
《You Are Your Own Gym》的读后感大全

《You Are Your Own Gym》的读后感大全

《You Are Your Own Gym》是一本由Mark Lauren / Joshua Clark著作,Ballantine Books出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:$9.38,页数:192,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《You Are Your Own Gym》读后感(一):A brief review of the bible of body weight execises

It’s probably my first reading of English book except those for my professional study. Mr Mark Lauren, the author, presents a very enlightening and positive attitude towards workout, fitness, as well as life. Both the basis and details of bodyweight exercises are described clear and convincing in this book. Actually I was shocked by some of the statements herein, e.g. cardio is less efficient for fat burning than the low-volume/high-intensity strength training. BTW, the relevant mobile app and video demonstration are excellent supplement to the book for following the training programs. Now the mission is to challenge my own body with consistency!

《You Are Your Own Gym》读后感(二):有一堆问题想问


1. 看这本书,能不能达到具体的目标?



2. Principle?

最想知道的其实是principle, 比如




练完以后要跑步, 做有氧/无氧吗?多久?








3. 书中只零星的回答了上述问题中的几个

①呼吸:In general, you want to exhale as your muscles contract, and inhale as your muscles stretch.





《You Are Your Own Gym》读后感(三):note


1. 肌肉力量

MUSCULAR STRENGTH: Your ability to exert a force through a given distance. Muscular strength can be determined by the difficulty of an exercise that you are able to perform for a single repetition. For example, if Jane, with maximal effort, can perform one Classic Push Up and Tarzan can perform a Handstand Push Up, then Tarzan has greater muscular strength.

2. 爆发力

POWER: The amount of force you can exert in a specific amount of time. Power = Work/Time. If Tarzan and Jane are both able to perform only one Pull Up with their maximal efforts, but Jane is able to perform that one Pull Up faster, then she has more power even though they have the same strength.

3. 肌肉耐力

MUSCULAR ENDURANCE: How long you can exert a specific force. Jane and Tarzan could compare their muscular endurance by seeing who can hold the peak position of the Pull Up the longest.

4. 心肺耐力

CARDIOVASCULAR ENDURANCE: Your body’s ability to supply working muscles with oxygen during prolonged activity. Jane and Tarzan challenge and improve their cardiovascular endurance by performing 200 non-stop Squats together.

5. 速度

SPEED: Your ability to rapidly and repeatedly execute a movement or series of movements. If Jane can do 45 lunges in 30 seconds and Tarzan can do only 25, then Jane has greater speed.

6. 平衡能力

BALANCE: Your ability to maintain control of your body’s center of gravity.

7. 协调能力

COORDINATION: Your ability to combine more than one movement to create a single, distinct movement. For example, performing a simple jump requires that you coordinate several movements. The bend at the waist, knees, and ankles and then the correct extension of those joints must all be combined into a single movement. Your ability to combine these movements, with the proper timing, into one movement determines your coordination, and in turn, how well you can do the exercise.

8. 柔韧性

FLEXIBILITY: Your range of motion. If Jane, while doing a squat and using good form, can go down until her butt touches her heels, and Tarzan can only go until his thighs are parallel to the ground, then Jane has greater flexibility.
