
《The Phoenix Project》的读后感大全

《The Phoenix Project》的读后感大全

《The Phoenix Project》是一本由Gene Kim著作,IT Revolution Press出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 29.95,页数:345,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Phoenix Project》读后感(一):小说体讲述IT的浴火重生

对于中层管理者来说,的确是不错的小读本。因为书中描述的事情的确是现实生活中中层管理者遇到的具体问题(比如multi-taskng,unplaned work and Changes)。



《The Phoenix Project》读后感(二):对Devops感兴趣的人都可读一读

《The Phoenix Project》用小说的形式生动讲述了一个传统大公司IT部门革新升级的故事。一开始新上任的IT运维经理Bill就要接手乱成一团的运维部门。积压如山的未完成项目任务和混乱的人事管理,导致运维经理要到处扑火救场,几经波折却发现自己依然焦头烂额、束手无策。公司也因为IT项目出现各种的严重问题甚至导致了生存危机。作为IT人员,我对主角碰到的问题不觉感叹实在太真实了,面对各种危机时仿佛身历其境,压得喘不过气来。


当初接触Devops,只是觉得是一个新潮的概念。但是未曾仔细深入想过为什么有这个职位的诞生。这本书很好地结合了大企业运维遇到的问题,以及Devops是如何解决这些痛点。Agile,Devops, CI/CD, IaC这些新颖的名词的背后都是一套新的方案和工具去解决以前IT领域普遍遇到的问题。所以我们也要不时将目光从流行的工具转移到要解决的问题本身。这样才能找出问题根本原因,选择出真正适合团队的方案。

《The Phoenix Project》读后感(三):靠一个行之有效的 process 取胜,而不是靠有才的 individuals

靠一个行之有效的 process 取胜,而不是靠有才的 individuals The Phoenix Project 10/8/2022

比较快地读完了这本书,就像今年年初读 The Goal 时一样。这两本书的立意相似,文风也相似,是很容易读下去的那种。

我收获了很多具体的 tips and phrases,以及宏观上对于”靠一个行之有效的 process 取胜,而不是靠有才的 individuals 本身“的理解,也就是一个合格的管理层所努力的点。以我自己的例子,我很多时候就会像 Brent,看到什么东西更感兴趣就去做什么,或者被任何 senior 人要求做什么就诚惶诚恐做什么。我个人 productivity 提升的 tools and habits and processes 我自己很自豪,看到 DB 新推出的基于 Teams 的 visual management 其实就是个 Kanban 系统觉得不以为然,我早就在 Github 里的 Projects里用到。但其实这只是自嗨,意义很有限,只有推广到一个 team,让一个组织的齿轮都套在一起顺畅地传动才是真正有意义,有 business impact 的。



He stands up and starts to pace, “I need you to keep all the things that are supposed to be up, well, up. I need someone reliable, who isn’t afraid to tell me bad news. Above all, I need someone I can trust to do the right thing. That integration project had many challenges, but you always kept a cool head. You’ve built a reputation as someone who is dependable, pragmatic, and willing to say what you really think.”

I panic, realizing that Steve somehow used some Jedi mind trick on me. I force myself to stop talking, before I make more dumb promises.

Situations like this only reinforce my deep suspicion of developers: They’re often carelessly breaking things and then disappearing, leaving Operations to clean up the mess.

She says defensively. “We need more process around here and better support from the top, including it process tooling and training. Everyone thinks that the real way to get work done is to just do it. That makes my job nearly impossible.”

My anger dissipates. This is all just corporate theater. I don’t like it but accept it for what it is.

not taking the bait. “I look forward to any suggestions you have to offer, Sarah.”

Unless we can break this cycle, we’ll stay in our terrible downward spiral.

they assumed that we all get paid by the hour and want to talk about doing work instead of actually doing work.

Wes, I need you there, and I need you to help create the solution. Otherwise, you’re part of the problem. Can I count on you?”

Which of these findings are the most important for us to respond to?”

With practiced calm, I say, “Okay, knowing is always better than not knowing. Keep going.”

We are not leaving this room until we’ve created a plan to get there. Understood?”

I open it up for discussion. “So what’s preventing us from getting there?”

“The First Way helps us understand how to create fast flow of work as it moves from Development into it Operations, because that’s what’s between the business and the customer. The Second Way shows us how to shorten and amplify feedback loops, so we can fix quality at the source and avoid rework. And the Third Way shows us how to create a culture that simultaneously fosters experimentation, learning from failure, and understanding that repetition and practice are the prerequisites to mastery.”

I’m dismayed that everyone seems to be using him as their free, personal Geek Squad. At the expense of Phoenix.

“If it were me, I’d try to justify it by saying that it would only take a couple of minutes…” Patty says. “Which could be true, but it’s like death by a thousand cuts.”

Every time that we let Brent fix something that none of us can replicate, Brent gets a little smarter, and the entire system gets dumber. We’ve got to put an end to that.

I’ve heard what I’ve needed to hear.

I resist the urge to reply and add fuel to the fire.

A fellow nco in the Marines once told me that his priorities were the following: provider, parent, spouse, and change agent. In that order.

problems, like dog poop left in the rain, rarely get better just by ignoring them.

I’ve been doing it mostly by instinct.

Being able to take needless work out of the system is more important than being able to put more work into the system.

I don’t want guesswork. I want hypotheses backed up with facts.

we did the first of a series of ongoing blameless postmortems to figure out what really happened and come up with ideas on how to prevent it from happening again.

Finally, I ask bluntly, “Steve, want to tell me what’s on your mind? I’m on top of this situation. What do you need that you aren’t getting right now?”

Recalling my days in the Marines, I finally say, “Permission to speak freely, sir?”

I’m pretty sure we don’t do any sort of analysis of capacity and demand before we accept work.

Which means we’re always scrambling, having to take shortcuts, which means more fragile applications in production. Which means more unplanned work and firefighting in the future. So,

I’m pretty sure we don’t do any sort of analysis of capacity and demand before we accept work. Which means we’re always scrambling, having to take shortcuts, which means more fragile applications in production. Which means more unplanned work and firefighting in the future. So, around and around we go.”

You’ve just described ‘technical debt’ that is not being paid down. It comes from taking shortcuts, which may make sense in the short-term. But like financial debt, the compounding interest costs grow over time. If an organization doesn’t pay down its technical debt, every calorie in the organization can be spent just paying interest, in the form of unplanned work.”

“Let me be clear. I need you to say no! We cannot afford to have this leadership team be order takers. We pay you to think, not just do!”

“every work center is made up of four things: the machine, the man, the method, and the measures.

feel a sudden sense of exhilaration as the pieces fall into place in my head. He’s confirming some of my deeply held intuitions and providing an underpinning theory for why I believe them.

There were still so many uncertainties. But unlike before, our challenges feel within our ability to understand and conquer. Our goals finally seem achievable. I no longer feel like I am always on my heels, with more and more people piling on, trying to push me over.

she has learned that mistakes and entropy are a fact of life. She’s seen the corrosive effects that a culture of fear creates, where mistakes are routinely punished and scapegoats fired. Punishing failure and “shooting the messenger” only cause people to hide their mistakes, and eventually, all desire to innovate is completely extinguished.

I expect leaders to buffer their people from all the political and bureaucratic insanity, not throw them into it.
