





Dragon Boat Festival is an ancient traditional festivals, began in the Spring and Autumn period, has been 2000 years of history. Dragon Boat Festival originated from Qu Yuan's story: Qu Yuan advocated by the virtuous and Empowerment, Fuguoqiangbing, advocated joint Qi Kang Qin, it was noble son of Lan and others strongly opposed, the result being greedy Qu Yuan has resigned, and was driven out of capital, exiled to Yuan, Xiang River. 278 BC, the Qin break Chu Kyoto. Qu Yuan saw their country invaded, Xinrudaoge, but still could not bear to give up their own country, in the May 5, the pen never wrote a "Huaisha", the bouldering vote Miluo River body death, taking our own lives composed a magnificent song of patriotism movement. Legend of Qu Yuan's death, the state of Chu people abnormal grief, have rushed to pay tribute to Qu Yuan Miluo River. Fishermen are drawn from the vessel, in the river salvage his real body back and forth. One fisherman come prepared for Qu Yuan's rice balls, eggs and other food, "thump, thump" land thrown into the river, saying it was fed to fish, crab, lobster, they will not bite Qu doctor's health. People see below followed suit. An old doctor was brought an altar Announcements, updates, poured into the river, saying that the water should be drug halo dragon beast, so as not to hurt the doctor bent. Later, as the dragon balls for fear of food, people come up with neem leaves Ssambap, outer wrapped wire color has developed into zongzi. After the fifth day of May of each year, there is a dragon boat races, eating dumplings, drink Announcements, updates, customs, in order to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

Dragon Boat Festival is a tradition to eat dumplings. Whenever the fifth day of May, my mother would pack a number of dumplings, let us satisfy their appetites. Mama's dumplings packages are particularly tasty, one end of the table, the smell of the fragrance comes, I will be devoured his brother and Dad have to eat, will not rest until eat.

The Dragon Boat Festival kids wear Sachet, legends evil blast meaning flooding, is actually a window dressing for the first lapel. Sachet containing cinnabar, realgar, incense medicine, outsourcing to cloth, fragrance lovers, and then to buckle into a five-color silk string cable for a variety of different shapes, form a string, all kinds, cute.

Wearing a sachet, relish in eating the fragrant rice dumplings, the Dragon Boat Festival, I have more heart indescribably happy. Today, Dragon Boat Festival has been the national statutory holiday and that China's folk customs handed down from generation to generation!




Monday morning, the teachers teach us the language dictionary.

The teacher said: "phonetic search the word, so check capital letters, then check the word syllable; radical method is to first check the number of radical words a few pictures and then find the radicals, to find the number next to see, then, from the Department of The first search word to find words to search and then find the word following the page number. "

After listening to the teacher's explanation, I thought: look up the dictionary so difficult, I can learn it? Teacher first told us to check to "solve" the "solution" to the word. I cautiously opened a "corner" had been found in the word, is 78. I am pleased to be dancing, the teachers asked us check on the right is of a few. I counted a total of 6 document. Along the lessons I found in the 368 in a "solution" to the word, I cried with excitement.

Ah! I finally learned to look up the dictionary it!


我的英语老师Jeremy kidman是一位十分幽默、风趣而又温和的老师。他个子高挑,面目清秀,走在大街上最引人注目的是他那一头又长又卷的狮子型头发,十分前卫,虽然有些瘦弱,但是却很精神。他有一副好嗓子,说起话来十分好听,特别是在读英语的时候,他的声音温和而富有磁性,所以我们都非常喜欢他。

Jeremy kidman是一位十分幽默、风趣的老师。他有一句经典的语言——头发的长短是不能决定一个人的性别的。这句话让我至今记忆犹新。记得那是在一堂英语课上,正当同学们感到枯燥乏味、坐立不安的时候,Jeremy kidman绷着脸,一本正经地对我们说:“头发的长短是不能决定一个人的性别的!”大家一听,教室里顿时鸦雀无声,同学们都聚精会神地准备听Jeremy kidman的下文,Jeremy kidman看出了同学们的心思,故作神秘地对我们讲:“一天早上,我开车在来学校的路上,经过一个路口时,正要转弯,但是在转弯的那根车道上正好有一辆直行的汽车,为了不迟到,我只好冲双实线转弯,当时我听见那辆车上的司机说了一句话……”Jeremy kidman故意卖了个关子,让同学们猜一猜,大家便七嘴八舌地议论起来,有的说:“好大胆喔!不怕电子眼嗦!”,有的说:“前面有警察,小心罚款!”Jeremy kidman一边摇头一边说:“No!No!No!you are wrong!(不!不!不!你们都错了!)那位司兄是这样说的——“这位小妹儿好凶喔!”话音刚落,全班哄堂大笑,刚才枯燥乏味、坐立不安的心情全都烟消云散,飞到九霄云外去了……

