
Eating sately作文300字

Eating sately作文300字

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初三英语作文:Eating sately

Eating sately is very important in our lives. But how can we eat safely? I have some advice . First, we should eat more fruits and vegetables , they are good for our health. Next, we shouldn’t eat junk food., they are bad for our health. We should always eat at home ,because it’s very safe and clean.If you do these ,you will eat safely.


初三英语作文400字:Eating sately

Nowdays, there are more and more problems in people’s lives, such as eating. So how can we be sure to have a good diet?

First of all, I think we’d better eat at home, because it’s more delicious and safer. We have to wash food carefully to make sure they are clean. I think eating an apple a day can keep the doctor away. Don’t eat junk food,it’s much too dirty. We need a balanced diet.

In a word, we should eat safely.
