
《All Quiet on the Western Front》读后感1000字

《All Quiet on the Western Front》读后感1000字

《All Quiet on the Western Front》是一本由Erich Maria Remarque / 雷马克著作,Ballantine Books出版的paperback图书,本书定价:USD 6.99,页数:304,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《All Quiet on the Western Front》读后感(一):挺二的一本

非常痛苦的在坚持看这本书 40%靠自己想象 生词好多 都懒得查了 但是隐隐还是感觉 这本英译版的还是很好看的 书买了两年了 一直都没有翻过 散发出一种很重的霉味 倒也符合小说中场景 我没有阅读战争小说的经历 这次艰苦的阅读让我对这些东西萌生了不少兴趣

《All Quiet on the Western Front》读后感(二):出路是没有的






这些士兵死了无数次。战场上,理想、人性、激情全都随着幻想的破灭分崩离析。他们旧的自我,那在象牙塔中培养的纤细温柔的性格,在上一代老兵的冷酷欺凌中丧失信仰;在漫天飞舞的炮火(bombardment, shell, barrage...)中炸得血肉模糊;被触不可及的人群和明日世界无情地割裂。他们无处可去。他们活着,如同死去,只有不被铭记的回忆把他们拥入怀中。







《All Quiet on the Western Front》读后感(三):Problems of the teller and the listener

Basically the structure of this novel compared to its film adaptation raises a question of reception. In other words, like the author mentions in the perface, it's not an adventure, but a lost of a generation who faced to war.The gap between the author and the reader is not just different experience, but is how the author tell his own experience after going through war, being in a traumatic situation.

Obviously the novel is not based on chronological order, the storyline are fragmentary, some said it matchs with author's experience. It is reasonable that when author tries to pick up his memory to write a story, all he can do is to write down his flashback in his brain. But for me, author also use another technique. He extends the time in the novel, every spot he writes down, batterfield, chatting with soldiers,etc, he extend the time and accommodate his own thoughts. This is psychological realism. When he faces something horror, he feels that the time goes so slow! So the narrative and experience match with each other. This is why his experience seeks to this kind of narrative.

We need to make sure that the problem in the novel is not two sides of soldiers, but the generation and their normal lives. The key theme is the alienation and isolation of a lost generation. After Paul, the character, goes back home, he doesn't know how to communicate with his friends, family, teachers, he feels like his home disappear, or say, he changes because of war. A generation who are forced to follow the army, farewell to their past, and not ready to fit into the present and future, that is what the novel tries to tell.

The gap in terms of the story, or the trauma of a generation, matchs with the technique of story telling. Experience is what the author actually been through, or maybe not. Did he turn his head away from some sacry scene as well? We can't tell. Compared to the narrative, experience can be catagolued as a part of his thoughts and memory, and telling a war story, is like a continuing part of recovering trauma. The author's experience is natural, and it is the truth, but narrative has a target, has audiences. When the author writes down something, he knows his intention, and this intention distorts what happened.

So that is the gap, how can you tell a true war story? War literature is an abstract of life, a product of art.
