
《Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man》读后感100字

《Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man》读后感100字

《Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man》是一本由Steve Harvey著作,Amistad出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 23.99,页数:232,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man》读后感(一):无功无过

在吉隆坡机场的书店看到的书 当时没舍得买下 回来买了kindle版来看 看完了 还是适合西方人的逻辑 对中国男人不怎么适用 但有些point还是全世界女人都该知晓的 所以「无功无过 随便看看」


《Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man》读后感(二):我爱问Steve

就像连岳善于做情感顾问一样,Steve Harvey也在做着类似的事情,他主持着一档早间广播节目Steve Harvey Morning Show,每天接听听众们讲述真实的故事,然后站在男性的立场进行分析,解答着各种各样两性问题,不过他更为幽默,更为广大美国妇女所熟知。



《Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man》读后感(三):15条原则让你远离不靠谱男



1 Men want the bragging rights- the right to say “i’m number one”(man’s motivation)

Recognizing that he’s On the verge of becoming the man he wants to be

Implement his plan

2 man’s love is diff from woman’s love

·Profess,she is in the man’s plan

A profession is key- you will know if a man is serious about you once he claims you


But some men simply do not have the education, resources, and wherewithal to make an adequate amount of hard cash.

It’s a “get-over” term, ladies- one that has a very legitimate premise, but one that has been wrongly and almost universally applied to any woman who has made clear that she experts her man to fulfill his duty as a man.


In sum, you have to stoop heaping your own definition of love on men and recognize that men love differently.

3 The three things every man needs- support, loyalty, and the cookie

·your support

Baby, how was your day? Thank you for making it happen for us. This family needs you and wants you and is happy to have you.

The more you make us feel like we’re special, the more we’ll give in return

·your loyalty

·the cookie( sex)

4 “we need to talk” and other words that make men run for cover

Honey,look, nothing is really wrong- I just want to tell somebody something--------fix it

5 first things first, he wants to sleep with you

6 sports fish VS keepers: how men distinguish between the marring types and the playthings

A woman who takes good car of herself. Nice

How you respond- the way you control this exchange- will mean all the difference between whether he considers you a throwback or a keeper

7 mama’s boy

His mother refuses to cut the umbilical cord and let him be a man 脐带的

The only thing you have to do is establish the rules, say them out loud early in the relationship, and make sure he sticks to them

8 why men cheat

The playbook -- how to win the game

9 men respect standards- get some

Start by making the man be really clear up front about what he wants out of his life and his relationship with you.

10 The Five Questions Every Woman Should Ask Before She Gets in Too Deep

1 what are your short-term goals?

2 what are your longe-term goals?

3 what are your views on relationships? A gamut of relationship 全部知识

4 what do you think about me?

5 how do you feel about me?

11 the 90 days rule- getting the respect you deserve

So if the government won’t give a man benefits until he’s been on the job and proven himself. Why, ladies, are you passing out benefits to men before they’ve proven themselves worthy?

How does he react when you tell him you’ve got some problems?

How does your man react under pressure?

How does he react to bad news?

How does he react when he’s told “no”?

12 if he’s meeting the kids after you decide he’s”the one” it’s too late

13 strong, independent, and lonely- women

Appreciating a man, not undermining his confidence, is the best way to get the best out of your guy. And the best way to appreciate him is by being a girl, and especially letting him be a man.

How to be a girl on a date

1 don’t tell him where you’d like to go- tell him the kind of food and atmosphere you enjoy, and then let him figure out a place that he thinks will suit your taste.

2 Don’t tell him you’ll drive—let him get you to where you all need to go.

3 Don’t tell him you want to go dutch—let him pay.

4 Don’t invite him up for a nightcap—kiss him good night and let him figure out what he needs to do to earn the cookie (but not before the ninety-day probation ends).

14 how to get the ring

The setting of the wedding date and standards and enforce them

15 quick answers to the questions you’ve always wanted to ask
