
A Modest Proposal读后感摘抄

A Modest Proposal读后感摘抄

《A Modest Proposal》是一本由Jonathan Swift著作,Book Jungle出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 8.45,页数:48,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《A Modest Proposal》读后感(一):Jonathan Swift

Jonathan Swift 22岁的时候给人当了十年私人秘书,期间读了很多书,并发觉自己写讽刺散文写的不错,然后就开始了讽刺生涯。1724年,那时候一直压迫荷兰的英国想要把新铸币放到爱尔兰,而这会让爱尔兰本就破败的货币体系更加垮。Swift就用笔名Dapier写数部文章 “The Drapier’s Letters”号召爱尔兰人不要接受这些货币。后来英国想花几百榜让爱尔兰说出谁写了这文章,没人揭发。现在,Swift仍然被认为是爱尔兰的英雄呢。 题外话,上英美文学选读的课了解过一点Swift的作品。这本把穷苦潦倒的人当作牲畜的比喻和Swift写的另一部作品格列夫游记中慧骃国的内容也有些匹配,这个国度里,人是牲畜,而马却像现实人类一样有智慧捏。

《A Modest Proposal》读后感(二):朱门酒肉臭,下一句是什么来着?


在读任何一本书之前, 大家都要去了解作者的生平和写作背景,且平时本就有积累丰富的文学知识,那么阅读起来会更上一层楼。



他在其中的遣词造句,可以说是很modest了。所以对我这种英文水平,有点晦涩,但是查完了字典知道单词意思过后,我一整个就是心知肚明,这哪里是modest,被压迫剥削至此,恨意,无奈,嘲讽三个字我组成一起看,就是大写的fxxk you(我觉得这个真的是swift的心声了(请原谅我的f*word。

提议的内容触目惊心,作为一个文明人,这个社会有很多理论推动我们人类文明发展,但是,人类不要自以为是,搞互相残杀是自取灭亡最快的途径,都不用等到地球毁灭。穷人卖孩子换温饱不是没有发生过的事情,并在很多相当落后的区域和国家是很常见的。 然而吃孩子这个事情,也并不会成为黑天鹅。如果在社会环境恶化到一定程度,有人通过强权,侵略或者屠杀,变态到以杀人为乐,猎人头,吃人肉,拿人来做化学实验。我想任何熟悉历史的人都不能忽略某些已发生的惨痛事实和极度危险的群体阶级民族国家所带来的潜在威胁。




《A Modest Proposal》读后感(三):a shallow comment

Swift expresses democratic ideas in his works. His language is simple, clear and vigorous, sometimes derogatory. There are no ornaments in his writings.

Eg. ①He uses very impolite words like " bastard", " breeder "," dam " to describe underprivileged women and children, actually expresses Swift 's sympathy in depth to them .

②"I grant this food will be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for landords who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to children." He simply but very clearly points out the darkness of the ruling class in that time.

③"Even in a part of the Kingdom so renown for the quickest proficiency in that art." He uses gracious and polite words but actually satirizes the bourgeois in his country. He not only criticizes the evils of English bourgeoisie but those of other bourgeois countries.

④and the use of figures and calculation also shows the " rational" style of those satirists. But in this satire, we can just see his indignation, his condemnation on the ruling class and the landlords, as well as his masterhand in writing satires.

His satire is marked by outward gravity and an apparent earnestness. This makes his satire all the more powerful. His prosaic style is simple and straightforward.

Swift is one of the greatest masters of English prose. He said, "Proper words in proper places, makes the true definition of a style. " He is the supreme example of the age ' s interest in social criticism.
