
《Zen To Done》的读后感大全

《Zen To Done》的读后感大全

《Zen To Done》是一本由Leo Babauta著作,CreateSpace出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 9.95,页数:114,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《Zen To Done》读后感(一):轻松搞定ztd






《Zen To Done》读后感(二):中文名:《轻松搞定》,感觉读过类似的文章

这本书的作者是《Zen Habits》博客作者,拥有超高人气。其实这本书中内容很少。主要就是介绍了,通过10种微习惯,可以培养优秀的大习惯。





作者总结的 10 种微习惯:

《Zen To Done》读后感(三):ZTD与GTD对比




而ZTD,全称是Zen to Done,老外就喜欢禅来禅去,禅就是极简。ZTD没有像其他书籍,各方面都讲的详细。但是对基本的收集任务,安排任务,行动和检查这方面安排得很好。推荐阅读十二、十三、十五章。用尽可能少的步骤搭建自己极简版的GTD系统,不愧在名字里加了个禅字。



《Zen To Done》读后感(四):ZTD之道,爲面之所向,免器之所累。


而如此應運而生的ZTD,着實解決了逼人如此的難題。時間管理之道,重點就是做事情,任何工具只是輔助,切莫妨礙了自己做事的正道。亦即,做好我們真正要做的,即面之所向,才是真正時間管理之道。另一個最大的收穫便是,做事情時,一定要clear all the distractions.

她的整個步驟也是Collect、Process、Plan、Do、Organize、Review,這是做事情的基本流程。書中提到的Simple Trusted System、Symplify、set Routine、Find your passion,雖不是做事流程,但卻是不可或缺的部分:

1.Simple Trusted System 這讓你嚴格按照計劃來做,沒有例外;用久了之後,自己計劃也能更加合理,同時完全按照計劃做後又可以漸漸提高。

2.Simplify 把重心放在做事情上,簡化工具。而越簡單,做事久越有效。

3.set Routine 要培養的習慣,或者天天都要做的事情,儘量不要放todo list裏,而是單獨設置一個routine。這樣不會讓你被太多的瑣碎干擾,而專注於你的MITs(most important things)。

4.find your passion 雖然有點老生常談,不過也是讓每個人思索自己做事情的終極意義,思尋自己人生的意義。


1.Collect 用最簡單最快捷的方式收集,紙條或手機。

2.Process 按以下幾點delete、delegate、do it right now if it costs less than 2 minutes、do it later if it costs more than 2 minutes、File it、prepare to batch process it、repeat processing regularly。

3.Plan 第一 set BigRocks( 3 MITs will be better) with high priority,and do it early in the morning when you are full of energy 第二 Schedule the task 最後Complete the plan and Review。

4.Do . Choose BIgRocks. Then get zoned and clear all distractions(browser,IM,cellphone etc.) Before you do the task,set a clock. If there are any interruptions just put them into the Inbox. However,if the inerruptions is too urgent,do it right now and back to the task as soon as possible.

5.Organize&Review 整理,總結,思考,改進。兵堅持每天、每週都有review。在以後的計劃中,也要適當的設置得,超出自己能力一點點,這樣自己才能漸漸地進步。

原文: http://www.josephjctang.com/blog/search.html?q=ZTD之道,爲面之所向,免器之所累

《Zen To Done》读后感(五):A book whose value is far beyond its price

I have learned GTD and tried many tools. But most of them are too complicated to implement practically to suit my own needs. Usually the GTD system have many things for me to worry about, such as labels, contexts, projects, and different levels of priority. Adding complexity to the management system sapped my energy that should be used to get real things done, and consequently led to the collapse of my planning. Then, I just abandoned my plans and lived as before, thinking that, well, this system should only be useful to those energetic businessmen who have a bunch of different tasks to deal with each day, not for people like me. “Zen To Done”, which I learned from a blog, offers a most simplified system to avoid this conundrum. This book provides a practical approach to manage tasks, time, and personal goals. The most important points in this book should be a simple and minimalist-taste task management system with specific goals in mind, and emphasis on the importance of setting routines and forming habits in a sane fashion. Sometimes, it is easy for one to get nonplussed by tasks or get lost in finishing tasks by “indulging” his/herself in doing trivial tasks with little value to his/her big goals. With year’s goal, week’s goal and daily MITs (Most Important Tasks) set in planning system in ZTD, one can easily find his/her way. All important tasks should be goal-centered. The author also writes that the ZTD system never forces you to change all your habits just in one night. Changing habits to accommodate to the new system takes energy. Changing too much habits at one time usually leads to giving up of the whole system. Everyone’s energy is limited and should focus on one thing at a time. Focus on fewer habits and after a year, a great deal can be achieved. This point is omitted by other management system and, IMHO, is the most important one in the book. This book offers not only its approaches on how to really “get things done” with stress on “do”, but also give an example and nice tables for readers to get a better sense of what an implementation of the ZTD system is actually like. Reading it is really worth the time.
