


《华尔街最后的大亨》是一本由(法)米歇尔•大卫-威尔 / (法)巴特里夏•布瓦耶•德拉图尔著作,浙江文艺出版社出版的平装图书,本书定价:29.00元,页数:166,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。


1. 过度的社会救济对法国这个素有勤劳和精益求精传统的国家构成了严重伤害。加之不分左派右派,政府官员,知识分子和媒体均为意识形态所裹挟,在公众中散布针对资本主义和全球化,甚至对各种形式的竞争和成功的根本性的敌意,这一敌意正是导致怀才之士纷纷移民,并滋生日暮途穷般的阴沉的苦涩感的根源。

2. 我把不自作聪明的人视为聪明人,把会思考但是不会正确思考的人视为蠢人。

3. 大多数人对不幸不是那么反感,不幸让他们心安理得,也许因为不幸是家常便饭,久而久之就难以割舍了。我会以最快的速度让自己摆脱那种状态,因为从中我体会不到任何好处。

4. 二战期间这段经历让我明白了,现代人所苦苦追求的,一个稳固,稳定,井井有条,循序渐进的世界,根本是镜中花月。

5. 法国最大的优点在于什么?我认为在于男女之间的关系,既毕恭毕敬又温情脉脉,尊重而绝无轻视,彼此惺惺相惜,真正的默契。

6. 我觉得在办公室以外的地方谈及自己的工作都是不礼貌的,你稍微表示内心的动摇,别人会觉得你快完蛋了,你从未提及自己的犹豫,又会被看成一个骄傲自满的家伙。

7. 有两条基本规律在生意场上必须遵守。一条是12小时内必须答复,另一条是始终保持在线状态。

8. 成功需要警觉,意志和判断力。具体来讲,就是善于运用恰当的指标来对所面临的新情况进行考量,并当机立断采取行动。

9. 在房地产市场上,10%的利润率相对于价格是便宜的,如果利润率低于百分之五,说明价格已经偏贵,道理只有这么一条,别的不作数,不过一代又一代的人总把它忘记了。

10. 我小的时候,法国33%为农民,现在不足4%,同样,未来只有4%为工人,制造业将有穷国独力承担,这是注定了的。

11. 我对自己的定位,是一个负责任的手艺人,一半是真的谦虚,一半是出于傲气。

12. 领导方式只有两套:威权式和说服式。面对威权,诚惶诚恐者的身上会激起一种本能的反应从而突破极限,自我超越。与此不同,说服式无法调动人的积极性,反而会使人的想法因为受到质疑而感觉陷入了被动。

13. 很多时候,我们再三犹豫,不知道在两套方案中选择哪一套才好。遇到这种情况,就应该把两套同时排除。用我父亲的话说,“人生最重要的事就是决定哪些事我们不做”。

14. 长期在一家企业做事的人,他给企业带来的危险最终可能比利益还大些。

15. 所谓的企业民主我从来就不相信。我也不相信任何一种集体领导能达到多么高的效率。我也不是什么委员会的拥趸,相反,我看重两个人之间的会谈,这种谈话会让自己注意到忽略了什么。

16. 聪明主要是一种消遣之道。聪明有些小用处,比如说出了什么事情,聪明人必其他人先觉察到动静。但是,要追求成功,首先需要的是勇气,甚至是某种程度的厚颜,才有可能迈开步子。某个与我共事的商界人士对我说,没有遗产可以继承的人要致富的话,他得舍得问别人借钱。

17. 有年轻人因为想搞这一行来拜访我,我告诉他们,怎么样做财务分析,看懂业绩报告和编写材料,这些方面要学的东西有很多,但他们和事业的成败一点关系都没有,成功或者失败的奥秘,说起来也是个司空见惯的奥秘,在于一个人是否耀眼。这一行在某种程度上类似于戏剧表演。

18. 充满了热情的年轻人常会成为众人瞩目的焦点,这主要源于他青春的活力,因为耀不耀眼很大一部分要看一个人是否显得精力饱满。

《华尔街最后的大亨》读后感(二):A TASTE FOR HAPPINESS by Michel David-Weill


by Michel David-Weill






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A ruminative memoir of an eclectic life lived happily.