这就是我的英语老师Jeremy kidman,他总是在我们学习感到枯燥乏味时,给我们讲一两个笑话,让我们的学习变得轻松起来,快乐起来,让我们对英语产生浓厚的兴趣。我为有这样一位英语老师而感到幸运,这个“幸运”不仅代表有好运的意思,更让我感到一种幸福,我想我对英语的爱好会因为这位老师而一直延续下去。



In the afternoon, the breeze gently blowing about 11 unfamiliar faces; sunlight sprinkled on the ground, adding to the somewhat angry. I was standing under a tree. This is really a hot summer, as young as 5 years old I, like heart and look childish. I'm waiting for cousin and his cousin, I have an appointment to go to adventure with them.

Time as the leaves of the "imperfections" sound goes forward. People really drowsy afternoon Na, either cousin and his cousin suddenly appeared behind me, I might have been lying in this snore of.

"You are shameless!" I am dissatisfied with it, "that you so long to come, I have to sleep!"

"Today we do not go to adventure, and we play this bar!" Upon saying this, cousin does not know where to pull out of a football. Humph! Obvious that he was timid and afraid to go their own! But look at you with football's sake, Oh, give you a face.

"Good!" My cousin applaud.

To find a drift with cinnamon open spaces, with their feet control the football, forget everything, forget the whole world.

"Black!" A loud crash, stunned us, suddenly anxious to know what to do. As the saying goes: Thirty-Six Stratagems away as fast as the best way!

We looked at each other boo, to the soles of the feet of the point of wiping oil, stroll in!

Cousin afraid of my aunt scolded and hid in my home. See his expression, that he is very uncomfortable, because the ball is his band to play suggested that he mention that he kicked the glass is broken.

An emergency, I wanted to pee-pee. On the toilet in my time, my cousin was stuck in the toilet, forced me to help him a scapegoat. Huh? Bear the blame for that? Let's just let out of the toilet start to say, I takes numerous! I was forced to agree, and only from that horrible place to escape.

What is a black mark against them in the end? By the way, my mother frying pan is not black do?哈哈! Made a scapegoat can be really easy ah!

Not surprisingly, that family turned out her door came. Mother to kick out the three of us one by one, I am carrying a black mark against them, from the bed to climb out of.

Mom looked at me, she stayed, I stayed. One asked, things began to realize that context, he was angry, but there are enough to create misunderstandings.

The memories are always with a smile. Afternoon breeze blowing over again, which is the childhood mixed atmosphere, sealed in their hearts, has been and will always be!



If the winds are color, there are colorful colors, then the more Well!

If the wind is red, in celebration of the festival, Feng ER one blow, the streets are glowing red, and even added a fun and lively atmosphere, make it faces wearing smiles, more happy, happy.

Involvement wind is orange or yellow, Feng ER a blow, the earth all year round bumper grain harvest, either barren or fertile land, can grow out of glistening yellow food, food from around the world will not worry about, but will not be Food issues lead to war. So, can there be more people for us to think about the future of humanity.

If the wind is green, or blue, and Feng ER a blow, the world is full of greenery everywhere, every day we breathe the fresh air, bad weather has also been reduced. Due to human pollution of the environment created by their own things, such as vehicle exhaust, do not have a huge impact on us. Therefore, the Earth Mother will be more young and beautiful.

If the wind is blue, Feng ER one blow, the sky becomes blue and blue, so we bid farewell to gray skies up early in the morning and saw the blue sky, bright sunshine, there is a good mood! The sea will become more blue, the sea creatures more and more, and many endangered marine animals in the ocean back to life, and can breed more offspring.

