


《黑色党徒》是一部由斯派克·李执导,亚当·德赖弗 / 托弗·戈瑞斯 / 劳拉·哈里尔主演的一部喜剧 / 传记 / 犯罪类型的电影,以下这些影评,希望对大家能有帮助。


黑人种族话题最近几年是好莱坞热衷拍摄的话题。入围奥斯卡最佳影片和最佳改编剧本角逐,必然是愈来愈浓厚的政治倾向。 这样的真实故事改编本可以拍得更精彩。但,导演却把好好的牌打得够烂。 讲故事能力差!冲突平白比白开水还淡。 电影原声音乐是请了新手做的吧,频繁且莫名其妙的来一段不知所以然的背影音乐,就很突然让你神离了。 不推荐!不二刷! 剧情6.4,音乐5.0,镜头5.5



《黑色党徒》影评(三):#2 Blackkklansman dir. Spike Lee 2018



后半段在表现主题上则会犀利的多,观众会接受到很多呐喊式的、口号式的观点的倾泻。高潮部分white power和black power的对立也在导演的平行蒙太奇里被直观的搬到了台前。

也幸好在screening前看了一半reading,这里才成为了我觉得最有意思的部分 — “This back-and-forth editing technique, called the cross cut (or parallel cut, switchback, or several other synonyms), which produced closeness out of distance, became a standard Griffith tool, fulfilling several primary functions.” — 而这里3K党们正在聚众观看的影片也正是Griffith的The Birth of A Nation。

最后导演选择cite newsreels来结束这部影片。突然想起了花样年华结尾,仿佛有异曲同工之妙。我那时候这样写: “By the end of the film, the director distances himself from the film camera by citing obsolete newsreels, telling the audience that no matter how small and personal the story might be, it does not escape from its time and place, just like the zooming in and out of the same camera. This is also why I feel compelled to study cinema in college - the personal and the collective are connected by the flow of the narrative and the movement of the camera. As long as we know how to dissect the seemingly innocent images, we can get in touch with the truths of life across times and scales.”

现实世界人们真切在面对的种族歧视、暴力是什么样的?Trump和David Duke站在白人立场上片面的发言与之相比又是如何充满了讽刺意味的?


《黑色党徒》影评(四):#2 Blackkklansman dir. Spike Lee 2018




后半段在表现主题上则会犀利的多,观众会接受到很多呐喊式的、口号式的观点的倾泻。高潮部分white power和black power的对立也在导演的平行蒙太奇里被直观的搬到了台前。

也幸好在screening前看了一半reading,这里才成为了我觉得最有意思的部分 — “This back-and-forth editing technique, called the cross cut (or parallel cut, switchback, or several other synonyms), which produced closeness out of distance, became a standard Griffith tool, fulfilling several primary functions.” — 而这里3K党们正在聚众观看的影片也正是Griffith的The Birth of A Nation。

最后导演选择cite newsreels来结束这部影片。突然想起了花样年华结尾,仿佛有异曲同工之妙。我那时候这样写: “By the end of the film, the director distances himself from the film camera by citing obsolete newsreels, telling the audience that no matter how small and personal the story might be, it does not escape from its time and place, just like the zooming in and out of the same camera. This is also why I feel compelled to study cinema in college - the personal and the collective are connected by the flow of the narrative and the movement of the camera. As long as we know how to dissect the seemingly innocent images, we can get in touch with the truths of life across times and scales.”

现实世界人们真切在面对的种族歧视、暴力是什么样的?Trump和David Duke站在白人立场上片面的发言与之相比又是如何充满了讽刺意味的?

