
Real-Time Rendering, Third Edition读后感1000字

Real-Time Rendering, Third Edition读后感1000字

《Real-Time Rendering, Third Edition》是一本由Tomas Akenine-Moller / Eric Hain著作,A K Peters/CRC Press出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 102.95,页数:1045,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Real-Time Rendering, Third Edition》读后感(一):书评


《Real-Time Rendering, Third Edition》读后感(二):全是理论,很枯燥


《Real-Time Rendering, Third Edition》读后感(三):词典大全类书籍


《Real-Time Rendering, Third Edition》读后感(四):挺不错的入门书籍





《Real-Time Rendering, Third Edition》读后感(五):327-Real time rendering-Tomas Moller-Computer Science-1999

327-Real time rendering-Tomas Moller-Computer Science-1999



《Real time rendering》,首版于1999年。它讨论了游戏和其他应用程序中使用的实时渲染方法。它还讨论了交互计算机图形学领域的理论框架。

Tomas Moller,曾就读于Lund University,Chalmers University of Technology,UC Berkeley。他主要研究计算机图形学和图像处理。代表作:《Real time rendering》等。

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

2 The Graphics Rendering Pipeline

3 The Graphics Processing Unit

4 Transforms

5 Shading Basics

6 Texturing

7 Shadows

8 Light and Color

9 Physically Based Shading

10 Local Illumination

“Real-time rendering is concerned with rapidly making images on the computer. It

is the most highly interactive area of computer graphics. An image appears on the

screen, the viewer acts or reacts, and this feedback affects what is generated next.

This cycle of reaction and rendering happens at a rapid enough rate that the viewer

does not see individual images, but rather becomes immersed in a dynamic process.”


“Movie projectors show frames at 24 FPS but use a shutter system to display each

frame two to four times to avoid flicker. This refresh rate is separate from the display

rate and is expressed in Hertz (Hz). A shutter that illuminates the frame three times

has a 72 Hz refresh rate. LCD monitors also separate refresh rate from display rate.”


“First, we shall explain the mathematical notation used in this book. For a more

thorough explanation of many of the terms used in this section, and throughout this

book, get our linear algebra appendix at realtimerendering.com.”


“The basic rendering primitives (also called drawing primitives) used by almost all

graphics hardware are points, lines, and triangles.”


“Following well-established computer graphics usage, in this book terms derived from

“shading,” “shader,” and related words are used to refer to two distinct but related

concepts: computer-generated visual appearance (e.g., “shading model,” “shading

equation,” “toon shading”) or a programmable component of a rendering system

(e.g., “vertex shader,” “shading language”).”


“The main function of the

pipeline is to generate, or render, a two-dimensional image, given a virtual camera,

three-dimensional objects, light sources, and more. The rendering pipeline is thus the

underlying tool for real-time rendering.”


“In the physical world, the pipeline concept manifests itself in many different forms,

from factory assembly lines to fast food kitchens. It also applies to graphics rendering.

A pipeline consists of several stages, each of which performs part of a larger task.”


“The rendering speed may be expressed in frames per second (FPS), that is, the

number of images rendered per second. It can also be represented using Hertz (Hz),

which is simply the notation for 1/seconds, i.e., the frequency of update.”


“The developer has full control over what happens in the application stage, since it

usually executes on the CPU. Therefore, the developer can entirely determine the

implementation and can later modify it in order to improve performance.”


“The basic construction of the rendering pipeline, consisting of four stages: application,

geometry processing, rasterization, and pixel processing. Each of these stages may be a pipeline in


