


《Sapiens》是一本由Yuval Noah Harari著作,Harper出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 35.00,页数:464,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。






《Sapiens》读后感(二):Full of inspiring points abt our past

Cognitive Revolution -

Sapiens智人 可以胜出 因为

火 从而能够征服领地 但人长久以来积累的胆怯 所以他们强大着又胆怯着

cooked food, 不需要那么强大的消化系统和冗长的咀嚼时间,从而更多能量去发展大脑

Language 重点是那些能表达并不真实存在的事物的语言 如神灵宗教 抽象概念 所以才可以凝聚更大的群体

远古时代的研究 很难恢复原型 宗教社会结构暴力倾向

45000 yrs ago AU eco system get rearranged after Sapiens arrived

16000 yrs ago America - 从North Serbia to Alaska then to South

Agricutural Revolution was a trap -

To keep more people alive under worse conditions.

Comparing to Foragers, famers lives transferred into population explosion and pampered elites. average gamer work hard but worse diet.

Wheat rice potatoes domesticated Homo sapiens. Take good care of these plants.

industrial Revolution -

liberty is something that ppl invented and exited only in memory . 我们相信某种秩序 并非因它是客观的事实 而因相信他能打造更好的社会 全都是想象出来的。

The three great unifier of humankind - Money Empire & Religion

liberal humanism - individual, socialist humanism - collective, evolutionary humanism (Nazi)

早期的知识体系常常是用Stories构成理论 而现代科学用的则是Mathmatics


工业革命的核心 - 能源转换的革命

As Kingdoms and empires became stronger, they reins统治 in communities and the level of violence decreased (security increase).

From a historical perspective, never before has peace been so prevalent that people could not even imagine war.


Natural selection < Intelligent design

Change the law of life -

Bio-engineering 生物工程,Cyborg-engineering 仿生工程 combine organic and inorganic parts eg a human w bionics hands/ eyeglasses, engineering completely inorganic beings 完全无机的生命.

《Sapiens》读后感(三):A Cow Realizing He's A Cow

On a certain day, two cows were grazing on an English meadow, one cow asked the other: What's your opinion about the mad cow disease? The other cow said: I don't care, I am anyway a helicopter!

Being a mystic, a realized being, is just like this: A cow realizing it's a cow.

Chapter I After a conversation with God, how will people be?

As a child, one thing I realized that I was utterly, absolutely ignorant. And everybody around me seemed to know everything. I had to pay enormous attention towards everything, this attention brought a completely involvement and interaction with everything around me, animate or inanimate.

Then I realized that everyone even didn't know anything, they just had the assumptions and belief systems that they were happy with, either of their own or handed from others.

I slowly became more and more sceptical about everybody and everything, about social structure, political systems, religious beliefs, even scientific theories. Because none of them match with my experience of life.

I exploded into everything. Here I was drenched in a completely of blissfulness, every cell in my body bursting with ecstasy: Everything I believed was me suddenly was not me. I found the body is just an accumulation of food.

What I accumulate can be mine but can never be me. It just is a huge heap of impressions in my mind. A distance arose between me and my body, my mind, the equation of time and space was suddenly not applicable for me.

Past, present and future got mixed up, here is there, there is also here. It was one majestic chaos but utterly beautiful. Existence is not human centric and all human is self-made, all human experience is 100% self-created from within.

Chapter II The seed is planted inside of you

The seed of everything is within you, you want it to be utmost pleasantness. When I realize this, there is a dimensional shift in my life, from staring to sitting down with my eyes closed. I saw the very source of creation, the very maker of this body.

I could rewind my brains completely in 24 hours, changing myself beyond social upbringing, family situations and even genetic qualities in me. I could see I could completely change everything about myself.

In 24 hours, I'm a different person. Another 24 hours, I'm a different person. I was like a conscious schizonphrenic trying out different thing.

This intelligence and competence within the human system is not just thought process, exists in every human being, but unfortunately remains untapped. These technologies for inner well being, methods to engineer your interiority the way you want.

This is in every millimetre of the body, that determines what is me and what is not. The body is just a piece of this planet that I borrowed, but why is this is separate? It is just the boundaries of sensation of the determine.

I realized the boundaries of sensation can either be stretched, expanded, or even made smaller that it's right now. If you throw the boundary of your sensation out in an expanded form, you can experience everybody is yourself. You can stretch further to experience the cosmic scale.

Chapter III You are unlimited

To be loving is not somebody's teaching, to be compassionate is not an idea, to be empathy is not some esoteric principle, this is the way a human being is made. If only he doesn't constipate his consciousness with limited identification with things that he's not.

