
A Separate Peace经典读后感有感

A Separate Peace经典读后感有感

《A Separate Peace》是一本由John Knowles著作,Scribner出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:100.0,页数:204,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《A Separate Peace》读后感(一):另一個和平



《A Separate Peace》读后感(二):青少年的脆弱友谊


有人不解为什么Gene会把Finny推下树干,他们有什么不可解的矛盾以至于要置Finny于死地?这么一对佼佼者中的精英人物,一起跳下水,一起夜出戏海,一起创办了一个社团,一起玩ball game,同吃同睡,怎么会心生猜忌和毁灭心理?但是当时战争的阴暗环境无法避免的渗透到了他们的关系中。Finny的自由奔放、体育好、热心阳光、别具一格的大男孩的形象深深地吸引了他的室友Gene,一个生性循规蹈矩,学习好却内心savage的人。但gene无法理解这样一个自然spontaneous的存在:finny可以在战争期间无视学校的规矩却不受到老师的批评,可以轻易的和对他有敌意的人打成一片成为同学环绕的中学,打破了学校的游泳记录后却不想在全校面前重新计时来证明自己的实力,可以自如的说gene是他的最好的朋友。在gene循序渐进的世界观中无法容忍这样的一个人存在,青少年的他意识到如果承认了finny这样一个存在就要放弃自己以前所遵循的regulation,融入finny的无拘无束的世界观中,成为finny的附属物。所以在那个备受战争阴影笼罩的暑假他在对finny完全的obey中产生难以抑制的敌意,最终导致了那一瞬间的野性,将他最好的朋友摔了下去。

后文gene则意识到瘸腿的finny是脆弱的,不是不可高攀的存在,也逐渐发展了自我意识。在之后的寒假学期finny回家养伤,gene回归了他自己的世界,不参加体育运动,天天守纪的学习,还想参军,直到finny回来打破了他的世界。gene因为愧疚成了finny的拐杖,又成了finny的附属物:他因为相信finny说的战争只是大人想出来的一个骗人把戏而放弃了参军,因为finny要gene替他参加Olympics而天天早起晨练。直到在gene看到leper成为一个psycho之后认识到战争的残酷,finny为他们构想的那个separate peace——只有运动的竞争的世界崩塌了,gene和finny都脱离了这个理想的separate peace。随之对gene的trial,结果finny发现了是gene撒谎并背叛了他,finny只能相信最好的朋友gene,如果接受finny的背叛则会导致finny自己无法相信其他的一切人,他自己世界观的崩塌,想逃离这个现实的finny在楼道上摔下并被送往医务室。直到第二天gene送来换洗衣物,finny哭着问gene那是不是blind impulse并且原谅了他,也坦承了自己想要参军,只因为没人收他只能创找出一个战争不存在的世界,gene也第一次完整形成了自我意识,否认了finny,说出了finny不适合参军的本性,finny将受不了军队的严明秩序和冷酷的特性。Gene回去睡了一觉后得知finny因手术意外而死去了,但Gene在finny的葬礼上没有哭,因为这也是他青春的葬礼,这是他和他自己、假想敌finny战争的结束,之后他参军完成了到adulthood的转变,回归了他有秩序的生活,但也继承了finny不承认无法接受事物的特性,等到数年后回到学校回想这一切,原来高大的老师、树变得矮小,自己变得高大,世事无奈变迁,最终接受并原谅了自己,达到最终的separate peace。


《A Separate Peace》读后感(三):When peace is raped······

"A separate Peace" is an illusion and irony. The truth is, the posion of the craze for war and hatred has encroached among everywhere, its venom having long winded from the battlefied into the hearts of adolescent boys living in Devon, a private New England school far away from the screaming gunshots and powders. However, even this idyllic peaceful school has been haunted: senior students are drafted, military troops start moving in, newspaper and radios are rampant with stories of the frontline. Animosity, opposition, lose or win, jealousy, the strongest survive, mindset of war secretly crawles into young boys' hearts, savage and kills are romanticized, and truth is distorted. Out of envy, out of this false ideal of opposition, Gene shook a limb of the tree and caused the fall and maiming of his best friend Finny, and his perfection. Gene may have momentarily thought he '''wins', but the truth is he got lost, along with many other young lads, in this fantasy of war, and wrongly assumed his best friend as an enemy,

Finny is the best, he is the one you can pour all the positive words on him: young, brave, innocent, vitality and loyalty. That's why his fall (both symbolically and literally) is all the more tragic and heartbreaking.

''All of them, all except Phineas, constructed at infinite cost to themselves these Maginot Lines against this enemy they thought they saw across the frontier, this enemy who never attacked that way—if he ever attacked at all; if he was indeed the enemy.''

Boy, next time when your blood are boiled, and your hands are itchy yearning for the weapon, yearning for the destructive power unleashing against the flesh and bones on the other side, ask yourself: who is your enemy, what's the impulse, what are you exactly fighting for?
