


《深红准则-我的斯坦福》是一本由王文思 / 周晓路 / 王京著作,外语教学与研究出版社出版的212图书,本书定价:19.90元,页数:2007-4,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。





另外,书感觉没有上一本been there,done that精彩,也相对较薄,不过KW的语言一如既往的活泼生动,都是在图书馆借的,都有想再自己买一本好好品品的冲动。

《深红准则-我的斯坦福》读后感(三):face it together

When I found the lines that refers to her mother`s death, I was shocked deeply by the words she used. I almost can`t find the huge sad emotion literally. But I can feel it out of the words. Her mother was a smart lady that what she said made her light. She said it was knowing our own worth that made us extraordinary.(p62) I always surprised at the feedback of her love. Lily would prepare birthday gifts----makeshift bird feeder, concrete handprint, personal coupons and so on. when she was in the hospital, Lily told her mom what she had to meet in school on the phone. Her mother gave her great encourages and understand deeply. She comforted “it`s likes swimming. You don`t know your skill until you let go of your fear. ”(p66) I was moved by the plain words between a patient and her daughter. In my life, I was teached that report only the good but not the bad especially to my families. Obviously, it will cut the connection among families. It is the culture that make the different. I tend to their way of solving matters. It is like “face it, and talk about it”. The way I have been grown makes me feel a little hard to “feel” my parents. I do lost some experience, it makes me envy the author.