If you don't identify with anything you accumulated over a period of time, every human being is capable of this. When it comes to external situations, each one of us is different capable. But when it comes to inner, everyone is equal.

No human is better endowed that the other in inner realm. If this inclusiveness enters human life, you can sit here and experience anyone as yourself. You don't need to be taught to be good, to love or to take care, because you have already been.

Caring is natural, it's ingrained within your existence. This inclusiveness definitely touch humanity, my endeavour is to develop methods to let people experience the inclusiveness. Today, we are the first time to address human problems on this planet, of nourishment, health, education, ecology.

Are we going to do this, depends upon how inclusive is our experience of life. You experience the Earth is yourself, if we don't do what we can do, we are a disaster. But what's missing is an all-inclusive consciousness, an all-inclusive experience of life.

If we bring this in the leadership relevant to all.

Chapter IV Connect with the Sun






1.我们拥有更非凡的大脑。哺乳动物重60多公斤,脑大约是 200立方厘米,250万年前,最早的那一批男性和女性大脑是600立方厘米。当代智人大脑 1200-1400立方厘米。人类进化中端的尼安德特人的大脑甚至更大。

2. 另一个人类特质是我们能够直立两条腿站立。这个特质帮助我们在热带雨林中 嬉戏和侦查敌人,空闲的双手可以用于其他目的,如扔石头,发出信号等。我们越会利用我们的双手,我们越容易取得成功,所以我们双手上的神经越来越发达,手指越来越灵活,我们越来越能够用手从事复杂精细的任务。尤其是我们能够开始用双手制造和使用工具。


在200万年前,人类其实是非洲草原上的小小小弟,非常弱小的边缘性动物,天天担惊受怕其他的大型动物会把我们吃掉,基本上不参与大型狩猎游戏,勉强靠着收集收集植物,地里挖挖小昆虫,变态跟踪狂式的跟着小动物,如小老鼠,小兔子什么的,趁着不注意,然后去捕捉,如果嘴馋其他动物的肉,只能等着其他动物吃完了,留下来的腐肉残渣,塞塞牙缝。直到 “当代智人” 出现,我们忽然一跃成为 食物链金字塔的顶端。因为我们的提升,也教训教训了狮子和鲨鱼,让他们不要那么嚣张。由于跳到食物链的顶端太迅速了,没有给整个生物链时间去适应,人类自己也没适应从小小小弟到老大,所以到达顶端后我们比之前那些慢慢爬到顶端的曾经的老大,更变态,残忍和危险,我们现在发动的战争是 致死量大的,极度破坏生态平衡的。(就是小人得志的感觉)


1. 学会用火。可能早在80万年前,人类会偶尔生成火。但是直立人,尼安德特人和当代智人的祖先都已经开始每天用火了。照明,供暖和赶走狮子等动物。但是用火最大的是用在 做饭上,我们可以开始吃那些不能消化的食物,例如麦子,大米和土豆,而且最主要的是火能杀菌,人类能够花更少的时间咀嚼和消化食物。当大猩猩还在一天花五小时咀嚼生的食物,我们一个小时就能吃到更干净的食物。我们牙齿开始退化,直肠开始缩短,营养开始供给老师,大脑更加发育。当其他动物还只能蠢蠢用自己身体,肌肉的强壮,牙齿的锋利,翅膀的大小,我们人类已经开始运用大自然的馈赠,利用大自然的力量。





3.作者超级喜欢用我们可怜中国人作为他的例子,论证我们现在人的生活,其实可能在某些方面没有我们的祖先好,如3000 years ago, a chinese forager might leave camp with her companions at, say 8 in the morning. They'd roam the nearby forests and meadows, gathering mushrooms, digging up edible roots, catching frogs and occasionally running away from tigers. By early afternoon, they were back at the camp to make lunch. That left them plenty of time to gossip, tell stories, play with the children and just hang out. Of course the tigers sometimes, caught them, or a snake bit them, but on the other hand they didn't have to deal with automobile accidents and industrial pollution.

4. 但是智人也非常残暴,拖累部队的人是要被放弃的,老幼病残,要么杀掉,要么就丢弃在路途中,智人也非常破坏大自然,乱砍乱伐,焚烧森林。

5. 人类天生想要生活更加容易些, 偶然间发现了一些植物可以种植,然后可以长出来,比如发现了麦子,我们慢慢进入到农业文明,可是农业文明是最大的骗局,因为天灾人祸,农业生产率一直都低下,为了增加的人口,智人付出更多的努力,可是更多的努力却没有得到同样的回报,但是因为自己的父母,父母的父母都是这样生活的,大家也都忘记了自己的祖先曾经是 徒手抓动物的游牧民族,那个时代的辉煌。

6.为了管理人类,我们创造了故事,宗教和一些幻觉 (imagined order)

Christianity:every person has a divinely created soul, and that all souls are equal before god? 作者不赞同这种 人人生而平等,我们生来就不等,因为环境等不同,我们性格大不相同,有些人就是要进化的好些等。作者觉得在美国的《独立宣言》里也别假惺惺的说人生而平等(男人)

--We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men evolved differently, that they are born with certain mutable characteristics, and that among these are life and the pursuit of pleasure."

