
Leftover Women读后感摘抄

Leftover Women读后感摘抄

《Leftover Women》是一本由Leta Hong Fincher著作,Zed Books出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 26.95,页数:213,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Leftover Women》读后感(一):第一章

准备拿来做毕业设计的书。一本书大大改变了我之前对“剩女”这个词的理解,本以为我是支持女权主义、倡导男女平等的人,没想到实际上很多想法都是不自觉将女性放在了弱势的位置,对隐藏的攻击毫无察觉,仅仅是第一章的数据陈述,让我认识太多,希望在后面的章节有更多收获。很推荐姐妹们读这本书,英国亚马逊kindle store7磅多,hard copy就要贵好多了。可惜国内暂时应该还不能买到。

《Leftover Women》读后感(二):惊天大阴谋















《Leftover Women》读后感(三):压抑到难以看下去


我看了之后其实非常喜欢。我觉得这本书揭露了中国的问题。也有很多的金句在里面:in one sense, “leftover” women don’t exist. They are a category of women concocted by the government to achieve its demographic goals of promoting marriage, planning population and maintaining social stability. Contrary to the stereotype of single professional women being miserable and lonely , I will show you that the reality is quite the opposite: it is young women rushing int marriage too early that tend to wind up in trouble.





《Leftover Women》读后感(四):书评:《剩女”:性别不平等在中国重新抬头》(中文翻译)

这篇书评的英文版是我写的,首发于LSE Review of Books。由“新媒体女性”翻译成中文,并被“译言”转载。

Leta Hong Fincher在北京的清华大学攻读社会学博士学位之前,是名记者。本书是以她的博士研究项目 – 尚未被充分研究的“剩女”和中国的房地产市场以及性别不平等之间的关联 – 为基础的。Fincher此前曾为纽约时报,CNN以及Ms杂志撰写过文章讨论类似的议题,而这些话题也由此得到了不少的关注。大量的采访引述和新鲜的媒体报道使得这本书可读性很高,有潜力吸引广大读者。








最后,本书标题中“重新出现”一词,在这一情境下显得有些问题。正如在本书序言部分提到的,本书“认为有官方背景的媒体对‘剩女’的宣扬是后社会主义中国性别不平等重新出现的表现之一”(第3页)。这里“重新出现”暗示了性别平等曾经得以实现。我认为性别平等从未实现并且性别不平等在中国历史上一直存在(更多信息请阅读Hui-Chen Wang Liu, Elisabeth Croll,和Judith Stacey的相关书籍)。Fincher通过引述宋朝(公元960-1279年)时期女人“对财产有着持续和独立的控制和拥有权”来支撑“重新出现”这一观点。然后她把宋朝女人和当代中国女人进行比较,声称“中国女人的财产权在后社会主义的城市化进程中被逐步侵蚀了”(第131页)。她把当代中国女人和一千年前的女人对比的方法是有问题的。虽然作者引用了历史学家Kathryn Bernhardt的研究,但她似乎忽视了Bernhardt的结论:宋朝根本就没有“财产平分法”,而且也确实不可能有。相反,父系继承的原则倒是一直沿用,而女性只有在家里无子无兄弟的情况下享有继承权(第8页)。此外,由于在讨论财产权时几乎没有考虑过相对应时期的社会经济情境,第四章的讨论显得过于简化。




《Leftover Women》读后感(五):You can't fight a propaganda with a propaganda.

What I fail to see is how this book has lived up to its own claims.

1). The title is slightly misleading: The 'resurgence' of gender inequality is clearly nowhere to be seen. The author spend the final two chapters to briefly talk about the seemingly equality achieved in the early years of China's Great Leap Forward but also concluded (reasonably) that such apparent equality was based on more deeply divided inequality with women shouldering up more burdens both at home and at work.

If such an argument is to hold, where is the 'resurgence?'. To have an resurgence of inequality you should first see, by definition, a period of diminishing inequality in the first place.

It seems that the only period where the inequality has diminished is during the Song dynasty (from 960 onwards) but then in such a context the resurgence has long overdue (the author herself argued such a resurgence happened arguably in the Ming dynasty, where nephews took precedence over daughters in inheritance)

The book presented gender inequality as a persistent theme, but the 'resurgence' is nowhere to be seen. 'Resurgence' to me seems to be used solely for the purpose of gaining attention at the wrong expense of credibility of study.

2). Selective quotation is everywhere. The adaptation of the original Horizon study by the author was evident, particularly on how she failed to discuss the figure where majority (around 70% if I remembered correctly) of men have paid the full down payment for property purchases.

This does not justify the claim of patriarchal hegemony, and should not be understood in such a way, but completely ignoring such an argument would be only to fool ourselves from understanding a more critical issue: the socio-economic imbalance of modern women in China, which of course wasn't dealt adequately in this book.

3). This book is rife with simple explanations to complex problems, including a very shallow understanding on purchases and financing of real estate properties by parents for their daughters (since this is a major topic undertaken by the author). There is no awareness of historical context or precedent works in this field. I would see more secondary sources to back up some of the perceptions the authors made in this book, as these are often overly simplified.

The author sometimes also took a patronising stance, which is fine because it should be purely confined to a matter of style of writing and should not constitute an argument to refute the facts presented in this book. But what is worth noting is that whether the author has paid enough attention to confirmation bias, as she has often approached the subjects with a set agenda in mind. It is also worrying that none of the transcripts for interviews were included in the appendix. In one of her critiques on a survey on Leju by sina.com, the author made the right argument to say that how questions are phrased is going to exert substantial influence on the responses gathered, yet how she herself has avoided this issue wasn't adequately discussed.

It is also worth noting that the sample of interviewees were rather worryingly homogenous, as the author has not randomly selected samples but approached through weibo where the target audience has expressed interests in her study. This is worrying as the self selection bias could well feed into certain types of responses, as exemplified by the transcripts excerpts many of the subjects interviewed came to the project with relatively strong but rather homogenous views on the issue at hand. Would it be more beneficial to interview more representative sample?

On a concluding note, this is an important topic and indeed one that is worth writing on. The author has shown tremendous courage to approach many sides on this issue, but the depth of the thinking is lacking nor is a desire to reference extensively seen in this work. Key texts remained in many chapters to be confined to one or two studies done by commercial estate agents or websites, whose integrity are not verified. Understandably undertaking such a study in China is going to be ultimately a tedious work on the respect of data, but that should not constitute an excuse to cherry pick what data to include and what not, nor a good gesture to take many data on their face value while downplaying other data on the basis of their credibility just because they don't support your argument.

One final word: You cannot fight a propaganda with another propaganda.
