
《The Conquest of Happiness》读后感100字

《The Conquest of Happiness》读后感100字

《The Conquest of Happiness》是一本由Bertrand Russell著作,Liveright Publishing Corporation出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:$13.95,页数:192,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Conquest of Happiness》读后感(一):幸福其实很简单


如果用简明的话来总结书中的大意,我想不过是热爱自己的工作(boredom and excitement, zest, work),用真挚的心去爱人、爱事(affection, family, impersonal interests),知足(competition, effort and resignation),不贪图回报,去除各种狭隘的想法(envy, the sense of sin)。这些不都是我们一直以来看到过的吗?细细想来,自己又做到了几条呢?每每不开心的时候,是不是多少都是因为其中几条又在挑唆自己,让自己的情感失控,不够理智。


《The Conquest of Happiness》读后感(二):External Interests and self-absorption

It’s against my brief that one can attain happiness by just focus his attention and energy on external interests. I believed one has to ask what life is all about, that is, the fundamental meaning of one’s life. It is the meaning of life that gives meaning to what you do everyday.

On the other hand, I do find Russell’s argument make points. Self-absorption, in the extreme form, is the cause of much unhappiness. Those who spend a lot of time on their inner world live in a self-enclosed babble, believing that their happiness or sadness or any emotional fluctuations are the only things that matter in the universe.

Those happy people are busy in their business and therefore do not have the time to dwell upon their private emotions and thoughts.

But I do believe that there is a progressive self-absorption. I may call it introspection or self-reflection. It’s the kind of activity that makes you understand the meaning of your life and what would you do in order to secure this meaning. It clarifies missions, directions, goals. You don’t have to spend a lot of time on this activity, but the time spent is highly productive. It is the source of the energy you need to pursue the external interests. It may take many forms, for example, reading great books, writing (like what I’m doing now), meditating ect.

I think it’s just a matter of degree. Indulgence in self is harmful, proper introspection is, on the contrary, a productive activity.

《The Conquest of Happiness》读后感(三):重讀《征服幸福》(The Conquest of Happiness)

在視野橫跨哲學和數學,著作等身的羅素(Russell, Bertrand)眼裡,這本小書可能是即興之作,然而卻意外地成為最易親近的羅素作品。




羅素列舉了不幸的原因:閱盡世間繁華進而厭世 (Byroonic unhappiness),競爭(Competition),苦悶與興奮交織(Boredom and Excitement),疲勞(Fatigue),嫉妒(Envy),罪惡感(The Sense of Sin),受迫害狂(Persecution Mania),畏懼他人看法(Fear of Public Opinion)。



“Give up trying to write, and, instead, try not to write. Go out into the world; become a pirate, a king in Borneo, a laborer in Soviet Russia; give yourself an existence in which the satisfaction of elementary physical needs will occupy almost all your energies.”




