


《心结》是一部由Ashish Pant执导,萨洛尼·巴特拉 / Nehpal Gautam / 维卡斯·库马尔主演的一部剧情类型的电影,以下这些观后感,希望对大家能有帮助。



《心结》观后感(二):Uljhan观后感及导演Ashish Pant访谈



本片中的演员Saloni Batra就是套路之外的“惊喜”。犹如一块宝石,散发着独一无二的光芒。作品不多,但都是佳作,比如Soni和Taish。

本片印地语片名:Uljhan,查了下是“困惑”的意思。影片的源头其实是印度裔美国导演Ashish Pant小时候的经历。片中无处不在的冲突和矛盾为何能够如针尖般直刺观众内心,或许是因为这些同时也是导演自己内心的困惑。(见后文访谈内容)










以下为IndianWest对导演Ashish Pant访谈。机翻,原文链接:https://www.indiawest.com/entertainment/global/indian-american-filmmaker-ashish-pant-s-the-knot-uljhan-offers-novel-take-on-india-s/article_a3781e58-b81d-11eb-84d4-2b30deb9aea4.html



















2017年,潘特申请了印度国家电影开发公司为南亚电影公司合作制作的最大市场《The Knot》的旅程。该剧本是联合制作市场的18个项目之一,在那里他遇到了制片人卡尔蒂凯亚·纳拉扬·辛格,辛格以制作《坚定的土地》、《安海·戈里·达丹》、《第四方向》和《索尼》而闻名。



转载翻译导演在映后交流群里的Q&As,希望能帮大家更好地理解这部电影。已取得导演同意。渣翻请见谅,欢迎指正。因为我忘了看的时候人名官方怎么翻的了,所以人名就仍保留英文。A代表导演Ashish Pant。可能有剧透。

1. 回应电影里有几种语言:

A: Four different dialects.

In India, and maybe in China too, the dialects reflect class. In India class is steeped into everything… in language, in music… the same song plays through different devices- the maid’s phone, the car’s stereo and then Shirish hums it… but the same song is different version depending on who is listening.



2. 回应是否信神:

A: I believe that there are unexplainable things in life- the mysteries and linkages that are beyond our limited comprehension and perhaps their is a cosmic explanation to those- which is God or just rationalized as coincidence… but I do believe that there are things beyond our ability to comprehend and those are what give us a propulsion to dig further whether through art or science- choose what you want.


3. 关于车上男主人和司机关于轮回因果的讨论:

A:I am glad you found that discussion interesting. Due to belief in karma and reincarnation and rebirth people like Manoj are able to accept their lot in life as a result of perhaps their deeds in the past. But that is changing as we get more connected as a world. Cable tv came to India in early 90s and today people are growing up seeing what everyone else has in the world… so that belief of acceptance is changing… that is why the younger men who break into the house are not willing to wait for cosmic justice. They want justice now. Manoj, the driver is conflicted between the belief he grew up with and the world that he sees now…


4. 回应当今印度社会的阶层问题:

A: Class divisions have actually become deeper… what is interesting is that class is the new caste! So, this again would not be known to non-Indian audience, but Manoj is a Brahmin (given his last name Indians could tell) and as per the ancient caste system the highest caste- higher than Shirish and Geeta who are Kayastha. So this is a new complexity in India- caste conflicts now with class… but it also raises the question about Geeta’s actions- is she helping Manoj and kali because she does not want to be responsible for the death of a Brahmin, particularly given her pregnancy and past miscarriages? These questions persist…

Well these divisions are disappearing in metros but persist in smaller cities and rural towns still…


所以这是印度的新难题——种姓和阶层的矛盾。对于Geeta的行为,我们也就有了另一个疑问:她帮助Manoj 和Kali ,是因为她想不为一个婆罗门的死负上责任吗?尤其考虑到她之前流过产,现在正怀孕。这些问题一直存在...


5. 关于20万卢比(折合人民币约1.7万)的赔偿金额

A: 是的,这点钱不算什么。但是这钱关乎道德的问题。我们的责任止于何处?


A: Hi Everyone, sorry for a delayed response from the other side of the world. Firstly I am truly honored and humbled by your interest in The Knot. A film isn’t complete till it meets its audience because only then it communicates so thank you for the privilege of completing the film. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. The film is far from perfect but it is my sincere effort to speak of certain things that affected me. The film is based on a childhood experience I had. When I was 7 years old my father had an accident with a scooter in Lucknow, my hometown and where this film is shot. I remember within a few minutes our car was surrounded by people who angrily demanded we get out, because they presumed we were wrong and we were so scared of them because we presumed they wanted to hurt us. In a moment it was clear that there was no trust. I was 7 and terrified and I think that image got seared in my mind and motivated me to think of what could have happened with that as a point of departure. Over the years as I lived in the US and went back to my family in india I also started to notice things that I had not earlier. The huge divisions in my country. And how the middle and upper middle class lived with those divisions… and I saw that we built bigger walls, higher gates and out locks on them. It struck me whether we can live in a society with such limited trust and whether ultimately this would seep and infect our closest relationships- like it does Shirish and Geeta. This idea of “borders”became the central image to organize the film. I find the car a very interesting thing in developing countries- it is a metallic bubble that allows the people who have to travel amidst this divided society. And when the door opens drama begins…. This visual motif is the central organizing theme for the film…

Can gates and doors keep this situation or do we need to open them and figure out how we will live together?