As its title suggests, the recurrent theme of David-Weill’s debut is happiness, which he describes as a mysterious dispensation—more a “gift” than a skill or act of will. He dwells on his eccentric life in a panoramic gathering of remembrances. He was born in France in 1932 and spent part of his childhood burdened by the fear and destruction of World War II. The conflict forced him and his family out of France and eventually led to the death of his beloved brother. The author later became a very successful investment banker and a devoted art collector, splitting his time between Paris and New York City. His love of art permeates the book, and he writes rhapsodically about the enchanting power it has over him; he often digresses at some length on the virtues of Titian, Caravaggio, and Diego Velázquez, among other artistic giants. In general, he presents his account of his life somewhat haphazardly, briskly leaping from reportage to philosophical meditation. He expounds upon a broad range of topics: his love of women, the French understanding of money, his cultural Jewishness and the state of Israel, his once ardent Catholic faith and his loss of it, and his professional life, to name only a small, representative sampling. Surprisingly, although he discusses his boyhood family in considerable detail, he’s less forthcoming about his family as an adult—an unusual omission for a personal memoir driven by the theme of happiness. Also, the memoir tends toward hyperbolic pronouncements (“No one in the world probably has better homes than I do”). That said, it’s often charmingly written and filled with meditative gems: “As far as sex is concerned, it is undoubtedly the greatest, most passionate pleasure in life, partly because you can never really entirely understand the other person.” Although this is a deeply personal account of a confessedly idiosyncratic life, David-Weill’s cultural commentary will make this book a delight for readers who aren’t all that interested in the biographical details.

A thoughtful recollection for philosophically minded readers.


米歇尔·大卫·威尔(Michel David-Weill,1932年11月23日—):华尔街最后的大亨。



米歇尔·大卫·威尔(Michel David-Weill),1932年11月23日出生于法国巴黎,法国投资银行家。米歇尔·大卫·威尔在世界上最杰出的财务咨询和资产管理机构――拉扎德银行最后一任由创始人的后代担任的CEO,在任近25年。


古稀已过的米歇尔·大卫-威尔提笔书写自己的人生——《The Last Tycoons》(译为《最后的大亨》)。他在书中言谈由衷、毫无保留,涉及我们每个人都关注的主题,设置着一个又一个可能令读者诸君拍案而起的“挑衅”。他催人思索,他会让你思绪遄飞。你可以把他的这部回忆录看做是事业成功的指南,也可以从中读到一名男子对他的生活的反思。

Michel David-Weill (born November 23, 1932 in Paris, France) is a French investment banker and former Chairman of New York City based Lazard Frères.

He is the son of Berthe Haardt and Lazard Frères chairman Pierre David-Weill (1900-1975). During the last year of Nazi occupation, at age 11, he had to hide with his mother and younger sister, in a French village called Béduer (Lot, south-western France). After the war was over, he went to live in New York City with his family. He was educated at the Lycée Français de New York and l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Paris. In 1956, he married Hélène Marie Lehideux, with whom he has four children.

By inheriting equity stake, he became the largest stake holder in both Lazard New York and Lazard Paris, while also holding stakes in Lazard London. Following the 1977 retirement of André Meyer, Michel David-Weill became chairman of Lazard - working closely with managing director, Felix Rohatyn, who, like David-Weill, was also made senior partner at Lazard in 1961. Also, by the power provided in clause 4.1 of Lazard partnership agreement, he alone had the power to set compensations and had the right to fire any partners at his discretion.

Under David-Weill's direction, Lazard began to expand its business from traditional M&A advising to areas such as asset management and municipal bond. He also made numerous astute hires, most notable being Steve Rattner. Lazard's profits also jumped from $5 million in the late 70s to $500 million in the late 90s.

David-Weill also re-united the branches of Lazard by combining his stakes in New York and Paris and buyout Pearson for its stake in Lazard London for more than $600 million.

After the retirement of Rohatyn, the firm's most prominent deal maker, however, Lazard under David-Weill's leadership began to take a turn for the worse. Other deal makers such as Ira Harris and Rattner also left the firm.

In order to resurrect his fortune, David-Weill made the fateful choice of hiring Bruce Wasserstein as CEO. Wasserstein, however, later decided to put Lazard up for IPO, against the wish of the family patriarch. For that reason, David-Weill has stated that he regretted ever having hired Wasserstein.[citation needed]

He was honored by the government of France, made a Commander of the Legion of Honor and Commander of L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, that nation's highest cultural honor.

David-Weill is currently a director of Groupe Danone, one of the world's largest food-product companies.
