


《粒子物理导论(翻译版原书第2版)》是一本由[美] 大卫 J. 格里菲斯著作,机械工业出版社出版的平装图书,本书定价:89.00元,页数:353,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。








以下的例子, 取自2021年8月第1版第4次印刷本.

2.2节, 中译本第44页

2.2节, 原书第61页

原文on its side后面是冒号, 紧跟着的应该是这张费曼图. 结果中译本中, 把这张图提到前面去了, 异常离谱地将上下两句合成一句来翻译, how interesting.

本来我想着中译本也算是引入了这本经典的著作了, 应该鼓励, 但与原文有出入之处实在太多. 例如:

- 中译本第18页脚注二, “事实上有两种模型: 狄拉克中微子(注: 译文只有这里加粗), 它区别于其反粒子和马约拉纳中微子, 对它而言


第 25 页


第 6 页:如果这冒犯了你,记住对你来说相比某人去猜测应该把 ℏ 放在哪里才是正确的地方,你就很容易丢掉你不喜欢的 ℏ 。

原文:If this offends you, remember that it is easier for you to ignore an ℏ you don't like than for someone else to conjure one up in just the right place.

第 11 页:普朗克发现可以逃避紫外灾难——拟合实验曲线——如果假设电磁辐射是以小的能量“包”量子化的


第 12 页:虽然光子一开始强迫自己属于一个不被接受物理学家群体,最后却在量子场论中发现一块自然的属地,并给出电磁作用的新概念。

原文:Although the photon initially forced itself on an unreceptive community of physicists, it eventually found a natural place in quantum field theory, and was to offer a whole new perspective on electromagnetic interactions.


第 14 页:狄拉克提出负能态已被无穷多的海电子充满的假设。

原文:Dirac proposed a resolution that made up in brilliance for what it lacked in plausibility: he postulated that the negative-energy states are all filled by an infinite 'sea' of electrons.

第 17 页:整个想法受到略带怀疑的欢迎,1932 年查德威克更换了名字。

原文:The whole idea was greeted with some skepticism, and in 1932 Chadwick preempted the name.


第 17 页:顺便说一下,这不是碰撞的结果;而是与乳胶原子的碰撞导致径迹的抖动,并且碰撞产生不了突然地转动。

That's not the result of a collision, by the way; collisions with atoms in the emulsion account for the dither in the tracks, but they cannot produce an abrupt left turn.

(上面这段是在说下图中的 90° 转弯。)

第 13 页

第 17 页:玻尔在 1924 年前曾直言批评爱因斯坦的光量子,说他无情地指责薛定谔方程,阻碍狄拉克在相对论电子理论上的工作(不正确地告诉他克莱因和戈登已经成功了),反对泡利引进中微子,嘲笑汤川的介子理论,还非难费曼提出的量子电动力学。

原文:It is interesting to note that Bohr was an outspoken critic of Einsteins light quantum (prior to 1924), that he mercilessly denounced Schrödinger's equation, discouraged Dirac's work on the relativistic electron theory (telling him, incorrectly, that Klein and Gordon had already succeeded), opposed Pauli's introduction of the neutrino, ridiculed Yukawa's theory of the meson, and disparaged Feynman's approach to quantum electrodynamics.


第 18 页:目前事实上有两种模型:狄拉克中微子,它区别于其反粒子和马约拉纳中微子,对它而言 ν 和 [ν-bar] 是同一粒子的两个态。

原文:Today, in fact, there are two viable models: Dirac neutrinos, which are distinct from their antiparticles, and Majorana neutrinos, for which ν and [ν-bar] are two states of the same particle.

第 30 页:而夸克和轻子对等的简单想法还有另一个不寻常多余其作者想象的看法。

原文:but the simple idea of a parallel between quarks and leptons is another of those far-fetched speculations that turned out to have more substance than their authors could have imagined.

PS:以上所用版次为 2017 年 3 月第 1 版第 1 次印刷。
