









老实说,从目录上来看,作者的思路是很清晰的,章节的细分应该也是合理的。单就这一点来讲,应该是很适合初学者对相关问题的熟悉的,可是 可是 可是,翻译真的很烂啊,直观的感受就是好像译者是一个英语母语学过几年汉语就来强翻的水平,充斥着太多不符合汉语语言习惯然后好似百度翻译的神句,看起来非常的缺乏逻辑且絮叨。










第一章 历史渊源

【主题】意在破除欧洲文明具有独特历史优越性的看法。【1】(The purpose of this book is to undermine one of the most powerful beliefs of our time concerning world history and world geography. This belief is the notion that European civilization—“The West”—has had some unique historical advantage, some special quality of race or culture or environment or mind or spirit, which gives this human community a permanent superiority over all other communities, at all times in history and down to the present. p.1.)历史的和地理的(The belief is both historical and geographical. Europeans are seen as the “makers of history.” Europe eternally advances, progresses, modernizes. The rest of the world advances more sluggishly, or stagnates: it is “traditional society.” Therefore, the world has a permanent geographical center and a permanent periphery: an Inside and an Outside. Inside leads, Outside lags. Inside innovates, Outside imitates. p.1. 文化传播论最重要的信条是欧洲自身崛起论或欧洲奇迹,即1492年前欧洲比其他地区先进、进步,因此欧洲现代化的主要构件是欧洲的,殖民主义是传播欧洲文明(现代化)【2】(the economic and social modernization of Europe is fundamentally a result of Europe’s internal qualities, not of interaction with the societies of Africa, Asia, and America after 1492. Therefore: the main building blocks of modernity must be European. Therefore: colonialism cannot have been really important for Europe’s modernization. Therefore: colonialism must mean, for the Africans, Asians, and Americans, not spoliation and cultural destruction but, rather, the receipt-by-diffusion of European civilization: modernization. p.2.)

【历史隧道眼光】把欧洲中心传播论作为思想整体进行批判,并破除欧洲自身崛起论。19世纪中期欧洲的地理和历史教学。【3-4】把世界分为内层和外层,并提出“历史隧道眼光”,也就是只把发生在欧洲时间隧道的事件联系起来,墙外的事件则像岩石一样僵硬、没有时限、没有变化的传统,欧洲以外的世界被无视。【5】(“Why” of course calls for connections among historical events, but only among the events that lie in the European tunnel. Outside its walls everything seems to be rockbound, timeless, changeless tradition. I will call this way of thinking “historical tunnel vision,” or simply “tunnel history.” … The older form of tunnel history simply ignored the non-European world. p.5.)二战后对欧洲以外历史的讨论,但重要问题上说明为什么时仍遵循欧洲中心论,历史进步被看作欧洲的创造向世界各地的传播。【6-7】把欧洲看作历史的永久源头。【8】(historical reasoning still focuses on Greater Europe as the perpetual fountainhead of history. p.7.)注释部分提及西方文明史【54-5】I do not know of any research which tests the following hypotheses: (1) Given that, today, historians are sensitive to the need to avoid Eurocentric bias in the teaching of world history, do some of them simply change the title to “Western” so that Eurocentrism becomes, then, licit? And (2) is it possible that there is a trend away from the teaching of “World” history and toward “Western” (etc.) history and that this trend reflects a reaction (or adjustment) to present-day demands for nonethnocentrism and “fairness ?” p.46.

