









Happy dragon boat festival

Tomorrow is dragon boat festival, I and father mother go together Woerma goes buying a zhongzi.

Arrive Woerma, I run to look for a zhongzi with respect to rapid ground. Wow! Here huge crowd of people, really lively. Well? How is that place person special much? Taking away doubt I looked in the past after all. Oh! Buy a zhongzi so, the zhongzi breed here is really too much: Of beef stuffing, of red jujube stuffing, of chop stuffing, of earthnut stuffing... my what look saliva should flow. Took a bag rapidly, say to mom: "Mom, I like to eat fresh chopped meat, I should be bought more a few. " mom nods express to agree, then I bought the zhongzi of a lot of fresh chopped meat.

Buy a zhongzi, we bought a lot of things again, have a meal in hall of Xiang Shang coffee next, had eaten a meal, we came home cheerfully, really happy today!

Look! This is the zhongzi that I buy, but delicious!


"61 " , it is Children's Festival day, be in this day, we but glad, everybody is met to the top of one's bent amuse oneself, only joyous song laughed that day language, all not happy, cast after the head completely. In the morning, had eaten breakfast, I come cheerly to earthly square, each lofty sentiments is full of classmates, in spirits. Them each holds each head high hold out a bosom, each is perky and dye-in-the-wood. Today, also be the day that new team member joins a group, it is the Young Pioneer fastens red scarf to the chairman above all, young Pioneers are discharging orderly team, went up rostrum, the experienced chairman that goes up to the stage has fastened red scarf. In them skilled pose falls, gave me not little encourage, I am thinking, they are OK, why am I not OK? In the side they adorn when red scarf, I am a bit excited, also fear a bit, I feel this is a how glorious thing, but I fear again oneself made a mistake. The little little sisters of little little brother of that batch of one grade wore red scarf proudly, make a pledge below bright-coloured ensign, this is additional also the joyance when I remember first time wears red scarf. The uncle aunt on the side people taking camera, take the hour that left this joy, they look at their children to join a group gloriously, dou Lou gave bright smile. After flag-raising ceremony ends, everybody is stepping orderly pace to come to the place of pleasance, there is happy smile on everybody's face, search the sport that oneself like severally. And before the game of our class, discharging to grow senior team, everybody is interested in this game very much, I am in look at aside, see the look of their kickball: Some is sweating; Some showed bright smile; Some seeming is to expressing to be not in kicking cannot... they the ball ability that each is showing oneself, everybody is so outstanding. Passed a little while, the good friend walks over, ask why I don't play game? I listen, say to her: "You do not say I still forgot to have really so much interesting game. " say, I search the sport that I like. I strolled in garden circuit, abrupt by " essay question " game place is attracted, then I am on team of in front of excitedly. I see the classmate in front replies correctly, I feared a bit, it is too difficult to fear to inscribe, I won't reply. To me, my heart jump continuously, take a step ahead slowly, after viewing a subject, I thought a little while, guessed. I feel this game is very easy, played a few times again. There is atmosphere in little ground. Happy laugh, ground of for a long time is on field resound. Time one second ground went, pleasance activity also ended. I cross the 61 Children's Festivals this year really interestingly! This will become the jewel of a glaring bright in my life memory. Wish everybody: "Happy Children Day! "



Last holiday, and birds come out! On the way home, my heart Le Zizi's.

At home, I saw my brother sitting on the sofa, is waiting for me then!

"Leilei, Da Buda badminton ah?" My brother to see me back, got up and asked me busy, "Well, Well." I readily agreed.

Started, and her mother sat next to in front of the referee, brother tee, he suddenly come to a "bait ball", depriving the ball I could not even a feather no Peng Zhao, angry face was fat, I "Purple"

, And look at me angry, my brother was happy, he was like a proud cock beginning to recover without looking me: "According to your point that technology, but also want to win me paranoid!" "I really Huotai a!" I want to come true, and a harsh made a ball, think back to my brother in the next Buzhao the bar, Who would have thought my brother to shoot feathers waved gently put the ball back on the bomb, I was scared the life out a result, the ball or the floor, and I lost one point, his brother said: "This will be aware of my fiercely bar! hum!

Not willing to come back ! I was not afraid of you then! "I'm thorough service, and his brother too much.


Long for ah long for, longed for annual 61 Children's Festivals eventually. 61 Children's Festivals are the red-letter day that the child likes most arrived one day that, what everybody dresses up is beautiful, wearing oneself new clothes and new trousers to come to the school. The school prepares the program of garden party for us, the blind feels tail of ball, picture, 2 people 3 sufficient etc. I played the blind to feel a ball, the teacher binds my eye, next, I go by to be patted with the hand all the time, oh, do not pat, but, the teacher also gives me a gift. I am much happier! Finally, the teacher calls us to return a class had sat to send a gift to give us in the room, we receive the laugh with the happy gift that the teacher sends. 61 Children's Festivals are how happy! I if only 61 Children's Festivals should open many play again.


Children's Day

On June 1st day, all children are very happy. On that day ,we don't go to school.Most of the children will go to the park. In the park, some children are flying kites, some are playing football, and some are playing a game.In the sky,there are a lot of kites.But there is only once a year we will have this happy festival.I think Children's Day is the most important holiday for the children.Because everybody has fun on that day!


My Favourite Season我喜欢的季节英语作文50字

My favourite season is summer. I often wear my shorts and T-shirt. Sometimes I wear my jeans. In summer it is often sunny and hot. Sometimes rainy in summer. I usually swim with my father. Sometimes I eat ice-cream at home.













关于传统文化的作文400字 传统之旅——胡庆余堂


走进古色古香的胡庆余堂,扑鼻而来的是浓浓的药香味,映入眼帘的一块古朴的长匾,上面写着“戒欺”两个大字,这是胡庆余堂创始人胡雪岩亲手书写的,他认为药物事关人命的,药物一定要货真价实。这个理念,是我们传统 “诚信”文化的最好体现,正是“言必行,行必果”的最好体现。

在参观胡庆余堂中药博物馆过程中,导游阿姨生动而详细介绍了中医中药的起源、发展,介绍了中药的种类、制作,也同时介绍了许多在中医中药发展中如扁鹊、孙思邈等这样的重要历史名人。我们同行的小朋友们认真听讲,专心记录,通过介绍让我们大家感受到了中医中药的博大精深。据导游阿姨介绍,胡庆余堂中药文化被国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录, “北有同仁堂,南有庆余堂”,从而确立了胡庆余堂这“江南药王”的美名。