大家好,不好意思,我的回复远渡重洋姗姗来迟。首先,大家对《心结》感兴趣,美芹之献,我倍感荣幸。一部电影,只有来到观众面前才算完整,因为只有这时它才能传达、沟通、连结。所以,感谢各位成全这部电影。我由衷地、真心地感谢各位。这部片远算不上完美但它寄寓着我的真心,我希望通过它讲述一些深刻影响我的事情。我七岁的时候,就在勒克瑙,我的家乡,也是这部片的拍摄地点,我父亲和一名摩托车夫(a scooter)发生了车祸。我记得几分钟之内我们的车就被一群愤怒的人围住了,要求我们下车,因为他们推定责任在我们,而我们吓得要死,因为我们推定他们要伤人。当时显然双方之间没有什么信任可言。当时我7岁,我很害怕,我想那张照片烙在了我的脑海里,促使我去想,如果把(那样的车祸)作为出发点会发生什么(故事)。这些年来我住在美国,后来又回到我在印度的家,就开始注意到一些过去忽视的东西。社会存在着巨大的鸿沟,中上阶层在这样的鸿沟之中生活。我看到我们修起了更高的外墙和大门把他们挡在外面。我突然想到,我们能否真的生活在一个如此缺乏信任的社会里,这种信任的缺失是否会最终渗透和感染我们最亲密的关系——就像Shirish和Geeta那样。这种“边界”的观念成为组织影片的中心意象。我觉得汽车在发展中国家是非常有趣的东西——它是一个金属泡沫,允许人们躲在其中穿行这个分裂的社会。当车门打开时,悲剧就开始了…这个视觉主题是电影的中心组织主题…


7. 关于电影后期的节奏变化:

A: It evolved, I wanted the daily lives of the characters to make us understand their point of views… so we observe them in their daily lives but the small decisions that they make are like dominoes that are slowly put up but when they fall they tumble… I hope the feeling was that of a dam bursting…


8. 回应电影是否用女主的主跟随视角:

A: Yes the moral center of the film is the woman- tho’ she isn’t ideal… she is struggling with her upbringing as a higher class woman, so she lectures her maid… doesn’t like small things like the driver listening to music in the car or eating in her kitchen… but somewhere inside this woman is concerned about the kind of world she wants to bring her child into. I did purposely restrict the audience perspective to the couple. There is only one scene in the film in which we are not with one of them… I wanted the audience to be in the shoes of the upper middle class couple and then leave them asking what would they have done… also I grew up in the middle class in India and middle class in every country is so important in the way country develops since they have the biggest vote and they have an extraordinary impact of concept of social justice in the country. I am interested in talking to the middle class about small decisions we make daily and there bug impact in the society. For instance everyone in the story acts as they were expected to… justified from their point of view but still such a terrible outcome happens… why?


A: The film in another way is about Geeta becoming a mother, just not the way she thought… at the opening of the film Geeta lives in a protective cage… wonder why she has had miscarriages… is she really ready to be a mother…. We ensured that there were no colors of life in the first half of film- no red, yellow, green… when she opens the door to Manoj and munni she begins to open.. we see plants enter the house, windows open, sunlight enters… Geeta opens up… she slowly becomes a mother… because class structure is about closing down, becoming a mother is about opening up…. They are opposite of each other.



9. 回应电影画面过暗: A: I hope there is detail but yea there is a feeling of disquiet and claustrophobia I wanted to create which is reflective of the closed up life the couple is living.


10: 回应难得印度电影里没有歌舞:

A: But lucknow is a very cultural place in India and we do have three type of folk songs in the film. First the song that is the maid’s ringtone, it is the same song that the fisherman sings in the opening, it is also the same song that Manoj listens to in the car… then there is the devotional song the ladies in red sing outside the temple, then final a song type called quwali that the couple go to listen to in the auditorium. These three forms of songs are very typical to our city/ region.

但勒克瑙是印度文化氛围非常浓厚的地方,这部片子里确实有三种不同的民歌。第一种是女仆的手机彩铃,和影片开头那个渔夫唱的是同一首,和Manoj在车上放的也是同一首;其次是穿红衣服的女人们在寺庙外唱的礼赞歌(devotional song);最后是一首叫曲瓦利(quwali)的歌,是主角夫妇去礼堂听的那首。这三种形式的歌曲在我们的城市/地区非常典型。

11. 回应孩子的戏份是否蕴含着导演对国家未来的判定与期许:

A: Yes! And it is the story of Geeta becoming a mother, just not the way she thought… but yes what hangs in balance is the future… what kind of world do we want the kids to grow up in?


12. 回应电影的价值观:

A: I want to ask- everyone does what is justified… yet we end up with gross injustice..: why? Even Shirish’s mistrust of Manoj is based on the fact that in his daily life he deals with corruption and a rough world… even he is justified in assuming Manoj is trying to fleece them… so everyone is justified and yet we end up in a place where there is no justice- how? And why?


13. 关于片名:

A: Uljhan the Indian title has several meanings and I struggled to find an English translation- in hindi uljhan means - a tricky situation with no easy solution, it meant existential anxiety, it means a feeling in the pit of our stomach, it means entanglement… many things all apply to this situation… and yet the knot is all I could find for English and then Sun is the inventor of The Knot of Heart- so credit to him for that.