【欧洲中心传播主义】(1)欧洲中心主义,重要部分不是价值观或偏见意义上的态度问题,而是科学/学术问题,包括了一整套信条,被看作对经验主义现实的说明,是真理,是得到事实支持的命题。【10】(Eurocentrism, therefore, is a very complex thing. We can banish all the value meanings of this word, all the prejudices, and we still have Eurocentrism as a set of empirical beliefs. p.9.)因此,布劳特从两个层面展开工作,意识经验主义层次,二是考察社会背景,即分析文化传播主义思想的性质和历史,并讨论它们如何得到社会认可、流行并占据霸权位置。基于文化。【11】把欧洲中心主义看作殖民者的世界模式。【12】(Eurocentrism is the colonizer’s model of the world in a very literal sense: it is not merely a set of beliefs, a bundle of beliefs. p.10.)(2)文化传播主义,其他地方的文化演进都是由永久性的世界中心传播出去。【14】(That idea, as we saw, postulates one permanent world center for new ideas; cultural evolution everywhere else results, broadly, from the diffusion of new ideas from this permanent center. This is simply the diffusionists’ map on a world scale. p.12-13.)把公然接受内层-外层模式的学者都看作文化传播主义这,认为世界作为整体有永久中心,文化思想变化由这个重心开始,外层的变化是中心传播的结果。【15】My basic argument is this: all scholarship is diffusionist insofar as it axiomatically accepts the Inside-Outside model, the notion that the world as a whole has one permanent center from which culture-changing ideas tend to originate, and a vast periphery that changes as a result (mainly) of diffusion from that single center. p.13. 两条原理:大多数人群不具备发明创造力,少数人群具有创造力并成为永久中心。【16】[Diffusionism is grounded, as we saw, in two axioms: (1) Most human communities are uninventive. (2) A few human communities (or places, or cultures) are inventive and thus remain the permanent centers of culture change, of progress. At the global scale, this gives us a model of a world with a single center—roughly, Greater Europe—and a single periphery; an Inside and an Outside. There are a number of variants of this two-sector model. Sometimes the two sectors are treated as sharply distinct, with a definite boundary between them. p.14.] 起跳基本论点:① 欧洲自然地不断取得进步和现代化;② 欧洲之外(外层)自然地停滞不前,保持传统和落后;③ 欧洲进步的基本原因来自某些智力和精神因素(欧洲价值观);④ 欧洲以外不能取得进步的原因是缺乏这些智力和精神因素;⑤ 欧洲以外地区的进步是由于欧洲的发明创造和进步思想文化扩散传播导致的;⑥ 作为补偿二者之间存在着物质财富的反向传播;⑦ 基于先进和落后,传播到欧洲的思想必然是古老的、野蛮的、邪恶的【16-8】

【殖民者的模式及其基础】布劳特指出,文化传播主义是现代欧洲殖民主义的产物,是殖民者的世界模式。【20】(Diffusionism as I have been discussing it is a product of modern European colonialism. It is the colonizer’s model of the world. p.18.)起源,追溯到16和17世纪欧洲西部,进一步是基督教的概念。【20】经典文化传播主义;现代文化传播理论(现代化【31】)为什么这种脆弱的理论影响巨大?(1)人种论信仰;【34】(2)作为信仰体系的文化传播主义,归结于殖民主义。布劳特希望说民:欧洲的上层阶级依赖殖民主义;欧洲上层阶级在欧洲思想的演变中发挥了巨大的影响,在欧洲的学术研究中发挥了巨大影响;欧洲的上层阶级在形成一个一致信仰体系中存在着永久性的社会利益,这个思想体系将使殖民事业合理化,最重要的是帮助其发展。【47】I am merely asserting that ( 1 ) Europe’s elite depended on colonialism; (2) Europe’s elite was tremendously influential in the evolution of European ideas and more specifically European scholarship; and (3) Europe’s elite held a permanent social interest in the creation and development of a conformal belief system, a body of thought that would rationalize, justify, and, most importantly, assist the colonial enterprise. As that enterprise evolved and changed, so too did the body of ideas constituting diffusionism. p.41. 总结,内层和外层,文化传播主义世界模式,殖民者的模式【48】预期不平等(Diffusionism, in contrast, expects basic inequality between the Inner and the Outer sectors of the world—-and of humanity. The uniformitarian principle is not one of uniformity; it is the principle of human equality. p.42.)

第二章 欧洲奇迹的神话(The Myth of the European Miracle)

