
Twenties Girl经典读后感有感

Twenties Girl经典读后感有感

《Twenties Girl》是一本由Sophie Kinsella著作,The Dial Press出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 26.00,页数:448,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Twenties Girl》读后感(一):没想到Sophie会写灵异小说

看完Sophie其他2本书后,终于可以拿出白色封皮的这本看了,看封面很喜欢觉得洋气,睡前翻开看到序: "You should write a ghost story one day",傻了,我最怕灵异的东西,真是纠结,没想到她会写这类小说,但是她真的是一个有趣的人,我想她写的也不会是有多吓人吧....

《Twenties Girl》读后感(二):诙谐的小说


喜欢MR.AMERICAN FROWN那样的男人。热爱SADIE的生活态度。骄傲,乐观,爱恨分明。她有享受生活,懂得放弃的优点。小说还让我接触了CHARLESTON DANCE。再次之前我对此一无所知,YOUTUBE了一下,那种舞蹈那种音乐和节奏,别有风情。关于20TH。我们了解太少。KINSELLA让人受益良多。

《Twenties Girl》读后感(三):找到了有声书, 不错

From Internet:

Book description:

Lara has always had an overactive imagination. Now she wonders if she is losing her mind. Normal twenty-something girls just don't get visited by ghosts! But inexplicably, the spirit of Lara's great aunt Sadie - in the form of a bold, demanding Charleston-dancing girl - has appeared to make one last request: Lara must track down a missing necklace Sadie simply can't rest without. Lara's got enough problems ofher own. Her start-up company is floundering, her best friend and business partner has run off to Goa, and she's just been dumped by the love of her life. But as Lara spends time with Sadie, life becomes more glamorous and their treasure hunt turns into something intriguing and romantic. Could Sadie's ghost be the answer to Lara's problems and can two girls from different times end up learning something special from each other?

Review: Sophie Kinsella's 'Twenties Girl' is a rip-roaring good time

July 23, 2009


The Canadian Press, 2009

In "Twenties Girl," chick-lit queen Sophie Kinsella introduces readers to Lara Lington, a 27-year-old Brit who sees something no one else can see: a ghost.

Lara's great-aunt Sadie shows up at her own funeral- as a young woman in her prime, from the 1920s, with one last request. Sadie needs to find a missing necklace, and she wants Lara's help.

The plot is far-fetched, but "Twenties Girl" isn't all detective work. The story also follows Sadie and Lara - who have great chemistry on the page - as they relate as women from differenteras. This is the best part of the novel.

Although they bicker back and forth, Sadie and Lara also perform tender acts of love and generosity toward one other.

There's a laugh-out-loud scene where Sadie makes Lara go on a date with a man she fancies so that she can experience it vicariously. She dresses Lara in full 1920s garb, including a flapper dress, head band with a feather and long, beaded necklaces. Lara begrudgingly agrees to do whatever Sadie says, which includes greeting her date with an enthusiastic "Hello, Daddy-O!" and then getting him to dance in the middle of a crowded bar.

If there's one complaint, it's that Kinsella's main characters tend to be neurotic, self-conscious, down-on-their-luck women who find themselves in absurd situations (like being able to see a ghost). It would be nice to see Kinsella, author of the popular "Shopaholic" series, step out of her comfort zone and write a character who is completely different, with a unique voice.

"Twenties Girl" is a light, fun read. With the right cast, it could even be a fun movie.
