



●我向你保证,我绝对不会离开你,我从来都不知道,原来我也有一天,会心甘情愿被承诺所束缚 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●I used to think the worst feeling in the world was losing someone you love, but I was wrong. The worst feeling is the moment that you realize you've lost yourself.
我一直认为世界上最悲伤的是失去你深爱的人,但我错了。世界上最悲伤的是你意识到迷失了自我。 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●you are the best thing in my life.
你是我生命中最美好的存在。 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●Anyone who leaves you behind is a fool.
所有抛弃你的人都是傻瓜。 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●If you are willing, I will always love you. Would you like, I will never miss.
你若有意,我将深爱不逾。你若无意,我也绝不牵挂。 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●I fancy you. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are full of light. I enjoy you.我迷上你了。你坚强美丽、活力四射。我喜欢你。 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●根本就没有放下一说,都是骗人的。 ----《吸血鬼日记第6季》

●I can change myself for you, I also can give up the real me for you, just because I love you.But, please you do remember. I'm not Stefan.
我可以为你改变自己,也可以放弃真实的自己,只是因为我爱你,但请你记住,我不是Stefan。 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●The truth is , I've tried to stoping thinking about you. And I can't.
我一直在阻止自己对你的思念。但是我做不到。 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●He's your first love.I intend to be your last.However long it takes.他是你的初恋,而我想做你的最后一个男人,无论等多久— ----《吸血鬼日记》

●每次有人跟我说我做不到一件事,我就要证明他们是错的(Whenever anyone tells me I can't do something, I prove them wrong) ----《吸血鬼日记》

●I think you can either be friends with someone or in love with them.I don't think you can be both.你可以和一个人成为朋友或者和他成为恋人,但两者不可兼得。 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●When you lose somebody, every candle, every paryer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing that you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be.
当你失去一个人,每一支蜡烛,每一段祷告都不能改变这个事实,你仅有的只有忍受那个你在意的人曾在你心里居住的地方变成一个洞 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●The only way to find another is to let go and move on.
找到下一个真爱的唯一方法就是放手,然后向前看。 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●It took me a thousand years and hundreds of betrayals to realize the love,caring ruins you.--我用了上千年的时间,被背叛了无数次才明白,爱和在乎,只会毁了你。 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●It's hard for me to show kindness to people that hate me. I'm not that evolved. 对那些讨厌我的人好,对我来说太难了。我思想境界没那么高。 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●Memories are too important. 记忆弥足珍贵。 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●Trust is the key to any relationship. 两个人交往信任是最重要的 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●If you are willing, I will always love you. Would you like, I will never miss。
你要是愿意,我就永远爱你,你要不愿意,我就永远相思。 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●And anybody capable of love is capable of being saved.任何一个能爱的人都可以得到拯救。 ----L.J.史密斯《吸血鬼日记》

●I will start fresh,be some one new. 我要重新开始,做不一样的自己。 ----《吸血鬼日记》

●That is in the end we're left infintely and utterly alone.最终,我们会剩下无穷无际的孤独! ----《吸血鬼日记》

●Perhaps one day,you will show up at my door,and let me show you what the world has to offer.也许有一天,你会出现在我家门口,让我带你去看这世界的缤彩纷呈。 ----《The Vampire Diaries》

●Life is too cruel. If we cease to believe in love, why would we want to live? 生活太残酷了,如果我们不相信爱.还能为什么而活呢? ----《吸血鬼日记》

●I want you to know, that I will always be here for you, you can come to me about anything.我要你知道,我会一直在你身边,你有任何事都可以来找我. ----《吸血鬼日记》
