
The Great Blue Yonder读后感锦集

The Great Blue Yonder读后感锦集

《The Great Blue Yonder》是一本由Alex Shearer著作,Macmillan Children's Books出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:GBP 5.99,页数:192,特精心收集的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

《The Great Blue Yonder》读后感(一):打的还是温馨牌





《The Great Blue Yonder》读后感(二):Blue is the warmest color












最后Harry又回去了,在冥界有一个叫做the great blue yonder的地方。那里是划过了天际般耀眼的蓝。


《The Great Blue Yonder》读后感(三):关于遗憾,关于珍惜当下





2)电影院里看起来空空如也,但每个位置上都坐着一只ghost with unfinished business.电影院冷或许不是因为空调,而是许许多多的ghost。这个脑洞开得好大。

3)Henry回家这段真的特别容易让我共情,赚足了我的眼泪。用自己的ghostly hand 牵着爸爸的手一起回家。爸爸妈妈和姐姐都非常地悲伤,Henry拥抱他们,他们却无法知道。亲情永远会让我落泪。



1)It’s a wonderful sensation that, you know, the feel of a refreshing breeze on your face. I missed it. Funny how much you take for granted when you’re alive, all

the ordinary, simple things. But I missed it so much. More than I’d ever have thought. In fact, if I’d had to fill in a questionnaire when I was alive, or write an essay called Things I Will Miss The Most When I Am DeadI’d never have put the feel of the wind on my face in there.

2)Mr Diamond lowered his whistle and put it away in his pocket. He’d been spared for another day. He probably didn’t even realize what a narrow escape he’d had. But then no one ever does. Mostly you never do notice your narrow escapes, you only notice it when you’ve been caught.

3)I didn’t look back, as I think it’s best not to look back too much or too often. Looking back can upset you. It doesn’t do to dwell too much on what was and what might have been and what never will be now.

4)The worst that can happen is that you’ll die, and I had. So I might as well look on the bright side now.

5)It’s easy to be sensible for other people, but you can’t always be sensible for yourself.

6)But I knew that whatever these feelings were, I couldn’t give in to them. I had to keep a grip on myself and not go to pieces. Because a ghost isn’t much use to anyone at the best of times, but a ghost who’s cracked up and gone to pieces is no use at all.

7)but still I envied them, even the unhappy ones. It’s true. I did. I even envied them their unhappiness. Because at leastthey were alive. And I wasn’t.

8)It’s all right, Dad, don’t feel you have to come here every day. Once a week will be fine, Dad, honest. Or once a month even. Or just come and see me on my birthday. I won’t mind. That’ll be fine, Dad, really. Or if you want to go off on holiday and can’t get here for a while,I’ll understand. I’d rather you did it that way, Dad, than get upset all the time.

9)by the time your dreams come true, they’re not your dreams any more, and you’re already dreaming of something else.

10)Never let the sun go down on your wrath’, meaning that you should never go to sleep still angry and enemies with someone, especially someone you loved. Because one of you might not wake up in the morning. And then where would you be? Well, I’ll tell you. You’d be stuck with a whole big plateful of unfinished business, just like me.

11)I’m not such a tough person really, but I can be tough when I have to be, when it’s what’s needed. Sometimes you have to be tough like that, you see. Even hurt yourself a little bit, so as not to hurt even more later on.

12)Honestly. We’re all right. Don’t worry. Don’t be sad for us. We’re OK. And don’t be afraid when it’s time to join us, because that’s all right too.
