, what on earth does he bring to Gilgamesh? Here are some of my opinions.

1、 change & honor

Before Gilgamesh met Enkidu and had a fight with him, he was a tyrant. He ruled his polis in a brutal way and his people complained all the time. One of the gods heard of it so he made Enkidu from mud. This strong man fight with Gilgamesh on the square in view of the public. They finally ended up the fight with the praises of each other and they became good friends .From then on, Gilgamesh had totally changed. He became a hero who benefit the people and was respected. It can be seen from the story that it was Enkidu who changed Gilgamesh. It was Enkidu who gave Gilgamesh the power of building a career.

What worth mentioning is that before meeting Gilgamesh, Enkidu was thought to be a wild man accompanied with beasts whose body was covered with hairs. But he got rid of his barbarism as soon as the fight with Gilgamesh and turned to be a civilized hero. It seems that Gilgamesh also changed his life.

2、 friendship & human

When Gilgamesh was a tyrant, I think we can say with certainty that he never had a friend. At that time, he was just a symbol of all the misery that people had been suffering in ancient times. He was like a “monster” without human kindness and mercy. However, he tasted the happiness of friendship from the friendship with Enkidu and began to feel the real emotion of a human. He realized the meaning of his life is to fight against evil and to sacrifice for honor. Together they journey to the Spring of Youth, defeat the Bull of Heaven and slay the monster Humbaba. When Enkidu felt scared, Gilgamesh encouraged him and when he feared, Enkidu did the same thing. He even refused the proposal from a goddess because of her cruelty to people. All of these are the behaviors of a real human.

3、 seek & fate

After Enkidu died, Gilgamesh felt the fear of death and the threaten of being controlled by gods. He began the exploration of seeking the mystery of life and death. His ancestors said “one’s destiny is predeterminate.” Even the ghost of Enkidu told him that one would ultimately become dust. In the end, Gilgamesh found the grass that can bring eternal life, but it was stolen by a snake.

I felt very sad when I read this. Although Gilgamesh was such a brave hero whose body was two thirds deity, he seems could not decide his own fate. And I realized that all his successful stories was created by gods: gods made Enkidu who changed him; God helped him defeat the monster Humbaba or he might failed; gods put Enkidu to death for killing the Bull of Heaven; at last, the snake stole the grass.

However, even though Gilgamesh’s pursuit of eternal life failed, his spirit of criticizing and fighting against the authority of god remains the essence of the epic.

《The Epic of Gilgamesh》读后感(五):To live as a man

Lying on the bed, I found myself falling into insomnia. Images of childhood kept emerging from my head, still vivid, just like what happened yesterday. Yet the fragments stay only in memory. Reaching out my hands, I could never grasp any piece of the past in reality anymore. All have vanished with time. Somehow I came to think about the serious topic “death”. Everyone knows that death is inevitable, either for human beings or any other creatures on the planet. Truth as it is, it’s still extremely hard to for us, the most privileged and civilized though history, to wholly accept it, let alone our ancestors who held the innocent wish of immortality. Even so, that's what Gilgamesh has to go through.

In this epic, what impresses me most is the transformation of Gilgamesh’s attitude toward the problem of death. His struggle enlightens me that first we must accept we all have only a limited life. On the surface to accept death might signify to surrender to the irresistible. But if we dig into it, we will find that to accept death indeed helps us to stop squandering the valuable and avoid indulging in the useless. Once we acquire the sense, we are able to embrace the reality, to enjoy the moment and to live our life to the fullest. In this way the real meaning of life is intensified. Death is not the opposite of life. Rather, it endows life with glamour.

Initially Gilgamesh regards himself as god of immortality, but the truth is he is not. The epic begins with the account that Gilgamesh is “two thirds god, one third human.” Unconscious of his limits, He behaves as if he were a god. As a king, he is too powerful and too young to be aware of it. He refuses to acknowledge his mortality as well as his humanity. Thus he treats his men harshly; He insists on conquering the Great Demon in spite of the potential danger; He turns down the proposal of Ishtar by abuse. All demonstrate his ignorance. Although at the same time he is also a brave hero, this cannot lead him to fulfillment. He could probably perform his mission of life well only under the circumstance he understands and accepts himself, the real one, a mortal who would die at last. And that’s why he needs to undergo the following hardship.

In fact, I was confused about many things after the first reading, especially the relationship between the major events. However, after I chewed on it again and again, it came upon me that every major thing serves as a motivator to his final realization, especially the death of Enkidu, from which he starts his long journey.

The death of his friend Enkidu is a turning point in his life. Facing the loss of a companion, he is suddenly overwhelmed with powerlessness and terror. He realizes that he is also under the threat of death. In quest of immortality, he decides to search Utnapishtim for help, who survives the flood and is granted an eternal life. No matter how hard the journey is, he is persistent. It seems that without immortality, life is grey and meaningless to him.

After the long struggle, He finally arrives at the destination. Out of mercy, Utnapishtim gives him the magic plant. Unfortunately, it is swallowed by a snake on the way back. In despair, Gilgamesh couldn’t hold himself and weeps “I have gained nothing for myself.” Is the effort really in vain as he believes at that time? The answer is that, on the contrary, the result turns out it is definitely not. Though he is defeated considering he doesn’t achieve his goal before, he acquires a new life later.

After the loss, He ceases to hope for immortality and comes back to Uruk. He accepts his mortality and humanity. This allows him to start living as a man with new hope. He even invites Utnapishtim to look around and view the greatness of his city. To some extent, he is reborn as a real man, with new spirit and new understanding of life.

This is what I learn from the epic of Gilgamesh: accept death and grasp what we can control.