“欧洲奇迹”理论。但是否发生过这种奇迹,抑或说有可能1492年之前不存在欧洲文化超过其他文化的可能性?(The historians debate these matters, the questions “why” and “when,” but not the question “whether”—whether a miracle happened at all Or, to be more precise, they do not even consider the possibility that the rise of Europe above other civilizations did not begin until 1492, that it resulted not from any European superiority of mind, culture, or environment, but rather from the riches and spoils obtained in the conquest and colonial exploitation of America and, later, Africa and Asia. p.51.)少数学者阿明、弗兰克、沃勒斯坦等的关注。布劳特希望说明的是欧洲在1492年之前在任何时候都不比非欧洲人优越,不比他们更先进、更现代化、更进步,并希望进一步说明来自殖民地的财富使欧洲崛起并最终占据霸主地位,且欧洲内部的特点不能解释殖民主义的起源。【63】[My task in this chapter and in Chapter 3 (“Before 1492”) is to show that Europeans indeed had no superiority over non-Europeans at any time prior to 1492: they were not more advanced, not more modern, not more progressive. Then in Chapter 4 (“After 1492”) I will show how colonial riches brought about the rise of Europe and led to Europe’s ultimate hegemony over the world, showing also that Europe’s internal characteristics do not explain 1492—do not, that is, explain the origins of colonialism. p.51.] 他的进路并不只是指出事实,首先注重的是对支持欧洲奇迹理论的诸论点的批驳。二战后的现代化形式:种族主义论点被拒绝,关于非西方世界的历史学研究有了迅速发展,以及战后世界接受了“现代化”理论。【65】对现代化的批判。对欧洲奇迹批评的重要著作,包括《欧洲霸权之前》,阿明的著作,伯纳尔的《黑色雅典娜》,萨义德的《东方主义》等。【71-2】对欧洲中心论的辩护,包括部分马克思主义者认为资本主义由欧洲发明而没有外来绑住,《欧洲奇迹》的作者同样重复欧洲早期成熟,欧洲以外地区落后且缺乏理性的观点,以及韦伯主义欧洲素质的探索,包括迈克尔·曼和约翰·霍尔。【72】神话,“关于欧洲奇迹的神话是这样一种学说,它认为欧洲的崛起基本上是由于来自欧洲内部的历史动力;认为欧洲的发展水平或者发展速度,或者二者兼而有之,早在1492年现代时代的黎明之前就已经超过了其他文明;1492年欧洲的现代化基本上是由于这些老的内在的动力作用的结果,而不是由于欧洲以外的地区流入的财富或者发明;认为192年以后欧洲以外(殖民地)世界的历史基本上是欧洲文明向外流出的历史。”【72-3】(The myth of the European miracle is the doctrine that the rise of Europe resulted, essentially, from historical forces generated within Europe itself; that Europe’s rise above other civilizations, in terms of level of development or rate of development or both, began before the dawn of the modern era, before 1492; that the post-1492 modernization of Europe came about essentially because of the working out of these older internal forces, not because of the inflowing of wealth and innovations from non-Europe; and that the post-1492 history of the non-European (colonial) world was essentially an outflowing of modernization from Europe. The core of the myth is the set of arguments about ancient and medieval Europe that allow the claim to be made, as truth, that Europe in 1492 was more modernized, or was modernizing more rapidly, than the rest of the world. p.59.)但布劳特认为这一神话是脆弱的。基于宗教信仰,即欧洲优越是上帝造就的结果。【75】(I rather suspect that the great majority of arguments for the superiority of Europeans were finally grounded in a religious faith p.60.)五个因素:生物学因素(种族、人口),韦伯,温和的种族主义者【79】;环境决定论(糟糕的热带非洲;干旱独裁的亚洲,包括亚细亚生产方式、水利社会、东方独裁主义;温和的欧洲,理性的),迈克尔·曼【106-8】技术;社会(国家、教会、阶级、家庭、土地所有、贸易和城市化等)【144以下】

第三章 1492年之前(Before 1492)

布劳特拟论述三个命题:① 1492年前,欧洲取得的走向现代化和资本主义的进展同时也在亚洲的一些地方发生,其基本进程范围广泛;② 1492年后这种半球范围内的体制开始崩溃,因为欧洲人在美洲获得了财富和权利;③ 在美洲以及此后在亚非的殖民积累,使大量财富从这些地区流入欧洲,这是欧洲迅速向资本主义社会转化的最根本力量,同时也是亚洲和非洲原型资本主义开始相对衰落以及此后绝对衰落的原因。【194-5】(Prior to 1492, the progress toward modernization and capitalism which was taking place in parts of Europe was also taking place in parts of Asia and Africa. The basic process was hemispheric in scale.; This hemisphere-wide system began to break apart shortly after 1492, because of the wealth and power acquired by Europeans in America.; The massive flow of wealth into Europe from colonial accumulation in America and later in Asia and Africa was the one basic force that explains the fact that Europe became transformed rapidly into a capitalist society, and the complementary fact that Asian and African protocapital ist centers began to decline first in relative and then in absolute importance. pp.152-3.)这一章考察的命题一。他使用“原型资本主义”,避免对“资本主义”下定义。【209】

第四章 1492年之后(After 1492)


第五章 结论(Conclusion)

本书没有得出真正的结论,而是作为序言,即对一种严重心灵疾病的研究、处方和治疗的序言。【273】(This book, therefore, has no real conclusion. The book itself is an introduction: an introduction to the study, to the diagnosis and treatment, of a serious malady of the mind. p.215.)布劳特越往后写可观之处越少,笔力愈乏力,把书写得虎头蛇尾。
