
The Secret History读后感摘抄

The Secret History读后感摘抄

《The Secret History》是一本由Donna Tartt著作,Vintage出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:U.S. $14.95,页数:576,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Secret History》读后感(一):精彩的让人意犹未尽,句子拎出来都是写作范文


故事太吸引人,但暂时还不讲故事。就想分享一下,介绍怎样才能不辜负一本让人废寝忘食的好书作为教科书的作用 (以下内容最初发表于笔者微信公众号“一品尚书”——【干货】怎么读英文书,才能不辜负一本好书?(1) )。

1. 往伤口撒盐

“He knew I had nowhere to go for the winter vacation and enjoyed rubbing salt in my wounds.


Rub salt in the wounds 就是中文中的“往伤口撒盐”。只有见过这种地道表达,才能在翻译的时候不去想,怎么翻译“撒”来着?


“I sat up and rubbed the waffled pattern the sofa cushion had left on my cheek.


“He woke with a start. His face was puffy and the ridged pattern from the sofa cushions was printed deeply on his cheek.


脸肿肿的,外加印在脸上的枕头印,这么生活化的场景完全可以用大家耳熟能详的单词表达。leave 这个用法表示留下印记,同理是print。

此处要学习怎么说那个枕头上的花纹。可以用waffled pattern 或者ridged pattern.


《The Secret History》读后感(二):读后感 | 文艺青年杀人事件

其实这本书看到现在,述说的只是一个平平无奇的谋杀案。这个谋杀案发生在一群在学校里格格不入的学生群体中间 – 因为他们的专业,因为他们的能力,因为他们的成长环境,他们与其他的学生似乎有着不同的兴趣和关注点,他们的身上弥漫着老朽和复古的味道。被杀的Bunny是他们当中最张扬,最顽皮的一个。他用自己恶劣的手段从其他人身上榨取价值,在撞破了他们误杀了一个当地农夫的时候,不论是Bunny本人还是他们都知道自己面临的是一个什么情况 – Bunny无止无尽的骚扰和各种威胁,他们都知道,被Bunny抓住了把柄,他们的余生都不会再平静了。于是几个人一合计,既然手上已经有一条人命了,那再多一条又能怎样呢。只是Bunny自己似乎从来没有意识到这个可能性。事情进行的非常顺利,Bunny被推下了山谷,他们的秘密被永远埋藏了起来(至少目前看来是这样)。

即使有两条人命牵涉其中,这本小说完全没有一点悬疑的成分在里面,更没有什么侦探破案那种常常跟”杀人事件“牵扯在一起的元素。叙述者Richard是跟这个文艺青年小团体中的一员,但是又跟他们有一种隐隐的疏离感。从刚开始,Richard就带着仰慕的眼光看待这一群希腊语课程的学生,即使之后他也注册成为这个课堂的成员之一,他仍旧把自己放在了边缘的位置。不知道为什么我会很了解他对自己的定位 – 他喜爱,甚至是崇敬他们每一个人,在他们身边总有一种隐隐的自惭形秽的感觉。他不知道怎么拒绝他们的要求,愿意为他们保守一切秘密,甚至不惜自己也深陷其中。但是他又很好的保持着自己的骄傲,显得自己不需要他们,压抑着自己的好感。看上去是不是有一种无法理解又毫无必要的别扭 – 这种别扭就是文艺青年的要义啊。




《The Secret History》读后感(三):Stop bluffing the reader, it's not a secret.

I was disappointed after reading this 500-page novel. A good novel, in my view, needs to contain vivid images that the readers can actually “see”, or to delve into the most intricate parts of human heart that the reader can actually “feel”. But this novel failed to achieve both of them.

As a reader, you met some college students who studied ancient Greeks in a small New England College and they killed a farmer out of some “mysterious” ancient ritual or under hallucination. They also killed Bunny, their classmate who happened to know this incident and used to be a constant annoy to them, and successfully made it a scene of hiking accident. They were always drinking coffee, liquor, and eating bagels. Most of the time, they were either drunk or half awake from hangover. They quote Latin, Greek and French constantly. They were these high-classed intellectuals who refused to read magazines and newspapers and all (except Richard) came from wealthy families and committed their crimes in a very cool and composed way in the first 200 pages. Yet they suddenly became weak and scared to death after the murders. They used drugs and liquor. They go to parties to get drunk and random sex. They cried, trembled, went crazy after the death of Bunny was discovered and when everything went to a mess, Henry, the coolest guy, put some bullets into his heart.

Now that’s the end of a story. What did you remember? Most of the characters and scenes in this novel, although the author devoted long paragraphs to describe them, still remain in oblivion. You met Henry, Richard, Charles, Camilla, … but their names are the only way to distinguish them. Their images were not clearer than the x, y, z’s you have in a math formula. Here’s an example of the author’s description of Camilla, the only girl in this group of intellectuals:

“Being the only female in what was basically a boy’s club must have been difficult for her. Miraculously, she didn’t compensate by becoming hard or quarrelsome. She was still a girl, a slight lovely girl who lay in bed and ate chocolates, a girl whose hair smelled like hyacinth and whose white scarves fluttered jauntily in the breeze; a girl as bewitching, and clever, as any girl who ever lived. But strange and marvelous as she was, a wisp of silk in a forest of black wool, she was not at all the fragile creature one would have her seem. In many ways she was as cool and competent as Henry; tough-minded and solitary in her habits, and in many ways as aloof. Out in the country it was not uncommon to discover that she had slipped away, alone, out to the lake, maybe, or down to the cellar, where once I found her sitting in the big marooned sleigh, reading, her fur coat thrown over her knees. Things would have been terribly strange and unbalanced without her. She was the Queen who finished out the suit of dark Jacks, dark King, and Joker. “

I couldn't get any picture or idea of Camilla after reading this long paragraph. She is a girl, but what kind of girl exactly? The author simply piled fancy yet senseless descriptions into a single paragraph without questioning whether they would contradict themselves. That’s how bad it is.