If the wind is purple, and Feng ER a blow, presenting before our eyes is the heavy grapes, huge eggplant. . . . . Many, many purple fruits and vegetables. The face of heavy fruit, vegetables, we can get a lot of nutrients, makes us more intelligent, stronger, for the motherland, make a greater contribution to tomorrow!

If the wind has color, then be nice ah! People can live a carefree life, hope in the future, people can live happy lives.












◆您现在正在阅读的小学的英语作文 今年暑假(this vacations)文章内容由收集, 本站地址:,版权归原作者所有.!

小学的英语作文 今年暑假(this vacations)

今年暑假(this vacations)

in this vacations igo to travel in some famous places and i go to visit my grandparents in the village.i learn something difenrent.like example:iknow people work in the village it is so hard and so tired,they are grow the vegetable,rice and something else it is very dificult.

小学的最后一个暑假(the last summer in my elementary school)

the last summer in my elementary school is very unforgetable,i remember i will go to another school and have to leave my friends and teachers,i feel sad ,but i learned to get together with them to remember the friendship between us,we have a good time and swear to study hard in order to have a bright future.

今天的经历(today's experience)

it was a fine day today and the sun was bright . i visited beijing zoo with my classmate , zhang hong .

the animals there were so interesting that allthe people loved them . when i saw a visitor throwing food to the monkeys , i went ran to stop him and said ,“ animals are our good friends and we must take good care of them .”



"A beautiful woman in the book, book, house of gold", the ancients used this effort to motivate their children to school. Be for me, born Aikan Shu.

However, I have a full "Little Bookworm," no matter what book, I love to read, often saw no stopping, and this gives me a lot of trouble.

I remember one time, I am, "Smith magic bell" This book is very fascinating, since the purchase came back at night to see during the day also used the time to read all the rest. Gradually, the first pass reading, and reading the second time, and for the third time ...... ...... fourth times this book pretty soon, I turned bad, and I almost back out, is still immersed in the "magic" in. May be short-lived, one day, I read up early in the morning, this thought will not be found, but the mother to the toilet, just caught a "current." Hey, really unlucky!

On another occasion, the students lent me a book, and I on Saturday, Sunday to go to a birthday dinner for a family Liuhe, secretly gave the book to bring. One to the hotel, my focus will shift in a book, sitting in a chair watching, ears heard some noise completely ignored. After a good while, until the mother say no to throw down the book before I reluctantly put down the book. You say that I am not a "little bookworm"?

Zang Kejia grandfather said: reading a good book, like paid a good friends. That, in turn, reading bad books, that is, to degrade the time, so do not look meaningless book Oh!



In the case that recalls in me, have a lot of making the person of my admire, their good quality makes me admire. But, I most of admire is a stranger that has never met before with me however. Write down the weather is very coldly that day afternoon, but I am very warm however. Classessed are over that day, ought father receives me, but I look for the people that is less than him however. I am awaiting his arrival with respect to very patient ground. Waited 229 minutes, father did not come as before, but at this moment gate mouth already was absolutely empty, clean healthful also exposed his body in succession. I want to feel not right more more. Right now, I resemble an ants on a hot pan urgently, at this moment, a new aunt came, she asks: "Child, how? I look up look this aunt up and down: Stature is not tall, have furrow, all over the face smile. I tell her my difficulty like seeing emancipator, tell her the telephone number of my home, she was dialed. I tell father its course. In a few minutes, before a familiar face appears in me, it is father! I got on a car. Just when we want acknowledgment,this aunt sads however silence ground went. Is this aunt happy to aid the person, spirit that does not seek get one's own back to you can make me irreverent how is admire sent extremely?


◆您现在正在阅读的我的英语老师my english teacher文章内容由收集, 本站地址:,版权归原作者所有.!

我的英语老师my english teacher

in my life, ms. wang is the most important person to me. her teaching skills are diverse. in class, she usually uses games and posters. she works hard for us. when other teachers rest, she still keeps working and working. when we are mischievous, she is good at giving systematic guidance.

we are really grateful for what she has done for us. we want to say ”thank you” to her.