我们需要这种“imagined order"因为相信故事,文化宗教能够让我们高效的合作,创造更好的社会。所以从出生我们就被灌输很多这些东西。那么统治者是怎么避免让我们觉察出这些东西只存在我们的想象呢?

(1). 构造的幻想 根植于我们现在生活额这个 物质世界中。

西方人坚信的 “个人主义”,他们认为每个人都是一个独自的个体,个人的价值并不取决于其他人怎么看或者怎么想。在我们每个人心中都有一束光,告诉我们什么是我们想要的,我们生命的价值是什么。在当代学校,老师会告诉孩子,如果同学取笑你,那么你应该无视他们,因为只有自己才知道自己价值。我们也可以看到这种个人主义影响着我们的 建筑,我们现在的房子都是每个房间都有门和墙,当门关起来,你就是一个人,有着自己的独立空间,独立思想。

(2). 构造的幻想塑造了我们渴望的。

西方人一直被告诉的,你要跟随自己的本心,当你不开心,朋友都会这样告诉你。还有“people today spend a great deal of money on holidays abroad because they are true believers in the myths of romantic consumerism. Romanticism tells us that in order to make the most of our human potential we must have as many different experiences as we can. We must open ourselves to a wide spectrum of emotions; we must sample various kinds of relationships; we must try different cuisines; we must learn to appreciate different styles of music. One of the best ways to do all that is to break free from our daily routine, leave behind our familiar setting, and go travelling in distant lands, where we can 'experience' the culture, the smells, the taste and the norms of other people...The tourism industry does not sell flight tickets and hotel bedrooms. It sells experiences. Paris is not a city, nor India a country--they are both experiences, the consumption of which is supposed to widen our horizon, fulfil our human potential, and make us happier.... A wealthy man in ancient Egypt would never have dreamed of solving a relationship crisis by taking his wife on holiday to Babylon. Instead, he might have built for her the sumptuous tomb she had always wanted.

(3). 主体间性

这个社会大部分都这样想和做,其他不这样做的很容易被认为是异类。作者说的:there is no way out of the imagined order. When we break down our prison walls and run towards freedom, we are in fact running into the more spacious exercise yard of a bigger prison.6. 如果痛恨某一个人,某一个种族,最好的办法就是人觉得 他们是污染物 (if you want to keep any human group isolated -- women, Jews, Roma, gays, blacks -- the best way to do it is convince everyone that these people are a source of pollution.)

7. 印度的种姓制度(婆罗门,刹帝利,吠舍和首陀罗),是节约人们的精力,你是什么样的种姓的人,你就穿什么样的衣服,吃什么样的食物,做什么样的工作。之前看报道,外国人去印度一般会被认为是 刹帝利)

8.刚好看到了 四大古文明里,唯一消失的文明-- 古巴比伦文明 也就是现在位于小亚细亚半岛上的 伊拉克,古巴比伦最出名的是 空中花园 (the Hanging Garden) 和《汉谟拉比法典》,这里的知识也被《圣经》用来论证 它能够预测未来,是上帝的话。《圣经》旧约39卷,主要用希伯来语描述, 以前以色列人民的生活,是犹太教的经典。在旧约中描述,古巴比伦人高傲自大,奴役 以色列人为奴隶,圣殿 耶路撒冷中 给上帝祭祀用的器皿被 抢夺过来,供给君王响乐,最后被 波斯的王 普鲁士灭掉,普鲁士都没有费很大力气,他们的军队来的时候,巴比伦的王还在享乐饮酒,因为认为 门口的 幼发拉底河是护城河,他们没办法过来,因此城门都没有关。聪明的普鲁士采用引流改道 的办法,直接攻占了古巴比伦。

9. 为什么当初欧洲人会选择黑人作为奴隶去开拓美洲呢?而不是白人或者亚洲人?


(2)非洲已经存在了 黑奴贸易(主要是把奴隶卖到中东地区)

(3)美洲的种植工作都是在 弗吉尼亚,海地,巴西这样的地方,这里疟疾,霍乱盛行,对于这些流行病,非洲人民已经对抗了几代人了,获得了相对群体免疫,但是对于欧洲人是新的疾病很容易就死了。而且黑人的皮肤是深色的,
