


《理查二世》是一部由鲁伯特·古尔德执导,本·卫肖 / 克蕾曼丝·波西 / 帕特里克·斯图尔特主演的一部剧情 / 历史类型的电影,以下这些观后感,希望对大家能有帮助。








你要这样安慰自己,别去想是国王放逐了你,当做是你放逐了国王,想着那些珍爱的事物,都在未来的路上而不在远去的故土,想象这鸟儿为你奏乐,鲜花是曼妙的美人,你的步履都是愉快的舞蹈,你若把悲哀一笑置之,悲哀便不会伤你太深。 谁能将一支火把握在手中,却想象自己在寒冷的高加索群山上,或是空想着一席饕餮盛宴,就足以充饥亦或是想象盛暑的骄阳就能赤身在腊月的雪地上打滚,想着这些好事,只让人格外感到命运的残酷。 老父亲:All places that the eye of heaven visits Are to a wise man ports and happy havens:Teach thy necessity to reason thus—There is no virtue like necessity-.Think not the king did banish thee,But thou the king....Woe doth the heavier sit,Where it perceives it is but faintly borne:Go, say I sent thee forth to purchase honour,And not the king exiled thee; or supposeDevouring pestilence hangs in our air,And thou art flying to a fresher clime:Look, what thy soul holds dear, imagine it To lie that way thou goest, not whence thou com'st: Suppose the singing birds musicians,The grass whereon thou tread'st the presence strewed,The flowers fair ladies, and thy steps no more.Than a delightful measure or a dance,For gnarling sorrow hath less power to bite.The man that mocks at it and sets it light. 亨利:who can hold a fire in his hand.By thinking on the frosty Caucasus? Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite.By bare imagination of a feast? Or wallow naked in December snow.By thinking on fantastic summer’s heat? O no, the apprehension of the good Gives but the greater feeling to the worse.Fell Sorrow’s tooth doth never rankle more.Than when he bites, but lanceth not the sore. 老公爵强压悲痛,努力给予即将被流放的儿子Bolingbroke勇敢。


Richard II In 1377, Edward III died. His son, the Black Prince, had died the year before, so the English crown passed to Edward's grandson, Richard II. (10岁)

John of Gaunt was the fourth son of Edward III. Like his older brother, the Black Prince, John fought in the Hundred Years' War in France, but he won few victories.摄政

In 1381, John of Gaunt brought in a poll tax, by which everyone paid the same amount, whether they were rich or poor. Riots broke out all over the land. This was the start of a great uprising which became known as the Peasants' Revolt.农民起义

Now the poorest workers saw a chance to win their freedom. In Kent, a craftsman named Wat Tyler began gathering a huge crowd.

When they arrived in London, Tyler's mob ran riot. They set fire to John of Gaunt's palace and killed the Archbishop of Canterbury. While many of King Richard's advisers panicked, the young King Bravely agreed to meet the rebels and listen to their demands. At Smithfield, the 14-year-old King Richard II came face-to-face with Wat Tyler.

The Lord Mayor of London drew his dagger and stabbed Tyler to death. 农民起义失败,但农民地位有所提高。不列颠的生活逐渐从大瘟疫中苏醒。

这部电视电影作为伦敦文化奥运的重点推荐剧目在2012年6月播出向全世界推行。 本剧是《空心冠》的第一集。理查二世(本·卫肖 Ben Whishaw 饰)虽是英格兰国王,但实权被叔父兰开斯特公爵约翰·冈特把持。另一个叔父格洛斯特公爵托马斯也野心勃勃,企图摄政。理查由此而记恨亲政后对他们进行报复。1397年,托马斯被捕后未及受审就暴死在狱中,公爵头衔被废除。理查驱逐了约翰的长子毛勃莱公爵、以及自己的堂弟兰开斯特公爵亨利(罗里·金奈尔 Rory Kinnear 饰),并在1399年约翰去世后没收了兰开斯特家的领地,用没收的钱财充当攻打爱尔兰的军费。亨利以此作为攻打理查的藉口。1399年,在理查远征爱尔兰时举兵拘捕了他,并让国会同意将他废黜,由亨利即位。理查在监牢中囚禁多年,最终被杀害。





老父亲:All places that the eye of heaven visits

Are to a wise man ports and happy havens:Teach thy necessity to reason thus—There is no virtue like necessity-.Think not the king did banish thee,But thou the king....Woe doth the heavier sit,Where it perceives it is but faintly borne:Go, say I sent thee forth to purchase honour,And not the king exiled thee; or supposeDevouring pestilence hangs in our air,And thou art flying to a fresher clime:Look, what thy soul holds dear, imagine it To lie that way thou goest, not whence thou com'st: Suppose the singing birds musicians,The grass whereon thou tread'st the presence strewed,The flowers fair ladies, and thy steps no more.Than a delightful measure or a dance,For gnarling sorrow hath less power to bite.The man that mocks at it and sets it light.

亨利:who can hold a fire in his hand.By thinking on the frosty Caucasus? Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite.By bare imagination of a feast? Or wallow naked in December snow.By thinking on fantastic summer’s heat? O no, the apprehension of the good Gives but the greater feeling to the worse.Fell Sorrow’s tooth doth never rankle more.Than when he bites, but lanceth not the sore.

