
The Tourist Gaze (Published in association with Theory, Culture & Society)读后感精选

The Tourist Gaze (Published in association with Theory, Culture & Society)读后感精选

《The Tourist Gaze (Published in association with Theory, Culture & Society)》是一本由Professor John Urry著作,Sage Publications Ltd出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 57.95,页数:184,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Tourist Gaze (Published in association with Theory, Culture & Society)》读后感(一):Review On The Tourist Gaze

It’s really hard to write a review on the whole book when it can’t be treated as something complete or systematic. The thoughts, ideas and theories are like the beads of different colors, sizes and you just can’t put them on the same string. Here, based on my comprehension and the materials about the book, I’ll try to point out some of the limitations of the book.

First, Urry put too much emphasis on the core status of visual experience in travelling. Obviously in many forms of travelling, visual experience is not in the first place, such as skiing, mount climbing and other extreme sports. So the tourist gaze may be better applied to research of nature tourism.

Second, Urry pointed out that differentiation was the key to understanding the phenomena in tourism, which I doubt about. Since McDonaldization and Disneyfication have been the fresh trends in the development of tourism, so-call differentiation will not be the only attraction. The various motivations and behaviors of tourists are more diversified and complex than only to pursue the wonder of nature visually.

Third, which is also fatal I think, although Urry mentioned the tourist gaze is historical and social, when he explained the impact tourism had on destinations he seemed to notice merely the gaze of tourists on culture and residents from destinations, and at the same time, implied the tourist gaze was active and dominant. But the fact is gaze is mutual. With the gradual evolution of destinations and rising population there, the changing power in the subject-object relationship may have an impact on tourists. “local gaze” may be replaced with “mutual gaze”. Urry’s theory then lacks something dynamic and subjective.

Fourth, compared with Foucault’s penetrating analysis, Urry’s work makes me feel left uncompleted. For example, there is a fight for power in the relationship of gazing and being gazed, which Urry failed to make clear. What’s more, according to Foucault, gaze means oppression and production as well, but the related positive cases Urry provided were not enough.

Anyway, The Tourist Gaze is really a worth reading book. It gives me so many fresh ideas that I have to read more other books to digest, which is already a great achievement in this semester. I’m proud I persisted in reading the book.

《The Tourist Gaze (Published in association with Theory, Culture & Society)》读后感(二):i do not know what the author want to say after reading the whole book.

Book Review


Urry started the book with a comparison of tourism and medicine, which I think is improbable, as the gaze of medicine can be based on experiments, while tourist gaze cannot. And this also become the difficulty of tourist gaze. As a result, how to explain tourist gaze is depended on the view of Urry, not on the view of readers or other authors, thus making the book hard to read.

The whole book tries to put emphasis on how to view the tourists’ behaviors and their influences on the development of tourism. Nevertheless, I think Urry fail to make it, as he cannot ignore the social background of tourist gaze. Analyzing the social background is indeed necessary, but Urry uses too many words to introduce the background, thus making the content of the book much more boring than its name.

When reading the book, I find two highlights in it. I will analyze them in the following part. However, in my point of view, there are also two limitations in the book, which I will analyze later in the Review.

Highlights of the Gaze

I will begin with the highlights of the book first. Generally speaking, I do not like the book, which can be felt from the previous part of my Review. However, two arguments put forward by Urry still interest me a lot.

First, in Chapter 4, Urry gives us a view of the service department under tourist gaze. He introduces the importance of servers to us. We may have some further conclusions based on his words that waiters and waitresses are living symbols of the destination, which in fact, have an extremely huge influence on the future behavior of tourists.

The most interesting point he put forward is that in the view of customers, waiters should be responsible for the low speed of dish serving, which however, is more related to the cooks. This will therefore result in the conflict between waiters and cooks. The point makes much sense to me, as it reveals the fact of restaurant industry.

Second, in Chapter 7, Urry talks about the role exchange of viewer and viewee. According to his words, a tourist in Paris is also a part of the scenery of Paris to other tourists. It sounds ridiculous, but after thinking for a while, I find it rather sensible. The argument is really instructional when we are doing some tourism plans. If we can mix the tourist with the scenery in most destinations, the tourism industry is sure to have a milestone development.

In the next part of the Review, I will talk about two main limitations of Tourist Gaze.

Limitations of the Gaze

In the previous part of the Review, I’ve talked about some highlights of the book. However, we should not ignore the limitations of the gaze.

When talking about mass tourism, Urry views it as a fight for tourism resources. He thinks that the prior comer will have a better experience than the later ones. Therefore, Urry does not put much effort on analyzing the post-modernism of mass tourism. In fact, he does not even believe that mass tourism will last to the post-modernism period.

However, Professor Shen Zu-xiang argues that mass tourism is not such a horror. He argues that mass tourism is an opportunity of cultivating the tourism culture of the destination. He views mass tourism a share of culture rather than a fight for resources. Tourists in fact add their thoughts to the culture of destination, so that the later comers will find the culture of destination more fascinating than the prior ones.

Another limitation is that the whole book is written in a mess, out of logic. When talking about post-modernism, Urry may suddenly turn to post-modernism museums, describing their structure, history, etc., which in my view, is not closely related to the title, thus making me confused of what he really want to talk about. Some similar changes of topics can also be found in the other chapters of the book. I just hate that kind of changes.


In the Review, I have listed two highlights and two limitations of Tourist Gaze. As you can see, the Book Review is written in Urry-style, concluding what I have talked about tirelessly, giving a view of what I will talk about all around, and arguing around to support my view. However, I’ve not been adapted to the logic of Urry, so that I am not able to make my Review a mess. Finally, I will give my comment of Tourist Gaze in a sentence.

The book is full of thoughts, but unfortunately lacks logic.

© luc_chiang. All rights reserved.

《The Tourist Gaze (Published in association with Theory, Culture & Society)》读后感(三):旅行的意义?










上学期后半段充分迷失的研究里,有幸碰到了一本以社会学眼光研究旅游而集各方理论大成的书《游客的凝视》the Tourist Gaze。这本书初版自1990年,到2011年已经出到了3.0版本;但可惜,由于主要作者、英国社会学家约翰·尤里在前年逝世,可能不会再有版本更新了。这本书引用了大量跟旅游相关的文献,梳理了其中观点。





游客的凝视,首先是因为被凝视的对象是一种「他者」,是「别处」,是「远方」、「彼岸」,是「异与自己」、「与自己平常所见不同的」。尤里认为旅游的核心来自现代生活的一种基本区分,即将工作和生活分离、甚至对立起来——我自己转译了一下,也就是现代社会中产阶级的出现;换句话说,更多的人开始有闲了。旅游,即是要求见到与自己琐碎的日常生活场景中不同的事物,从工作的沉闷烦心或单调的束缚中抽身出来,短暂地进入另一个世界——哪怕这个世界只是个泡泡,无关于表象还是深刻,人造还是真实 ;或者应该说,需要的也只是一个泡泡。「凝视」(或观看的动作)本身是一个通过文化、社会被学习的行为;我们受到的教育,学到听到的的诗词歌赋,读过的书,看的电影电视,都为我们创造了种种预期,将这些预期与要去的地点挂钩起来。沈从文的边城至少曾经照亮了凤凰(现在听说连墓都很少有人去看了);一部一米阳光火了整个丽江;跟夫人关系不善,或者蜜月旅行,当然是要去巴黎了——作为游客,我们给自己制造预期与幻想,再去寻找印证;我们都是搜集符号、使用符号的专家。










